Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


First try

I am truly fond of trees & of nature in every form. This is the result from the first time I used AI to create an image. And I was truly happy. For it generated from my few prompts, a very powerful & poignant picture, suiting my sensibilities.

Aesthetically & artistically it speaks much, especially liked how the red blooms emerge from the sides of the trunk interestingly juxtaposed & rightly so to colour balance the whole rendition well.

I love the light in the background especially behind the trunk of the tree. Of light that is gentle like dawn. As if to say I am there  arising, just around to dispel darkness.

This above artwork I had posted yesterday on my blog post Light, it is a result of my imagination brought to reality by AI, the creator from my thoughts and words & it’s unparalleled knowledge and inputs. Perhaps I got lucky or perhaps my words hit home… I landed with a complete artwork.And suffice to say, I am truly happy with the results. I decided to add it to my profile pic.

What do you think of this artwork ?

What about you? Have you started  trying AI images? What were your first experiences like? Did it meet your expectations?

Did you have to tweak your words & prompts? What was the feeling like? Were you able to relate with your output ?

Endless are the possibilities

In the collaborative effort

Of art & the science of it all

In expansivity and inclusion

There is artistry in the congruence

All it needs is to take a step

In self belief, trust & faith!



Little things

Many drops of water

Make an ocean

Great things always begin

With the little things

Success is a matter

Of every small step taken

Such is is the power of little  things

For together they can make a big impact.

Enjoy the little things in life 

Attend to the little things that come by

For someday these little things

Create a meaningful world.



Joy Of Writing

Today I touched a milestone on WordPress.

Have completed more than 365 days of writing a post every single day.

WordPress reminds me I have written a post every day for 365 days in a row.
Here I reminisce about my experience of writing a post every day on WordPress.

What is it to write 365 days consecutively?
A lot of passion patience and perseverance.
But above all is the joy of writing…

Looking back I realise the amount of contentment in the personal fulfilment of a promise I made to myself to write every day for a year.

The 365 days have certainly had their share of relocation, health issues medical emergencies, and ensuing operations and recovery phase, marriages and demise in the family and a host of all those sudden changes of both the personal and professional kind that is prone to occur in the span of an entire year’s time.

But the whole idea for me was to see how committed I was to my writing and if writing every day would make me short of ideas ever.

What was the purpose? Simply to see if I can truly sustain in making time to do something I love and enjoy every bit of it for a long period of time.

The only clause I set for my self is to never write with a pressure to publish but to write with a passion for self-expression and send out positively charged messages through these words into space… hoping it will make a difference!

My heartfelt gratitude to my wonderful readers and followers for your support and insights that sparked much of the creativity.

Some would take time to share relevant quotes and resources, some beautiful thoughts that were truly inspiring and some would send emails sharing their personal stories and experiences and even express a desire to connect and collaborate on artistic endeavours.

So this year of committed and consistent writing on varied topics has had its rewards too inspite of the grind. Like an offer for conducting my dance workshops. an opportunity to speak on motivation and womens empowement, invitations to judge local school competitions, write and compile a book of these blogs and two enquiries to ghostwrite their books. More importantly to have come across some truly amazing people and their writings many of who have turned into great friends here in these interactions.

Good start I would say! There is, after all, no writer without a reader. Thank you all for your generous words and comments that kept pouring in motivation required to continue in those challenging times.

Looking back at the posts published, I found my life experiences of the day moving like imagery through these words and I am truly happy to have written and published my positive reflections in time.

Sharing my thoughts on what writing truly is to me in verses…

The Joy Of Writing

Never force the words out
For then there is no joy.
In fact, let your words flow from you
And remember you are just a channel.

The giving vessel will pour the words
Water this gift of creativity.
Your innate sense of understanding
Will summarize and summon the words for you.

Be proactive and prepared.
Provide time for reflections.
Reference from life and experiences.
Contemplate and convey.

The joy of writing is in the trust
Of allowing and accepting
The endless possibilities
Of creativity in the flow.

