Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!



A painting by Savvy Raj

For every you, there is another you caught in the crosswinds

In fact, there could be many more reflections of you…life will throw you the hints

Fanning the flames only arouses the spirit

To arise and evolve more than we give merit

To deeper levels of conscious awareness

Breathe in the wisdom of knowing in all fairness

Of the freeflow of movements as it unfolds

The crosswinds breathe fire of life into souls

To breathe in the the energy of consciousness sublime

Trust the trysts of destiny in the eternality of time

To have a reason all their own

Cause it is preordained like seeds of life already sown.

Savvy Raj


Mind over matter

The Comprehending Mind

The mind can see the bigger picture

Beyond the niggling bits

It can construct inspite of the constraints.

In a sea of jumbled words

All it needs is a little bit of structure

At times with just the first and last letter in the right place…

The scrambled words gets unscrambled.

The capacity to comprehend

To make sense and understand

To put together the pieces

Is in the deciphering ability

The human mind is truly amazing

In being able to see the words than mere letters.

In being able to analyze in prediction

Of the ensuing possibilities.

In hearing a sound and predicting the next.

In decoding arrangements.

In creating meaningful coherences

Perhaps there is wisdom

Then, in the well known words.

Mind over matter!




Have always wanted to grow vegetables and fruits in our terrace garden. But not knowing much about gardening we kept putting it off.

But seeing how much pesticides are there in vegetables and fruits that we consume, all of us in the family kept wanting to steer towards growing an organic garden.

Although there are a number of show plants and flowering plants that are already there…growing vegetables was still a challenge. So we decided finally to get a local gardeners advice to help start us off on our mission.

Now having no idea about the right planters for the vegetables we have taken up on his suggestion to get 3 pots for our initial vegetable cultivation trial. If successful we decided we can get more pots .

So next came the choice of vegetables to grow in these pots .Everyone came up with the name of some of their favorite vegetables for starters.

But then it got decided that we must grow vegetables that the gardener advises according to the season.

So now three vegetable seeds are sown in these pots . Time will gradually bring forth them into view . Till then it is a matter of patience in waiting

Week 2

A few shoots have emerged…

Energy in the emerging must be magnanimous for new life life to shoot out in the open. All the potential of possibilities of creative energy emerge with this act.

But each pot has a different seed and hence will take its course in time to shoot out to life. Nature never hurries. All in good time.

Yet humans are prone to impatience There was certainly this little bit of insecurity when we were all waiting, wishing to see the hope of a new life through a sign of some sprouting or shooting of a seed to a plant.

Experiences with gardening are a trial and error.

Watering plants correctly is an important learning for plants to grow well. We made our mistakes and learned along the way .

And then we got it right!

Now all the three plants have started growing in their pots. And it’s truly a lovely feeling to watch them grow!

Can you guess the emerging plants?

Yes they may be a long way from fruiting as yet but it’s nice to watch them grow in the nurturing.

Here are some tips on watering.

Lessons in watering plants

You can apply water to the soil directly not the plants. It’s better not to wet most plants as this can cause problems such as fungal diseases -and much will just evaporate away anyway. Water gently, with a rose (like a shower head) which will damage the soil less than a jet of water and prevent much mud splashing up onto the leaves. Also it’s better to wet the ground really heavily occasionally rather than to just splash a little about more often which can make the soil look damp on top while remaining dry underneath.

There is an art to watering plants.

Gently water them caring from the heart.

You will find them awaken in response

Make sure to water them in a timely manner

Not too much or too little

Keep it flowing but dont let it overflow.

There is so much to understand

In the simple act of watering plants

In both the giving and the receiving.

Too less and they will dry

Too much and they will die.

In it lies the lesson of need for balance.

Nature teaches lessons in nurturing.




Colors of the Spirit

Colours of the spirit
Reside in nature
The energy manifests
In various ways
In the sky and the sea
So many shades of blue

In the forestland and the garden
So many shades of green
In land and in sand
So many shades of yellow

In the mind heart and the body
Are a spectrum of colors
Like the beautiful rainbow
Blessed are we to sense nature

Nature says, in the most colorful way,

Flow through the day

Expressing your self uniquely along the way!

Happy Festival of Colors

Happy Holi!!



On Spaces (Part I)

From time immemorial
Existence equaled spaces
Life equated space as a given
All a matter of life and death.

Our history is a witness
Of the story of spaces
Fought for, on and upon
Mauraded or harvested

The mystic and majesty
Lies in the significance of spaces
Spaces breathed and birthed
Spaces nurtured in nature

Spaces in and around us
Breathtaking magnificent
Stark manifestations
Of ground realities

Spaces in time eternal
Spaces bygone
And yet to be encountered
Spaces lived and loved

Spaces taken for granted
Spaces usurped and owned
Spaces pursued and protected
Spaces encroached and freed.

