Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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Self care

Is never selfish

In fact it’s otherwise

It is self- management.

For self care makes it easier

For you are self disciplined

Self supportive,and self reliant

To make yourself self efficient

Self care is a much needed management lesson

For it is an effort in aspiration to thrive than just survive

Rooted in increasing self awareness

Of the need to build self resilience and self worth.

So know your life is gift

Your energy is unique to you.

As you go about your day

Care to listen to your body

Make time to heal and recover

Self care is an important life long practice

Value your health & care for balance

In mind, body & spirit.

It pays rich dividends.

Take time out for yourself

Find ways to nurture your now

You are better off starting early.



Want of more…

The need for more,the lack of contentment, the hoarding mentality the greed of the times we live in, the desire to possess for the sake of simply owning better than the best, than for any use, the brand consciousness for all that overmarketed hype in the name of fashion, the feeling of never having enough …all amounts to a lack of real value for anything we truly have … the sad truth of times indeed that calls for awakening before it is too late.

When our individual insatiable expressions of life in the living take flights of fancy without any heed, we need a reconsideration of the ramifications.

Until the value of the bigger picture is seen through the heart rather than immediate gains which can be self anihilating it is an uphill task at hand.

And that is when a need for responsive change through transformations are the call of the moment across the world. Then it is the play of balance, of proportions and disproportions that the self creates, adjusts and develops as per the needs of the times hopefully.

Till then we can try our best to take one step ahead in time with responsibility and accountability.



Wisdom from nature

Nature teaches us much

The first lesson
Nature is patient and never in a hurry
All takes its course in time
As a blooming bud
As a fragile flower
You cannot force them to flower
Patience and perseverance is the key

Nature is abundant
It gives and receives
The beauty of nature
The fruits of nature
Is its gift.
It bears much too
Nature is full of resilience
Teaching lessons of living
So full of grace and dignity
And yet…

The third lesson
Nature balances itself
Time to time
When life gets too tilted
Nature plays on
Its courses through
And unearths its fury too!

Never tamper with nature
For nature exacts much
Unleashing its wrath
To beget its equilibrium

Treat nature well
Both inner and outer
For every thing is part of nature
And nature will thrive.



Bliss in the bless!


Evolving in the learning

About the preciousness of being.

And of the wisdom emulating….

Providing and perfecting

Sharing and smiling

Soulfully nourishing

The art of practising

A lifetime of unconditional loving

Caring and Comforting

Selfless and Sacrificing

Eternally Hope giving

Healing and Hugs unending


Divinity in action ever so touching


Bliss in the blessing.

PS: Sharing a poem I had dedicated to my dear mother ‘Anjana’

Happy Mother’s Day Mom & to all the Mothers the world over :))



Energy equilibrium

We are made of matter.
Matter is filled with energy
Our life is full of changes
Manifesting itself in so many ways.

Sometimes these very changes
In our lives bring out
Redistribution of our energy
Creating a lack or overflow of energy.

Our life patterns can cause a rift
Between thoughts and action
Between emotions and behavior
Emerging in imbalances

Yet we are each at our best
When we have our unique mix of energy
A concoction suitable to our nature
In proportions of sublime precision

As we give we receive
In receiving there is giving
To balance and counterbalance
The emerging inadequacies

All a matter of movements
That heal in the doing
That restore our spirit
And align with our soul.

This dance of chaos and order
Balance and imbalance
Are part of the same source
Maintaining our energy equilibrium



On Spaces (Part I)

From time immemorial
Existence equaled spaces
Life equated space as a given
All a matter of life and death.

Our history is a witness
Of the story of spaces
Fought for, on and upon
Mauraded or harvested

The mystic and majesty
Lies in the significance of spaces
Spaces breathed and birthed
Spaces nurtured in nature

Spaces in and around us
Breathtaking magnificent
Stark manifestations
Of ground realities

Spaces in time eternal
Spaces bygone
And yet to be encountered
Spaces lived and loved

Spaces taken for granted
Spaces usurped and owned
Spaces pursued and protected
Spaces encroached and freed.

Gratitude to the powers that are
In the spaces between
The two words, two beings or two breaths
Between stillness and movement.




Gift of Listening

Giving your attention without fear or favour and caring to understand what another is saying, before responding says a lot about the person who is listening…

Here is a true incident…

Viktor Frankl, one of the great psychiatrists of the twentieth century, survived the death camps of Nazi Germany. His little book, Man’s Search for Meaning , is one of those life-changing books that everyone should read.

Frankl once told the story of a woman who called him in the middle of the night to calmly inform him she was about to commit suicide. Frankl kept her on the phone and talked her through her depression, giving her reason after reason to carry on living. Finally she promised she would not take her life, and she kept her word.

When they later met, Frankl asked which reason had persuaded her to live?
“None of them”, she told him.
What then influenced her to go on living, he pressed?
Her answer was simple, it was Frankl’s WILLINGNESS TO LISTEN to HER in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.

A world in which there was SOMEONE ready to listen to another’s pain seemed to her a world in which it was worthwhile to live.

Often, it is not the brilliant argument that makes the difference. Sometimes the small act of LISTENING is the GREATEST GIFT we can GIVE.

How can we choose to listen well?

What are the barriers to effective listening? How can we improve our listening abilities.

A few issues in listening well….or what is called Ineffective listening.

Distraction caused by the difference between speaking and thinking speeds in humans. So if the speaker speaks too slowly or too fast, the listeners may lose the plot.

At times the appearance or personality quirks or the environment changes can create distractions.

