Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


What happens when…

Here is share that came my way, I believe it drives home the point, of the necessity of taking steps towards a Life time of Wellness.

1. The *STOMACH*
is injured when
you do not have
breakfast in the

2. The *KIDNEYS*
are injured when
you do not even
drink 10 glasses
of water in 24

is injured when
you do not even
sleep until 11
o’clock and do not
wake up to the

4. The *SMALL*
injured when you
eat cold and stale

5. The *LARGE*
injured when you
eat more fried
and spicy food.

6. The *LUNGS* are
injured when you
breathe in smoke
and stay in
environment of

7. The *LIVER* is
injured when you
eat heavy fried
food, junk, and
fast food.

8. The *HEART* is
injured when you
eat your meal with
more salt and

is injured when
you eat sweet
things because
they are tasty and
freely available.

10. The *Eyes* are
injured when you
work in the light
of mobile phone
and computer
screen in the

11. The *Brain* is
injured when you
start thinking

12. The *SOUL* gets
injured when you
don’t have family
and friends to
care and share
with you in life
their love,
sorrow and joy.

*All these body*
*parts are NOT*
*available in the*

So take good
care and keep
your body parts

*Wish You all a*
*very Happy &*
*Healthy Life*


Quintessence of Management

In management its good to rememberTime is borrowed, so has a priceToil is bought so has a priceEffort is expected in a priced dealBut some things are priceless!They can never be bought.

For they are intrinsic in natureThey come from you, no matter the dealTalk of loyalty, initiative & enthusiasmThey are all intrinsically motivated.

No amount of money can keep them consistentTo have value for time, have value for peopleTo have a dedicated effort, respect the people who are dedicated at workTo lead with care and considerationTo be humane in the ways of management.

For to get respect you have to earn it by showing the way.By deeds of kindness and appreciationNo amount of criticism can do what nurturing in appreciation can do.Appreciation is an evolved method of improving productivity.Such is the quintessence of management.Savvy


The ‘Now’ Matters!

This space between  the past and future

It could  be a moment , an instant  or a day..

Simply centering  without  distractions

It’s all in this here and now…

Energy  flows where the attention  is!

In this space of between  and betwixt

Is where there is no time

For it is irrelevant.

And what matters is this Now!



Dancing Stories

A dance speaks much without words.

A look, a stance, a tug, a step

There is energy playing in every move.

And energy speaks without words.

Every dancer creates energy.

Movements convey in the emoting.

The essence of the moves.

For every dance has a story!



Follow your heart

The cells of our body
Are listening
With rapt attention.

Ever ready to alter and adapt
They dance to defy
As much as to align.

Our heart hears the vibrations
Of what we truly are
As it tunes to the rhythm of the being.

Heart beats to it’s own tunes.
In the beating of the heart
Is hidden the truth of living.

Just follow along 
The path of the heart
It knows the way!


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Joy’s of Stretching

Reaching across just a little more
Every extension  is inclusive
To move beyond in space
To explore in a trustful  knowing

A dare into the unknown
To find a new space and be expansive
To forsee the connection with faith
In spaces beyond the limited.

Discover  your truths
Root the self and stretch


Love takes all of you!

Love can happen to any of us

In a heartbeat

But it takes all of you

To sustain the love.

For true love is precious

Love takes effort and care

Love ain’t easy

Love is not a game

To play and forget.

True Love is commitment

Love is consideration

Love is expression

Love is knowing what matters

Love is challenging

Love is showing up

Love is mutual

Love is intuitive

Love is kind

Love is rewarding

Love is responsible

Make time for love.

Live life lovingly!



