Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


From wherever we are

Wherever we may be
In this world, we are busy
We are too busy watching this now
For what might happen or go wrong
In doubt and fear of uncertainty

We perhaps, need a moment
Thàt we can can acknowledge
In awareness of where we are now
We might then, take note of all things.

Things that we can be happy about
Things that are not too bad after all
Things we may actually  be joyful about
And then perhaps we can feel better

From wherever we are
However we are, as we are.
There is much, that we can be
Truly grateful for in this life.



A Matter Of Attitude.

In every moment of time

When you consistently attract & share

The good energies from wherever

You send out feelings of goodwill

You share the grace of hope for the better.

You begin to evolve from where  you are

And help make the  world a little better one way or the other.

All is a matter of attitude.

Your choice, your way.



To each his own way

A Chinese business man was thinking whom to hand over his business out of his 3 sons. He thought of a way to find their talent.
He told his sons he, who sells more combs to the buddhist monastery will be the one who will head his business.
Initially the sons were perplexed how to sell combs to the monks who do not grow hair.
After the specific time given to them, father called his sons to know about their achievements.
First one told I sold 2 combs.
How asked the father.
I told them the comb can be used to scratch their backs. 2 monks bought it.

Well. What about you , father asked the next one.
I sold 10 combs.
How asked the surprised father.
I told the monastery. that the people visit with dishevelled hair because of the strong winds on the way which is a disrespect to lord Buddha. If they keep a mirror & some combs at the entrance it will help people. They agreed & bought 10 combs.
The merchant praised his son .

Third son said I sold 1000 combs. The merchant was in awe.
I went to the head monk n told since they receive a lot of donations, it would be a nice gesture, if they give something like a blessing to the donors.
What can we give asked the head monk.
I showed him the combs with Buddha’s sayings inscribed on it & said since they use comb everyday it will be a reminder of teachings every time they use. . He agreed & ordered for 1000 combs with Buddha’s teachings inscribed.

No need to guess who took over the business from father.

All will think it is impossible to sell combs to the monks.

In life also we may face certain impossible situations . If we become disheartened then it means we have accepted defeat.

The 3 sons showed us 3 different ways of thinking.

First one thought what other way the comb can be used n sold 2.

Second one thought who other than the monks can use the comb n thought of the visitors . He was able to sell 10.

But it was a one time sale n no further sale in these lines will work out.

The third son also thought on same lines like the second, but with a difference. He modified the product as a gift wiith Buddha’s blessings to the donors. With the increase of donors , his sale will also increase.

So never accept defeat or think that coming out of difficult situations is impossible, start thinking differently. Expand ur vision from different angles.
Think to bring some small changes which will bring great results.

No one to buy tomatoes, dumped in garbage.
No price for cabbage. Used as manure in fields
Bananas , radish thrown on the streets .
We read many such news.

The knowledge we have in farming, we don’t have in business. Pickles, chips, jam dried vegetables, so many other ways to make them profitable. Instead of throwing or wasting, think what else use it can be put into. Learn to approach the correct persons. , through co operative farming or combined business.

Learn to change impossible situations to positive opportunities.

With patience , faith, hardwork n vigour if u start working , the impossible situation will become the foundation for a future big success.

Never bow down to initial negativities or accept defeat.

Expand your vision & focus.

Live with hope & positivity.

(Translated from a Tamil forward by my mother Anjana.)


All of You Matters

As an employer, recruiting the right people for the job is extremely crucial for a successful recruitment.

While hiring
Your degrees may not matter that much
As much as…
Your integrity, sense of ownership and dedication at work.
Yes, the employers are seeking all of you, beyond the certifications
Your drive, your ability &  your commitment
Is visible in all that you say & do.

For it truly does not matter where you come from or what you know,
What matters is what you do with what you know.

Build the self to be aware, empathic and emotionally  intelligent beyond your degrees and specialization.

For even if degrees get you the job
It is your ability & adaptability that keeps you there.

Savvy Raj

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Whispers of wisdom

In the din of the moment

Is the quiet reflection

Of thoughts in musings,

Like a whisper in all its subtlety,

Like a soft caress of a breeze,

Like a feeling wafting through.

The soul knows…


Unnoticed, unobserved often

Yet felt by one and all in consensus.

At one point or the other

It is sensed in the being.

For it’s the heart that senses…

Whispers that speak to the soul;

Wherever you are, you know…

Wisdom speaks to the willing listener.



