Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


On Heartfulness

When life seem a little too chaotic

When time seems to zip past us

When you wish to pause and reflect

Can you begin to see with your heart

For the heart comes along with truth

Of the being betwixt all the frenzy & fear

The heart emotes and senses

In all authenticity and intuition

Choose heartfulness

Allow yourself to tune in to hear

The beat of the not so distant drummer

Be ready to listen to its beat in synchrony

For heart knows the path of the being.



Heart of Love

In the spectrum of emotions
Love and hate are at opposite ends.
Yet often find itself  juxtaposed.

Love flows through
Hate constricts life.
Love is transcendence.
In evolved consciousness.
While hate scars the soul
Love heals and renews the spirit ❤

When love finds its bearings…
It takes wings and charts its course
Patterning itself in the flow
And leaves healing imprints forever
In the river of eternal time.

You have this now
Make it beautifulYou have it all in you…Love your life
Live life lovingly!



On Awareness.

Moving in Awareness.

From chaos to clarity

Swimming through it all

From peaks and troughs.

Every thought sets a pattern
In fact in a loop
Of interwoven scenes
Some that seem relatively strange
And some unidentifiable
Every loop jumps and lights up another
In the intersection

Is thought quantifiable at all?
Thoughts come and go
But what if we reflect on our thoughts
Like witnessing our breath, as it goes on
Thoughts may manifest on their own.

When we are mindful of our thoughts.
May be just for a bit of time every now and then
We flow along and cultivate an awareness of its nature
We become gradually mindful of the now.

In time, a sense of connect develops
In conscious awareness of our intentions.
We are creating spaces between our thoughts
And pauses in our reflections.

When shift is known by the mind
And felt in the heart
Then every thing moves
In conscious awareness.



Nurturing nature.

All it took is a random picture,

And it bought me immense peace.

Simply seeing it made me feel so good.

Sharing it here and hoping it infuses the same serenity I feel in seeing it, to you readers.

There is something grounding in the giving.

There is something nurturing about nature.

There is something compassionate about caring.

There is something gladdening about green living.

There is something enabling in our environment.

There is trust & faith in nurturing life.

There is connection in the care…&

There is hope in every heartfelt share.


The Slow Roast…

The Slow Roast….

Need for stringent action!

There is a good amount of data emerging that people are suffering, to various degrees, from living next to cell phone towers and other high-frequency radiation emitting antennas, which emit microwaves around the clock.

According to Professor Franz Adelkofer, a leading scientist in the area of biological effects of EMF fields:

“There is real evidence that hyper frequency electromagnetic fields can have geno-toxic effects. And this damaged DNA is always the cause of cancer.

We’ve found these damaging effects on the genes at levels well below the safety limits. That’s why we think it’s urgent to base our safety limits on the biological effects, not the thermic ones.

They should be based on biology, not on physics.”

There are many mindless advances in technology without ethical considerations, care or concern for human welfare.

It is simple knowledge that with 5G the Roast is turning to Burn… so many researchers agree upon this with documents to support it . And yet the common man is helpless in the face of lurking dangers of modern technologies.

There is so much more than meets the eye when it comes to the topic of radiation and the sources are growing exponentially.

We are being bombarded with wi fi signals and Electro Magnetic frequencies more than we know wherever we are in the world today!.

Not only airports or malls our offices our markets and entertainment zones but also our own homes have become dangerous for our wellbeing.

Where do we go ? What is the answer?

What are your thoughts on this?




Point of intersection
Sacred and sacrosanct
To the evolving
In thoughts ideas or deeds.

In making and breaking
In marking or masking
In chanelling or containing
And changing in the exchanges.

The element of space
Creates the challenges.

Emergence of a point or idea
Creates ways for the dance of evolution
Moving it towards convergence
What matters is the path and the way
It chooses to do so.

In intention and contention
Significance of its impact
Matters to the whole
In the freedom lost and gained
As a means to an end
Or in a journey of wonder.

In this dance
Of emergence and convergence
Containing and contracting
In nullifying on impact
Or expressing and expanding
In projecting the possibilities
Creating scope to flourish or finish
Gradually or abruptly.

In the course of such a convergence
The meeting point then diverges
Into the experiences of the being
In thought and action
Creating a muscle memory.

To take off on its course
Treading over or gliding through
To new paths in the possibilities.
In birthing or bouncing off
The intersections create energy

Within and around
And in the spaces beyond
That continues to impact as waves
Deeply even in the subtlest of ways.



Right place right time!

At the right place at the right time…

Are places we land, reach, live and interact of our own choice and free will.

Is there a more at play beyond the random?

Isn’t there a pattern to the puzzle?

Are we meant to be where we are supposed to be?

At a particular place and time.

While every life journey in time is unique yet…

Life has an emergent pattern in the order and chaos that it self creates.

And in between, there is organisation and destruction.

Nature has its way in both order and disorder.

When in the flow of harmony there emerges a stillness in structure.

A plan, a commitment and discipline

Seems worth the effort of it all!