Space Between The Steps

chords sheet on piano tiles

Photo by Pixabay on

Just like the sounds of music in the spaces between the notes, there is dancing in the spaces between the steps. It is only when we become aware of the value of the spaces between the thoughts that we can truly reflect, revel and live with ease through our lives.
The pinnacle of access to our realization of the creative entities at work would actually be in the silence, in the intentions, in an emotional journey of profound fulfilment. The trick is to find that point of the immense creative surge and be able to nurture it.
Rest and activity go together just as much as night and day… and like the yin and the yang, the pauses in between two breathes, inaction in between the action, brings forth the clarity, purity, and the intensity of that which is evolving.
It’s disheartening that our world has become so hyperactive. Multitasking has become the order of the day, people spend time having dinner in front of televisions, reading is done with music, and very often we have mobile phone calls that cut through a real conversation. So much has there been an abuse of our bodies and mind that we truly have forgotten the importance of non-activity and quietude.
The stillness between your actions or movements are the bridges to our conscious experiences and the greater your awareness the greater the creative potency of the action itself.
Dancing socially de-stresses the body mind and spirit holistically. Taking a momentto value the steps you dance together, valuing the music you are dancing to, appreciating this moment & appreciating the partner you have at this moment will only cultivate the value for oneself and will help in centring oneself deeper in the action with a joyful heart and soul.

When you dance, if you still your thoughts to simply learn to flow with the partner, the atmosphere, the music you will undoubtedly enliven yourself in the process and what you have is a beautiful dance of togetherness bridging the spaces between the steps with a conscious awareness …… And that is when dancing feels like a miracle that’s happening!

photo of a man sitting under the tree

Photo by Samuel Silitonga on

Few more thoughts in the flow….
  • Start the day with a few minutes of silence and observing the breath
  • Take time to pause and watch nature and try to be one with it . .. Maybe a sunrise, a sunset, a beach view watching the waves, the stars in the sky, the moon, the sky, or a rose or any flower or potted plant, or maybe a tree in your garden.
  • Make sure to have moments where you are free of your cellphone, tv, computer, or any electronic appliance.
  • Make a point of actually listening and understanding as others speak and allow the other to speak as much as yourself.
  • Accept every moment in the life you have now and cherish it for what it is…cultivating an attitude of gratitude.


Colour of emotions.

If emotions were tubes of colours
The way we paint every day
The way we live our lives
The way we think and express
Our own experiences in being.
Will be a riot on the canvas.

Envisioning in the seeing…
Flashes of brilliance in bright yellow
Of optimism and cheer
Sporadically surging joy and ecstasy.

Going green in connectedness
Contented lines flowing in trustful acceptance
Or moves markedly hesitant in fear and apprehension.
Arresting artistry of living life in loving kindness

Explosions of reds marking anger
Or in delusions of grandeur in aggression.
In ingenious masterstrokes in fits of rage
Of imagination running wild.

Colour of Purple in projecting pride.
Of passionate perseverance to detail
Or a certain aloofness in respectful reservation.
A sense of ascension and royalty.

Shades of blue in thoughtful flow and serenity
Or organic spaced out zenful zones
Of mindful movements in the making.

Yes there is an emotion in every colour
As colours are but tools of expression
Of the ever changing moods of man
How colorful is the spirit of our soul.

Every colour plays a significant role
Like in the wheel of colours
So are emotions that appear
In the wheel of life.
Each plays it’s part.
All matters to the whole.



Ripples in time

Our thought vibrations create a change, even a single one
Make sure to think well!
Words create waves, even a single word
Make sure it is positive!
Actions create ripples even a single deed
Make sure it’s well intended!

Songs carry resonances afar, even a single tune
Make sure it plays from a loving heart
Whatever you feel, sense and do
Is never only restricted to you.

The vibrations carry on afar
In ways we may not know
It changes the world
In every moment in time
Make sure to feel responsible
You make a difference
Make sure it is a good one!


The Wisdom of Silence

The Silent Retreat

Four monks decided to meditate silently without speaking for two weeks.

They began with enthusiasm and no one said a word the whole day.

By nightfall of the first day, the candle began to flicker and then went out.

The first monk blurted out, “Oh, no! The candle is out.”

The second monk said, “Hey! We are not supposed to speak!”

The third monk said in an irritated voice, “What is this? Why did you two break the silence?”

The fourth monk smiled and said, “Wow! I’m the only one who hasn’t spoken.”


Each monk broke the silence for a different reason, each of which is a common stumbling block in our inner journey: distraction, judgement, anger and pride.

The first monk got distracted by one aspect of his experience (the candle) and forgot what was more important – the practice of witnessing without reacting.

The second monk was more worried about others following the rules than in actually practising himself. He was quick to judge without noticing that he himself was guilty of what he was criticizing.

The third monk let his anger towards the first two monks affect him.
The singular burst of anger ruined the effort of the day.