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A blessed state…


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An Illusory Life

I wonder…

Where is the beginning

Of illusion in this illusory world?

In the many facets of life and living

Blending hues and tones

In Connection beyond compare

And yet unsure when asked

Where is the blend & breakpoint

In this ephemeral existence?

We are vulnerable beings

In this so called reality

Trying to understand

This illusory life

To the best of our abilities

To be all we can be!

Yet sublime is the point of saturation

Like the subtlety  of twilight zones

We are left wondering the why, when,what, who & how…

Of the ascent of light and the descents

Like how the morning breaks in.

Showering upon us the light of a new dawn.

Dawn to dusk,dusk to dawn

Creating the Circles of being

Life happens and we goes on…

Keeping the wonder alive!



Soul Speaks…


Power Of Every Dawn

There is something beautiful

In every dawn🙏

Every dawn is full of possibilities

Brimming with hope.

And flowing with potential .

Imagine making the life of someone

A little better because of your action


Waking up everyday to a new dawn…

What can be more fulfilling

Than to know that you have utilized

Your life a little better yesterday.

So go ahead and try

Making a positive difference each day

To a life in some way or the other.

So before you go to sleep at night

Know a new dawn awaits you

To make a move, take a step,

To change attitude,shift perspectives

And leave a message of kindness

To motivate another …

And make it better.

By being a better version of oneself.



A Great Start To A Great day!


The Pendulum Mind

The Pendulum Mind

Are you swinging  back and forth
Into thoughts of past happenings
And of the future, yet to happen
Are you continuously sifting.

In a state of imbalance
Switching  between thoughts
Do you feel out of focus
With your reality in this now.

Then perhaps  you need to rethink
And realign yourself
To be present in this moment
And not lose the now.

Yes the mind shifts without notice
For it is designed to do so
In survival mode to comb and seek
As it searches for possibilities missed.

It creates associations to bridge over the brink
Time to adjust the swinging  pendulum of mind,
To calibrate it to move with time
Than against or before time.

For it needs to be aligned
To tune into the current track at play
To be there in mindfulness 
Of this very moment at hand.



Make a move

Every move has a ripple

Every move is an effect

Everything is interconnected

Everything correlates

Touch a life, plant a seed

Make a positive difference

Create a ripple effect

Across the heart of life and living

Creating impacts for a better tommorow

In every postive move you make.



You are…

You are

All that you believe

All that you want to be

All that you choose to be

All your thoughts and deeds.

All your purpose and passion

All your deepest intentions

Enmeshed in the interconnects.

Of your life and living

As much as in the ebb and flow

Of the river of time.

You are

So much more….



A perspective change

Here is a story share …

Play the battle Drums

A king had many elephants, but one elephant was very powerful, very obedient, sensible and skillful in fighting skills. In many wars, he was sent on the battlefield and he used to return only after getting victory to the king. Therefore, he was the most loved elephant of the king. Time went by and there came a time when the elephant started getting old. Now he was not able to perform as before. Therefore, now the kings did not even send him to the battlefield but still remain a part of his team.

One day the elephant went to the lake to drink water, but his feet got stuck in the mud there and then went on sinking. He tried a lot, but he could not remove himself from the mud. People came to know from the sound of his screams that the elephant was in trouble. The news of the trapping of the elephant also reached the king. All the people, including the king, gathered around the elephant and made various efforts to get him out. But after trying for a long time, there was no way out.

At that time, a old wise retired minister from the kings court was passing by seeing the king and the croud he thought of stopping and seeing what was tha matter. After a quick first inspection and speaking to the king he suggested to the king that the battle drums should be played around the lake. The listeners felt bizarre how the trapped elephant would come out by playing the drums. As soon as the drums of war started ringing, so did the change in the gesture of that troubled elephant.
At first, the elephant slowly stood up and then came out of the mud on his own, shocking everyone.


There was no lack of physical ability in the elephant, only the need to infuse enthusiasm within
To maintain enthusiasm in life, it is necessary that humans maintain purposeful thinking & mindset and do not let despair dominate.

In today’s challenging times we all need to infuse ourselves & people around us with Hope & enthusiasm by playing the battle drums that we will again Celebrate Abundance of good health, Joy & Happiness tommorow.

Stop asking people how is tough times treating them instead share the happy moments and what interesting things are happening around you.

There is lots of good thing happening around.

Make sure the battle drums are played to declare not that a war has started but the victory in the battle of difficult times with the support of awesome people like you around.🙏