Know your thoughts are unique
In the way, they arrive and arrange
In the flow is the magic
That is playing out through you.

Enjoy witnessing the tumble through
Of words in their own arrangement.
Trust in yourself and your maker
For all is pre ordained in time.

Savvy Raj


Live life lovingly! 2

If you truly seek

You will find yourself

A heart full of love

Kindness and compassion

A kindred spirit full of passion

Is awaiting your discovery.

If you choose to neglect

To disown and be indifferent

To let go without a care or concern

What is left is lost in time

Nothing remains of it anymore.

Value the gifts of life in living

Like true love and honour it.

You have all but one life

To sense know and care

And intend to make time to live

The blessing called love.



Related link

To live life lovingly!


To dance is to…

To Dance is to live in the moment joyfully!

Happy New Year 2019 Keep Dancing

& Enjoy Living!!


Waltz of the birds

Watch this magical murmuration

In divine interconnection

Countless birds in a dance of symphony

Creating patterns in rhythmic harmony.

An enthralling aerial display.

That moves you with its magical sway

Makes you wish and wonder why

These flock of feathers fly this way!

In the swing and the sway
And the rise and fall
The flight of these birds
Interweave a cohesive harmony.
A rare sight both elusive and enigmatic
Orchestrated with brilliance
Perhaps simply waltzing with abandon
Perhaps to ward off the predator
With such seemingly chaotic order
Every dancing heart will delight
In acknowledging with awe
This dance of sychrony!


Watch “European Birds at Baramati Pune” on YouTube

Here is a bit more on this beautiful phenomenon in the sky.


Walk the path of love

Walk on the path of love

A whiff of love
Roses strewn
The path of love
Beckons you

Tread softly
Gentle is the way
For love is fragile
Treasure a trust that
Beholds you!

Winding along
You feel its intensity
In its passion
Yet you persevere
Be unwavering!

Know love teases
And tests you
Beguiles you
To reveal
Yourself to you!
Be true!

For the journey
Is an eternal walk
Infinite is its path
Be yourself at best!
Be the real you!

For all else sheds itself
Like those petals strewn
To be, at best wayfarers
In the trysts of true lovers!

Savvy Raj


The Gift of Life

To dance is to acknowledge the living you at this moment
In every move, the heart and mind is looped in joyousness
In every flight is the beauty of lightness.

To dance is to realize

The sensation of living

And to energize the self

As well as the surroundings

With this gift of life!


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Creative Enrichments!


Freedom ....Creative Enrichments!

Creative Enrichments by Savvy Raj


To create is to believe in the infinite…
To create is to move with the power to connect the apparent disconnects
To create is dare to reach beyond self-limiting doubts and judgments
To create is to enjoy the process every step of the way…
To create is to be uniquely you!

Most of us have indulged in one dance form or the other, enjoying the creative spurts in the process, but many of us assume that real dancers are those who are what we call the born artists, or the performers, or maybe only those who are trained or innately talented.

Dancing is an art form no doubt, but it is truly not reserved to a select few just because they have the privileges of being blessed with inborn talent .True gift of the power of dancing is equally available to everyone just as much as to the dancing genius! Indulging in any creative movement satisfies an individuals need to source, analyse assimilate, and create, from within. However, the trick is in the integration of such artistic dance pursuits into our everyday lives, as most of us lead such busy lives with little or no time to spare for a little self-enrichment.
Dancing is a creative expression from your soul which has the power to explore the depth of emotions and thoughts and brings in the open what’s hidden and inaccessible and thereby even heal oneself of limiting convictions and beliefs.
The creative surges give rise to the expansion of thoughts and one can feel transformed even in a single dance. We gradually become more balanced, focused and aware of our surroundings. We can simply start by bridging the dull gaps in our journey of life … filling them with beautiful movements that are as fulfilling as much as they are enriching!
So care to dance a little every day, enrich your life & also of those around you!
– Savvy Raj

About me

Above Artwork by Savvy Raj  Titled: Creative Enrichments