Gratitude to the powers that are
In the spaces between
The two words, two beings or two breaths
Between stillness and movement.




On choices

“Many paths present itself.
Every path is infinite in possibilities.
The question is are we ready to walk the path?
And how we evolve, walking the path of choice?”


The Wisdom of Silence

The Silent Retreat

Four monks decided to meditate silently without speaking for two weeks.

They began with enthusiasm and no one said a word the whole day.

By nightfall of the first day, the candle began to flicker and then went out.

The first monk blurted out, “Oh, no! The candle is out.”

The second monk said, “Hey! We are not supposed to speak!”

The third monk said in an irritated voice, “What is this? Why did you two break the silence?”

The fourth monk smiled and said, “Wow! I’m the only one who hasn’t spoken.”


Each monk broke the silence for a different reason, each of which is a common stumbling block in our inner journey: distraction, judgement, anger and pride.

The first monk got distracted by one aspect of his experience (the candle) and forgot what was more important – the practice of witnessing without reacting.

The second monk was more worried about others following the rules than in actually practising himself. He was quick to judge without noticing that he himself was guilty of what he was criticizing.

The third monk let his anger towards the first two monks affect him.
The singular burst of anger ruined the effort of the day.

The fourth monk lost his way because of pride. He was convinced he was superior to the others, proving his ignorance.

Why did the fourth monk speak at all? He could have simply maintained his silence and he would have been successful in his endeavour.
But if he had, chances are, the other three might have continued to argue and not even noticed his silence. Some people are like this.

Their motto is “If I am doing something good, but no one notices, I might as well not be doing it at all.” They believe that the reward is not in the effort, but in the recognition.

There is a beautiful quote, “It is the province of knowledge to speak; it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.”

As we learn to truly listen, witness and observe without impulsively reacting with distraction, judgement, anger and pride, then we understand the true meaning of silence.

The Wisdom of Silence

Silence has the strength of spaces in sublime consciousness…

Silence shows the way of patience

Silence activates our guiding spirit

Silence powers the strength of intuition

Silence moves towards deep contemplation

Silence evolves the spirit of understanding

Silence graces atmosphere with quietude

Silence defends without a word

Silence strengthens the soul.

Silence can be a knowing of the peace within .

Silence is painful in its struggles and valuable in itself. Silence is in utter desperation, deep contemplation with phases of meditative connectedness. Silence is never thoughtless or mindless.

Silence dwells in the spaces between the steps to access whenever. Silence leads and the path appears.

Trust the lessons learned in silence.

Savvy Raj


Reach out…

Stretch your self…

to reach out…

a little more everyday 🙂

Some day you will be thankful

How far you have reached!

Every moment is an opportunity

To reach out and grow

Evolve for the better

Be open to the unfolding life

Strech yourself a little more every day…

To accommodate

To acknowledge

To accept

You will find your strength

In flexibility

In adaptability

In your vulnerability

You will find new frontiers

That you paved along the way.

Trust yourself a little more

There is so much out there

If you are willing to see and learn

Reach out & truly care to share

The simple joys of being alive.



Springwell of Creativity

Immense is the power of creative movements to balance the body mind and spirit.  

 We are all creative beings.We need to honour our creativity we need to find avenues to let go express and share what comes natural to us. In that is a healing and restoring beyond compare…


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Creative Enrichments!


Freedom ....Creative Enrichments!

Creative Enrichments by Savvy Raj


To create is to believe in the infinite…
To create is to move with the power to connect the apparent disconnects
To create is dare to reach beyond self-limiting doubts and judgments
To create is to enjoy the process every step of the way…
To create is to be uniquely you!

Most of us have indulged in one dance form or the other, enjoying the creative spurts in the process, but many of us assume that real dancers are those who are what we call the born artists, or the performers, or maybe only those who are trained or innately talented.

Dancing is an art form no doubt, but it is truly not reserved to a select few just because they have the privileges of being blessed with inborn talent .True gift of the power of dancing is equally available to everyone just as much as to the dancing genius! Indulging in any creative movement satisfies an individuals need to source, analyse assimilate, and create, from within. However, the trick is in the integration of such artistic dance pursuits into our everyday lives, as most of us lead such busy lives with little or no time to spare for a little self-enrichment.
Dancing is a creative expression from your soul which has the power to explore the depth of emotions and thoughts and brings in the open what’s hidden and inaccessible and thereby even heal oneself of limiting convictions and beliefs.
The creative surges give rise to the expansion of thoughts and one can feel transformed even in a single dance. We gradually become more balanced, focused and aware of our surroundings. We can simply start by bridging the dull gaps in our journey of life … filling them with beautiful movements that are as fulfilling as much as they are enriching!
So care to dance a little every day, enrich your life & also of those around you!
– Savvy Raj

About me

Above Artwork by Savvy Raj  Titled: Creative Enrichments