Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Help Earth Heal

Climate crisis
No longer subtle
The reality is stark
Glaring and in the face
No longer just an article in the paper
That you can turn the page over.
The repurcursions of indifference
And ignorance is felt the world over.

Raging tides of tsunami
Fury of volcanic eruptions
Massive magnitude of earthquakes
Melting glaciers and the undercurrents

Flooding & famines everywhere
Vast barren lands devoid of green
Earth is bleeding profusely
And bursting at its seams.

Pollution to overpopulation
Indiscriminate urbanisation
Depleting forestcovers
Extinction of rare species

Man is no longer human.
Apathy is the new name of humanity.
Where does the human think he can go?
There is no place other than this earth
Our home is invaded encroached & overloaded by us.

It is on a self balancing mode
As of now, to align itself.
The sooner we stop taking this world
For granted the better is our future.

Lets us please remember our every move
Makes a difference.
Lets aim to be responsible be respectful
Be aware and take care!


States of being

What is happening to our state of being

Our air is impure

Our waters are polluted

Our seasons are erratic

Our forests are fast disappearing

Our land is reclaimed

Our food is contaminated

Almost every kind of food and medicine

Is adulterated.

Our fruits are ripened with chemicals.

Our rice is turning plastic

Our vegetables are genetically modified

Nothing feels real anymore

What is happening to the real?

Is anything authentic at all?

We are living in a virtual world

What is pure and what is contaminated?

We are living in a world of unethical practices.

How do we stay aware?

To spot the differences

To find the real among these fakes.
We are sadly in a world without ethical practices in businesses. We need to find ways to sustain our world . It begins with each of us. As each step to change for better and find solutions starts with understanding the issues up close.


Came across this very insightful and relevant video clip

Do check it out.


Like a river flows…

Like rivers are meant to flow
For it to meet the sea
Nourishing the earth along the way
Gushing forth with the water of life.

Let us flow through life
Exploring and experiencing
Meandering through many facets of living
Nurturing it with heartfelt love.

For life is like the river
We are meant to flow
And not stagnate and perish
In doubts and insecurities.

Like a river trusts itself in the flow

Merging into oneness eventually

Moving forth constantly in time and space.

Flow in faith like a river flows!




Have always wanted to grow vegetables and fruits in our terrace garden. But not knowing much about gardening we kept putting it off.

But seeing how much pesticides are there in vegetables and fruits that we consume, all of us in the family kept wanting to steer towards growing an organic garden.

Although there are a number of show plants and flowering plants that are already there…growing vegetables was still a challenge. So we decided finally to get a local gardeners advice to help start us off on our mission.

Now having no idea about the right planters for the vegetables we have taken up on his suggestion to get 3 pots for our initial vegetable cultivation trial. If successful we decided we can get more pots .

So next came the choice of vegetables to grow in these pots .Everyone came up with the name of some of their favorite vegetables for starters.

But then it got decided that we must grow vegetables that the gardener advises according to the season.

So now three vegetable seeds are sown in these pots . Time will gradually bring forth them into view . Till then it is a matter of patience in waiting

Week 2

A few shoots have emerged…

Energy in the emerging must be magnanimous for new life life to shoot out in the open. All the potential of possibilities of creative energy emerge with this act.

But each pot has a different seed and hence will take its course in time to shoot out to life. Nature never hurries. All in good time.

Yet humans are prone to impatience There was certainly this little bit of insecurity when we were all waiting, wishing to see the hope of a new life through a sign of some sprouting or shooting of a seed to a plant.

Experiences with gardening are a trial and error.

Watering plants correctly is an important learning for plants to grow well. We made our mistakes and learned along the way .

And then we got it right!

Now all the three plants have started growing in their pots. And it’s truly a lovely feeling to watch them grow!

Can you guess the emerging plants?

Yes they may be a long way from fruiting as yet but it’s nice to watch them grow in the nurturing.

Here are some tips on watering.

Lessons in watering plants

You can apply water to the soil directly not the plants. It’s better not to wet most plants as this can cause problems such as fungal diseases -and much will just evaporate away anyway. Water gently, with a rose (like a shower head) which will damage the soil less than a jet of water and prevent much mud splashing up onto the leaves. Also it’s better to wet the ground really heavily occasionally rather than to just splash a little about more often which can make the soil look damp on top while remaining dry underneath.

There is an art to watering plants.

Gently water them caring from the heart.

You will find them awaken in response

Make sure to water them in a timely manner

Not too much or too little

Keep it flowing but dont let it overflow.

There is so much to understand

In the simple act of watering plants

In both the giving and the receiving.

Too less and they will dry

Too much and they will die.

In it lies the lesson of need for balance.

Nature teaches lessons in nurturing.





Find and choose something to do,

Something to love,

And something to hope for.

And it will make you a happy person.

Something to be, something to do

In the being is the doing.

Yes, the potential to create…

That beautiful ‘something’

Is in each of us.

Create light, feel light, live light.
