Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


 A Matter of Fine Tuning.


Your cells are intuitive and have memory bank of information that is stored both inately and experientially .

How they synthesize and process that information may depend on many factors, especially on how healthy they are and what kind of nutrition they continue to have.

However they are continously in communication with you. Your sense of intuition is a part of their communicative process.So is your gut feeling and even a deja vu.

There is always much listening in to do if you wish to decode these flashes of thoughts and feelings. In fact they are your inbuilt guide and gifts of life. Acknowledge them for what they are.

That familiar feeling of knowing someone or something before even meeting them.

The rush of emotions amidst certain memories may be your intuitive sense of your cellular being getting a higher intensity of messages.

Here it is important to differentiate between fear and intuition… most often fear as a reaction is driven by attachment and led by insecurity, whereas intuition is a calm knowing from an inner voice of guidance and an almost unattached feeling although at times they may overlap in certain situations .

The tense feeling before a certain situation or place person or thing. Can be, you are getting a message across from your survival mechanism .

Your clenched fist or the butterflies in your stomach, the knotted feeling deep within at times, or even a voice screaming from within of lurking danger ahead are all perhaps are a forewarning to be more present in this now that you actually are.

Your intuition sense comes from both the heart and the gut brain. While the gut feeling comes forth to protect you, the heart is expansive in nature for it is known to radiate an aura around you. So no matter how the intuitions come from you can learn to make it work for you as you begin to develop your understanding of it.

The trick is in discernment of what comes from the place of fear and why or from the space of love and why.

A few tips on developing and harnessing your intuition.

1.Acknowledge your sense abilities for they are more powerful than we understand them to be

2.Try an pay attention to the first feeling you get in situations. There may be more to the vibes you get.

3.Work and develop your creative skills it helps to strengthen your intuitive sense of awareness starting with your own breathing patterns.

4 Try to work on being grateful of the gift of life and trust it to be your guide along the way. .

5. Most importantly avoid over thinking simply, be alert and yet receptive as it is always a work in progress.


How much do you value your intuition?

How much do you allow it to manifest itself?

Do you care to nurture it ?

Do you care to listen when your intuitive sense talks to you ?

Or do you choose to ignore it and move on .

Do you recall any instance of how you listened to your intuitive self.

Do share your thoughts…



Care to join the 1% Club?

Hold The Door Open


Mathews, a hotshot sales manager, on a Sunday evening, was in the parking lot of a shopping mall. The parking lot was packed. Cars were crawling with anxious drivers looking for that one vacant slot. Mathews, sharp and aggressive as he was known to be, spotted a vacant space ahead and quickly zoomed in. He could see another car trying to reverse into the same slot, but Mathews was determined to beat the other man to it. And he did! Mathews felt jubilant – as we all sometimes do with life’s little victories. The old man driving the car was disappointed. He looked Mathews in the eye and continued his search for another parking slot.

Two days later, Mathews was preparing for one of the biggest moments of his career. He was close to winning a big contract for his company. And all that was left now was the formal handshake meeting with the client’s CEO. As Mathews walked into the client’s office and saw the CEO, he felt a sudden sense of discomfort. Yes, it was the same man from whom he had snatched the parking slot on Sunday. And you can guess what happened thereafter. Alas! If only Mathews had grown up with the HTDO habit!

So whats HTDO?

It has probably happened to you before. As you walk towards the door of an office, or a hotel, the person walking in front holds the door open for you. Remember how good it made you feel – if only for that moment.

Isn’t it surprising that although we all feel good when someone holds the door open for us, we seldom do the same for other? How come?

It’s probably because we are all preoccupied with ourselves and obsessed with getting ahead. Here, then, is a life-changing lesson they don’t teach you in any B school – ‘Hold The Door Open’.

The world can be divided into two types of people. Those who push open a door, walk through and let it slam behind them. That’s the 99% of the population. And there’s the 1% who hold it open to allow the next person to walk through. Learn to do that, and you too could join the select 1% club. HTDO doesn’t merely make other people feel good. It makes you feel good too. HTDO translates into a behaviour of helping and caring.

Winning in life is less about naked ambition and more about helping other people win.