All is clockwork and efficient

Life seems at its optimal best.

And then things fall into a routine.

At a heightened state of equilibrium

When all is even & smooth sailing

A slack and slump in motivation appears,

Complacency creeps in time, in that ordered universe.

Creative juices need a boost up .

And that is when entrophy begins.

Changing equations changing hierarchy

Disruption appears as a need for change

All is in flux of a disordered flow

Disaster sets in, tumbling the structure

Crumbling systems until chaos reigns.

Until chaos settles itself again giving way.

To strengthen structure .

The dance goes on

Between freedom and restraint.

Are we truly free ?

Or are we guided to be

At the right place at the right time!

For there is so little we know

Of this self arranging universe

Except to understand

From the emerging patterns.

Of sequences of self similarity

Of timing and spacing.

There is after all so much more to discover.


We are…



On letting go…

We are often about holding on than letting go . We are able to hoard but find it difficult to let go . We try to control our lives a little too much that we often forget there is a power greater than us that cares for us all.

Letting go in faith and trust is an immensely gratifying experience. If you choose to let go of your unnecessary niggles of doubts and fears you will find the path of calm and peace that sustains you …

So what are the immediate things you can choose to let loose?

Here are a few that come immediately to mind…

Lose your excuses
You will find results

Lose your worry
You will find the will to do

Lose your negative thoughts
You will reflect positivity

Lose your doubts
You will find solutions

Lose your fears
You will find the way

Lose your inadequacies

You will find abundance



Power of Possibilities

Explore the Immense Power of Possibilities!

Hope lives on, in possibility

Joy is always a possibility

Love happens, its a possibility

Luck as well is a possibility

Try and try again in perseverance

When effort becomes a possibility

Success too becomes a possibility

Power to the arising possibilities.


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The Gift of Family & Friends

Your true source strength in every living moment!
Friends and families are your circles of protection

What is family?
Relationships that bond through a lifetime
Through the winds of changes
In hopes and hurt
In challenges and conflicts
In confusion and chaos
In the circumstances and consequences…

Healing and helping
Caring and consoling
Being there throw the thick and thin
In support and encouragement
Amidst the pain and pleasures
Of life and living

Families and friends are strength giving
Value and nourish them
Through attention and time.
For only they will stand the test of time
In moments of despair desperation.

And after all what use is happiness With no one to partake the joy?

Keep your friend and families close to your heart.



Soul Connect

My salute to this amazing horse!

Life is truly mystical

And magical are its ways…

This beautiful video depicts the soul connection that flows in all beings.

I had written earlier a few verses on Connection between humans .

But I today I dedicate these very verses to include all beings.

Universal Oneness is an awareness

In reflections of the truth of the being

Interweaved and interconnected in every life .

Strength shines through the vulnerabilities.

As a power in the very fragility

Touched by divine grace

Enmeshed in the senses

Comes a consciousness of the flow

In and around us

Beyond the illusion of separation

Is the dance of connection.



Circle of life

We are not here alone

We are interweaved in this tapestry of life

Times bygone to the yet to arrive

We create our selves with our deepest intentions

Though we are housed in different bodies

Which is an expression of our uniqueness.

We are connected in the core

Strengthened in the interconnects.

The further we seem to be in our exploration

We are simply reaching out and finding ourselves again

Amidst the many dimensions of life and living

In this wondrous circle of life.



Middle path of peace

True peace flows

In the middle path.

In between the extremes

Of nature is the path.

Extreme states create vulnerability

For the very strength of rigidity

Is in its ability to structure into solidity.

But solidity may not quantify solidarity.

Shaping matter to form

Is prone to creating cracks

In the spaces between shapes,

And gaps are prone to fragility.

To thrive in the optimum

Is to value continuum,

Which brings adaptability

Along with acceptability.

Our beautiful world,

This ball of blue,

Has much at stake

In these times of vulnerability.

Our nations may play on

With tactics and goodwill,

Balancing acts in deliberation,

Taking much into consideration.

To reach out,

To stay put,

To align,

To withdraw

For extreme states

Are a weakness in itself.

Extreme power by itself

Is a very dangerous tool,

Denoting self-destruction

As much as calamity in chaos.

The solution is thus,

Steering into the middle path.

When a structure gets too rigid,

Allow spaces for destressing.

When situations become hostile,

Breathe in to empathize.

When a war of words ensues,

Consider the art of negotiation.

For it is never bullets that truly win;

It is the people who do.

Steer into the path of peace.

Allay fears and acknowledge the futility

Of living in the extremes.

Tread in awareness of the middle path.

Peace is not won in battles.

Peace reigns in the heart of man.

Make way for the inner light to step out.

Let peace and goodwill guide the way!


#peace #goodwill #globaloneness #middlepath #acceptance #adaptability #universalpeace #heartspeaks #


The Gift of Life

To dance is to acknowledge the living you at this moment
In every move, the heart and mind is looped in joyousness
In every flight is the beauty of lightness.

To dance is to realize

The sensation of living

And to energize the self

As well as the surroundings

With this gift of life!