The fourth monk lost his way because of pride. He was convinced he was superior to the others, proving his ignorance.

Why did the fourth monk speak at all? He could have simply maintained his silence and he would have been successful in his endeavour.
But if he had, chances are, the other three might have continued to argue and not even noticed his silence. Some people are like this.

Their motto is “If I am doing something good, but no one notices, I might as well not be doing it at all.” They believe that the reward is not in the effort, but in the recognition.

There is a beautiful quote, “It is the province of knowledge to speak; it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.”

As we learn to truly listen, witness and observe without impulsively reacting with distraction, judgement, anger and pride, then we understand the true meaning of silence.

The Wisdom of Silence

Silence has the strength of spaces in sublime consciousness…

Silence shows the way of patience

Silence activates our guiding spirit

Silence powers the strength of intuition

Silence moves towards deep contemplation

Silence evolves the spirit of understanding

Silence graces atmosphere with quietude

Silence defends without a word

Silence strengthens the soul.

Silence can be a knowing of the peace within .

Silence is painful in its struggles and valuable in itself. Silence is in utter desperation, deep contemplation with phases of meditative connectedness. Silence is never thoughtless or mindless.

Silence dwells in the spaces between the steps to access whenever. Silence leads and the path appears.

Trust the lessons learned in silence.

Savvy Raj


Knocks of wisdom

When wisdom knocks it is never easy…
When wisdom knocks know its just the beginning
When wisdom knocks be ready to be challenged
When wisdom knocks know you are learning
When wisdom knocks know you are meant to learn
When wisdom knocks be open to understand
When wisdom knocks it opens many doors

When wisdom knocks know be ready to experience the now
When wisdom knocks be ready to dare
When wisdom knocks be ready to acknowledge
When wisdom knocks be ready to respect
When wisdom knocks be ready to witness
When wisdom knocks be ready to accept
When wisdom knocks be ready to gain
When wisdom knocks be ready to let go
When wisdom knocks know the value of balance

When wisdom knocks know your own equanimity
When wisdom knocks be ready to know your self
When wisdom knocks know there is something beyond your self
When wisdom knocks be aware of the greater purpose
When wisdom knocks become willing to understand beyond…

When wisdom knocks know it seeks you
When wisdom knocks know there is always a reason
When wisdom knocks trust yourself
When wisdom knocks keep the faith
When wisdom knocks know you are in the path of awakening.

When wisdom knocks be ready to accept responsibility
When wisdom knocks know you are strengthened in spirit and soul.
When wisdom knocks know you are on your path.
When wisdom knocks know you are blessed
When wisdom knocks know you are enough for you!.

There are many knocks of wisdom…
Each unique in its potential lesson
To learn to see the now in every moment
Every knock of wisdom leaves imprints in the spirit of the soul.
Are you ready?


You will find your way…

Your abilities have a way of appearing
In bringing forth your inner purpose.
Even if you haven’t utilized them yet,
They will be visible to others at some point or the other.

If you ever feel you don’t have it in you,
For whatever reason, to pursue your gifts and talents,
Keep the faith and use your abilities
To bring out the best in others.
Reach out to help others trust themselves.
Give hope wherever you can.
Immerse yourself in spreading goodwill.
You will find yourself on the path that’s meant for you.

Your unique set of talents are gifts you own.
If you feel you do not know the way
To use them for yourself
Use them to help others in need
And in that you will find your way!



Being You

Our purpose creates us

We are born into it

It matters not how small or big

We are meant to fulfill it.

There is much good that we do without knowing…

And unknowingly lighten the load off another

A simple smile that sends a spark of hope

A warm embrace that spirits up hearts

A share of kindness that passes ones way.

Every little bit helps make a difference to this world.

Lets care to keep being all that we are.

And do the best we can.

Because we truly can!



Gentle is the way 2

Gentleness is not a weakness.
Infact it requires much mustering of strength.
The one who has seen pain enough
Has two paths before him laid

One of revenge and hate for that which he endured
Or a path of understanding that gentleness is the way
Through winds of misfortune and misgivings
The path of the heart leads to awakenings in awareness.

Of feeling the suffering in empathy for fellow beings.
What we endure today may have been endured by someone before
So why not create a path of compassion
Knowing change begins with you.