Someone once said, “It’s nice to be important. But it’s more important to be nice”

Make a beginning. Hold The Door Open.😊👍🏼

I loved reading this inspiring forward so much that I simply wanted to share.

If there is any of you who would like to share their stories of holding the door open pls feel free to do so.


On Focus

Focus is being totally present in this now…

Staying true to this present moment calls for attention and focus, inspite of the arising challenges in life & living.

If you can acknowlege life challenges as they come you will accept most pressures are buildup of anxieties about the future state and remembered failures from the past.

So as you play your game in this present moment, you are in your optimum best as there is no pressure actually.

As you evolve know that life is simply working its best to evolve your consciousness in its optimum way.

Your experiences along the way may be a stepping stone for furthering you on your journey in the evolutionary consciousness.



The Gamechangers

For a manager in today’s world  the gamechanger here is  a set of new perspectives that can help in excellence on the job .

Embrace  technology  to stay updated.
Be efficient to be effective. Do things faster and work smarter.

Work with Integrity and command respect than demand  it.

Listen actively and  respond promptly  without delays.

Manage time well use management tools onder promise and over deliver consistently.

Be professional  in your behavior and approach work with a positive  mindset  no matter how the day pans out

Make yourself  indispensable
Do things others cannot do or won’t do…

Quantify by using  metrics  to analyze or to present your contributions.

Align with your buisness. Understand and work in tandem with the vision and mission of the company.


Compassion Connects

Circles of compassion

Creates connections

Bonding boundlessly

From the heart.

Everything flows from love

Creating synergies in synchrony

Between strangers strengthened

In these compassionate connects.


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Tuning inwards

All you need to include

Is a little space

And time for oneself

In every day

To be in tune

With the inner music

Of ones Souls calling



On Passion & Compassion

Having a passion may help you succeed.

But having compassion will enrich your meaning of success 🙂



On Oneness

Core is the source, in unity of consciousness.

 Life manifests uniquely in all its profoundness.

As every form follows an awakening of its being.

To transcend beyond the self limitations in understanding.

 One look at the stars above and the earth below

 Is all that is needed to know ones place under the sun.

As times flow, the infinitude of the universe is sensed in life & living. 

One reach the acknowledgement that all is in this oneness.



Bliss of the bless

In sensing the tranquillity within
In knowing the sounds of silence
In flowing freely in the moment

Is the song of wonder and awe
Of the beauty in the being …
In the bliss of the bless.



A way

A way appears

Out of nowhere

Somehow when you need it most

Trust the way to deliver

As there is always more meant to be

For hope is here to stay

Look for the good in every way

And you will find it any way.




Keep the Spring in your heart
Then no Winters are too harsh
Or Summers too hot to handle
As Seasons change around you
You sense it all from the hope of your heart.
And hope springs forth eternally…



I see…

I see…
A borderless world
Overflowing abundance
In the kindness of being.
Beyond assumptions
Notions & judgments
In fear and confusion
Over man made division.
The beauty of creation
Survives the human frailties.

The world without borders
Is one of awe and intrigue
Of all pervading consciousness.
Of manifestations beyond compare
Of artistry beyond words
All strewn for us to sense
In the tapestry of life.



Art of Speaking

There is more to speaking than what we simply hear.

And the power of positive speech cannot be underestimated.

Speak as you would like to be spoken to

Speak clearly with confidence & certainty

Speak to convey the message than try to control.

Speak using positively affirming words.

Speak politely and avoid sarcasm.

Speak with empathy and avoid criticism.

While speaking  to children…

A child hears and understands the tone of your voice well.

Keep it balanced as far as possible

Use it well to convey the messsge without yelling.

And most of all

Speak with words that appreciate than admonish.

It makes all the difference.



Survivor tree

Survivors have  a uniqueness

That’s bestowed in the survival

This Hart tree is a Giant Sequoia tree.

In Redwood  Mountain Grove California 

This tree has survived the ravages of fire.

Carrying the scars in silent grace

By shaping herself this way in time.



On Potential

Focus on your strengths

Empower yourself

To find your potential

And be the best version of you!
