Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


God is…

In the pulse of life
In the heartbeat of love
In the bareness of our soul
In the strength of our being

In the silence of prayer
In the vividity of the now
Betwixt and between
Everything and nothingness

Above and Around
Spaces here and beyond
Enveloping Time and timelessness
In the sound of soundlessness

In the question and the answer
In the truth of life and living
In the hope of the being
In you and in me!
God is!


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Shifting perspectives

The truth, in the facades that may appear.
In understanding the real and unreal
The truths and the untruths
And everything in between.

Humanity stands perplexed
At times in the paradoxes of life
Confounded by challenges.
In the throes of confusion.
Sifting through to make sense of it all

Beyond the mirrored existence
Shifting perspectives in the making.
Yet knowing simply all as parts of the same source.

Chk this interesting video on the two sides of life and living .


Moves from the heart!

When the heart is glad, the feet are ready to dance, when the feet dance, the heart is glad!

Dancing is the joy in being awake to the miracle of being alive.

And dancing hearts know it best!



Nature’s Wisdom

Nature is so full of play

Creation speaks much for itself

In myriad patterns of formations

In countless whorls of leaves

An abundance of arresting artistry

Interspersed with wisdom of the creator

To discover in the learning

To understand and appreciate

Undeniable is the creators joy

In the manifestations of colours

Juxtaposed with unbelievable designs

All in such effortless grace

And what to speak of fragility

Of the tender blossoms of life

That emote so much inspirations

All endowed with the creators grace.

Spirals of enigmatic flow

Of magnanimous expressions

As much as the subtlety in self similarity

Leaving imprints of sublime divine.

Fractal patterns of nature

Infinite abundance, infinite energies

Infinite potential, infinite possibilities

Nature speaks the art of creation.



Like a river flows…

Like rivers are meant to flow
For it to meet the sea
Nourishing the earth along the way
Gushing forth with the water of life.

Let us flow through life
Exploring and experiencing
Meandering through many facets of living
Nurturing it with heartfelt love.

For life is like the river
We are meant to flow
And not stagnate and perish
In doubts and insecurities.

Like a river trusts itself in the flow

Merging into oneness eventually

Moving forth constantly in time and space.

Flow in faith like a river flows!



You Can!

Painting & Artwork by Savvy Raj

You Can!

If you only could see the myriad patterns and colors of life you will live to create

If you could believe in the vividity of the moment

If you could only sense the magic that life is meant to be

You will…

Paint your life with joy in the flow!

Unwrap this gift of life lovingly!

Just believe you can.

You can!



On Gratefulness

Gratefulness is a gift of realization of the infinite.
It is an attitude worth cultivating
It is a a breakthrough towards transcendence
It is the ability to change the difficult to bearable.

It is a positive step in the transition
It is a sensing of faith trust and belief
It is a relief from hatred.
It is a pause to allow the hurt to heal.

It is a inner transformation.
It is a breathe in awareness
It is a creator of infinite abundance.
It is a move from the heart.

It is an awareness of potential flow
It is an acceptance of the almighty
It is a conscious awakening of the heart
It is an expression in thankfulness.



Circles of being

Each of us create Circles of being
As our life changes
We create new circles in living
We are constantly recreating
The interpolation of circles
Every circle interconnects
Somewhere somehow.

In these circles of being
Is a sense of community
Creating camaraderie
Creating the ease of flow
Creating confusion and chaos
Of life lived along the edges
Of life lived protected in the core,
Of lives transacted in the transitions
Of lives lost and gained.

Let us know the strength of the circle
Let us respect its flow in the flexibility
We are, but dots in these circles of being
Every dot matters & completes the circle
And can begin a new circle of being.


Check out this amazing idea by a woman using the strength of the circles for providing a basic human need for the homeless.

Inspiring Woman Invents Refugee Tents That Collect Rainwater and Store Solar Energy


Magical spectacular light

Stardust that we are made of
Sparkles from our soul
Sometimes through words or deeds
Emanating from the source codes.

We are mystical manifestations
Flowing waves in the light of consciousness
Sometimes discreet and subtle
Sometimes blatantly conspicuous
And at times moderate and refined

Deeply woven circles of life and living
All illuminating the projections of purpose
Creator has endowed within us.
Born of intentions in the intersections.
We are magical spectaclar light.

Radiant and luminescent spirits
Converging in such an emergence
Our soul speaks without words
Our deeds come together
To make a mark in this circle of life

For life finds a way unto itself
To flow along the rapids
Or wait it out in patience
All for an expression of our souls’ callings.



When life imitates art

Art and the Artist

Can life express without art

Can art have meaning without life

When life meets art

There are endless expansions

One knows not where life begins

And art flows…

Or art begins and life flows…

Creativity enables itself

In a flow of the infinite abundance

And never ending expressions.


Yes, there are moments

When life imitates art,

And art emotes life!

This is one of them. Do watch.


On Data Mining

Every bit of your doing is visible
Your social media profile is in display
But so are your searches and history
Of sites visited and clicked
How about that?

We are living in a fast paced world
With too little concern for ethics
Every harmless search by you
For you or for another on the internet
Is a window of opportunity
For someone to make bucks.

Are you ready?
To let it go on
Dont you feel invaded?
Your privacy is your right!
What’s worse it’s up for sale!
Data mining is the culprit

I am no technology geek
But tech savvy enough
To realise the infringement
Of the online into my real world.

Tell me how you feel
Sharing your every action
Without your knowledge.
To know someone unknown
Has your likes and clicks down pat
And sells it to a third party for money
What are your thoughts on this?
Do you wonder about
The far reaching implications.
Are you comfortable?



The Light Within

Boundless and infinite
When it shines from the heart
Peace cometh from light.



Make sure

If you ask for peace in and around you,
Make sure to co-create the conditions for peace.
Let go the dramas that may arise in time
Every one has a battle we know nothing of.

If you want to help make a difference
Make sure … to move from your soul
Speak from the heart
And connect in the spirit of benevolence.

Care genuinely, be truly concerned
Make sure to ask about another’s wellbeing
Not for the sake of asking
But from the place of love and empathy.

Then sit back watch your world
Transform itself in front of you
Encourage Appreciate and be Grateful
Respect, believe and keep the faith

In trust and hopefulness

For your deepest intentions do come true!



Far and near…

Far and near…
A matter of taking a forward step
On facing your fears
What seems fearful from far
Becomes surmountable in a dare.
What appears difficult from far
Becomes easy as you go nearer.
Every step to face the obstacles
Can help overcome the challenges

Make sure to move
For then the steps taken
Is a progress from where you were
What’s surrmounted, closes the gap
Between what’s far and near
Truly a matter of movements
Take a step make a move!



Changing Seasons

With sizzling weather &scorching heat

As the sun bore us down without respite

A welcome change is just around the corner

As whisps of breeze, teases the leaves today…

For across the horizon the summer sky is giving way

Monsoon is playing hide and seek

Waltzing with fluffs of white clouds until they turn grey.

And engulfing the clear blue sky

Finally rain has made an appearance

Signaling showers of abundance.

Yes to the changing seasons

To cool the earth and naturally so!
