Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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Putting things in Perspective

Any time I catch myself complain about life…there is a beautiful line by Abraham Lincoln to put things back in perspective ..

“We can complain that the rose bushes have thorns. Or we can rejoice that thorn bushes have roses.”

Life is in the way you see it!

© Savvy Raj


On Gratefulness

It is always a learning in progress for learning is never ending and is a continuous path in life and living.

Yet it is beautiful to pause & be grateful for the understanding that comes our way.

In the trials & tribulations of being a student & a teacher, life abounds in deep gratitude.



Festival Of Lights

Came across a beautiful satellite picture of India taken on the eve of Diwali the festival of lights.

May the light of love and goodwill

Grace the whole world over

Happy Diwali  to one and all!



Reduce Recycle Reuse

The three R’s – reduce, reuse and recycle – all help to cut down on the amount of waste we throw away. They conserve natural resources, landfill space and energy. Plus, the three R’s save land and money communities must use to dispose of waste in landfills”

Positive change begins with us.

Every living being is making a difference to the environment in every moment. The question is how and in what way can it become sustainable.

With melting ice-caps, the collapse of vegetation and wildlife, and violent surges of hurricanes droughts and frequent wildfires are all concerns for our world.

And there is really not much difference in the apathy that is happening in the name of sustaining the future… only much similarity in the situation of corruption and deceit through politics of governing people whatever the part of the world we are living in.

Sustaining the world is each of our responsibility as we think of ways to nurture the earth and nourish souls.

It is time to take it upon ourselves to make a positive difference from wherever we are.

Reduce reuse and recycle … every tiny effort makes a better world!




Being content…

A realization

Of all that you have

In this now.

Being happy…

An appreciation

Of what you have

In this now.

Being grateful…

An acknowledgement

Of the gifts of grace in and around us.



Sensing the fragrance

Dinner under a lemon tree Capri

I saw this picture and paused…

For it spoke of abundance of being.

Of Sight, sense and smell.

Emoting in the sensing

Evoking in freshness of fragrance

Nature is abundance personified

Rewards aplenty, with fruits to share

The little joys of dining together

Socializing seem like a dream

With the world in its now from here.

Yet the picture paints cheer & hope.

Of giving and living generously.

Happiness is in the sensing

Have a wonderful weekend 😀


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Harmony of Synchrony

Evolving with time

Evolving with time

In the warp and weft of time.

As the clock ticks on its own tune,

The harmony moves in tandem

To the beats of the marching song.

Time and tide waits for none, they say,

But to accept the changes,

Exactly where you are, is to adapt

To the nature of seasonal shifts.

To begin to understand the dots

Is to connect to the bigger picture,

Is to know there is more to every frame.

Time to unravel the ununderstood —

Take the path of the envisioning,

The construction, than destruction;

Choose to decipher the genius plan

And trust the evolving patterns of life and living.

Growth creates changes along with opportunities galore

That can go out of hand, easily.

For in the space of unprecedented growth,

One needs checks and balances

To grow and evolve

Without losing control.

The evolving world is no longer linear

But more viscerally attuned

To a multi-dimensional phase,

To sync in harmony,

Tuning towards an evolutionary pathway.




On Acceptance

The Road to Acceptance has many challenges in the learnings… not often easy, but certainly transforming in one way or the other.

Like there are many aspects to understanding
In acceptance there are many perspectives
Acceptance is not giving up or being in the same place.
To me a practice of acceptance is an ability to respect the now and in turn acknowledge the transient nature of everything.
To accept then is to be able to have a feel or a vision of the situation as it is experienced in the now.

The Paradox of acceptance is being defenseless to yin and yangs of life and living. Yet to envision that acceptance comes from a place of strength, is to be able to understand that we are not one entity but made of many parts that matter to the whole.
So the stance of acceptance is about flow & movements in the stillness , in hope to evolve in time along with the changes.



Power of 5

Power of 5

Sharing my list…

  • Training & Consultancy
  • Walking & Dancing
  • Drawing & Painting
  • Reading & Researching
  • Writing & Practicing Mentoring

Feel free to share your favorite hobbies!




Why search for joy
When you have it all
You have power to create it
It rests with you.
Sense it in your heart
Express it with your smile.

If you ever feel unhappy
If ever you sense worry
If ever your sense of smell
Derails you and you feel lost
In a maze of confusion.

Relax and just put a hand on your heart
Know you have it all within.
For the way of heart is love
It will guide you back to joy!

A gentle reminder
To me and you
To smile from the heart.
And Live life lovingly!



Boomerang Effect

Love boomerangs
It is the very nature of love.
For love generates more love
In the sharing is creating
In the creation is the spreading
Of this heartfelt expansion called love.

Love is meant to flow
For life to be sustained.
Love flows its course
In its own time.
Such is the power of love
Love when channeled
In goodwill transforms the world.

In this love, life is lived
In this love writers write
Dancers dance,  artists  create
Poetry flows, Singers sing
All in the resonance of love.

Love envelopes the whole spirit
Without fear or favor
For love boomerangs
Such is nature of love.
Sweet Love!💙💜💙



The Way Forward

The way forward
Is in our hearts
All we need
Rests within!

“Dare to do what you most love …
the universe paves the way and how.”💙



Pool of Peace

Sharing my artwork here with my musings on Peace.

In the forest of your mind
Wanders many creatures
Of thoughts,
Great and small
Playing the game
Vying for attention
Fighting for Survival
To be heard and to be listened to
To be acted upon and manifest itself.

Your history and future
Dancing a tango with each other
In this present moment
But in-between and betwixt…

There is a space of quiet
Of all pervading calm
Within lies a lake of stillness
Or call it a pool of peace.

A watering hole of wisdom
A centering space of simplicity
As all illusory creations of the mind
Partake in a regeneration.

As the thoughts refresh themselves
The mind collects itself once more
All is Serene and tranquil inches now
Peace pools in and life evolves…


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Breathe in Peace

You have it in you

The choice of what to do

You are your own master

You are capable to choose

What you want to do

You need to own who you are

Your passion, your purpose

Your life, your breath

Then you will breathe in peace

As you begin to own your own breath.



Writing & Reading

Sharing a poignant prose I came across that says much and is very relevant to the state of being in the world we are in.

Happy reading & writing to all my fellow readers and writers.