Distraction also causes the listener to show a lack of interest through body language like in posture of loss of eye contact.

Overcoming distractions requires keeness to improve and interest in personal development as much as a sense of commitment to the task at hand.

Here are a 5 tips for improving listening skills.

1. Restating . Pay full attention so as to be able to restate or paraphrase in your own words every once in a while, what it is that you have heard so as to make the speaker feel listened to.

2 Prompting . Use short and positive prompts by interjecting them in the pauses … to show interest like .. And then ? So ?or I know…

3.Validating .Express your empathy . Show that you understand what another is saying or going through. Acknowledge the issues faced by another or the feelings as they are speaking. It shows you are sincere in your concern.

4.Pausing . Allow for some gaps in the conversation.. it helps buy time to think for both the speaker and the listener . As it helps process the information. Silences are great tools to let go the unnecessary gibberish and loose-ended talks which may be counter- productive.

5.Shifting . Redirecting a speaker when needed by shifting the topic gradually changes the tone of the discussion which can at times get too aggressive or violent for comfort.

There are so many ways that develops the GIFT OF LISTENING .

Have also found that in practise, the art of listening well involves all of our senses.

After all the art of a great conversation lies in the ability to listen keenly and respond well than simply react.


Personally speaking I have often been a good listener… yet I must confess that there are a few close friends to whom I have spoken who are such great listeners that they put me at ease.

It is truly wonderful to be listened to as much as to listen. There is so much healing in the listening as much as in the sharing. I take this opportunity to thank those friends and readers who cared to give me a listening ear and time.🙏

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The Gift of Family & Friends

Your true source strength in every living moment!
Friends and families are your circles of protection

What is family?
Relationships that bond through a lifetime
Through the winds of changes
In hopes and hurt
In challenges and conflicts
In confusion and chaos
In the circumstances and consequences…

Healing and helping
Caring and consoling
Being there throw the thick and thin
In support and encouragement
Amidst the pain and pleasures
Of life and living

Families and friends are strength giving
Value and nourish them
Through attention and time.
For only they will stand the test of time
In moments of despair desperation.

And after all what use is happiness With no one to partake the joy?

Keep your friend and families close to your heart.



Power of Human Spirit.

Strength to defy & dare destiny in the face

Of danger destruction and devastation …

Comes from a deeper conviction that creates

Courage to rise beyond catastrophes …

The heart has the capacity to deal

with almost anything … as that is how our life is

wired to cope and heal.

Expressing through Arts is a power within us.

In empathy with care and compassion

It is an act of kindness in realization of the oneness.

That what hurts you is actually eventually hurting me …

Your pain is my pain

In conscious awareness

I can help you heal

Your troubles away in faith

And hope for a better tomorrow for us all.

Savvy Raj


Walk the path of love

Walk on the path of love

A whiff of love
Roses strewn
The path of love
Beckons you

Tread softly
Gentle is the way
For love is fragile
Treasure a trust that
Beholds you!

Winding along
You feel its intensity
In its passion
Yet you persevere
Be unwavering!

Know love teases
And tests you
Beguiles you
To reveal
Yourself to you!
Be true!

For the journey
Is an eternal walk
Infinite is its path
Be yourself at best!
Be the real you!

For all else sheds itself
Like those petals strewn
To be, at best wayfarers
In the trysts of true lovers!

Savvy Raj


The other side


A Father was reading a magazine and his little daughter every now and then distracted him. To keep her busy, he tore one page on which was printed the map of the world. He tore it into pieces and asked her to go to her room and put them together to make the map again.

He was sure she would take the whole day to get it done. But the little one came back within minutes with perfect map……When he asked how she could do it so quickly, she said, “Oh…. Dad, there is a man’s face on the other side of the paper….. I made the face perfect to get the map right.” She ran outside to play leaving the father surprised.

There is always the other side to whatever you experience in this world. Whenever we come across a challenge or a puzzling situation, look at the other side…. You will be surprised to see an easy way to tackle the problem.

A few musings…

The difference between just looking and seeing is so much in the depth and dimension of expansions in our flow of thoughts .An expansion in our acceptability and flexibility changes the seemingly complex situations to simple solutions .:)



Dance of the Trees

Have you witnessed the trees dance?

Swaying in the winds with soaring spirits

Beckoning the sky to rain some more …

Even a seemingly barren tree

Is full of life and alive in every moment

Ready to spring with a freshness of spirit

Even the dry parched roots, shapes into a new life.

The branches may be dried but trust nature to grow some more

And fill the senses once more

With vibrant hues of leaves in all shades of green.


Being a tree is a mighty task

Sheltering and shading every passerby

Giving fruits is a labour of love

Receiving carbon and sharing oxygen


And standing rooted to the ground 

In all its natural abundance

For life to spring countless times

With nesting birds and the burrowing bees


The spirit of the tree is all heart

Sharing beyond compare

And watch as the world passes it by

In the echelons of time.



Trees stand the test of time

Of guts and glory upholding untold stories

Letting go the falling leaves in every day

Letting go the fright of loneliness and the pain of loss




Cos it knows the circle of life only too well…

What goes comes around

Like a breath of fresh air and a bud that is ready to spring.

Written by

Savvy Raj



When the heart dances…

When the heart dances

The body moves

The spirit sings

The soul senses

Joy abounds.

It doesn’t matter what dance you love …. what matters is that your heart loves to dance 🙂



Windows of the Soul

Waltz of the Eyes

If eyes could speak
They would say a thousand words
May be more
Yes eyes speak more than words can tell
Have you seen eyes up close
They say much more

There is defiance denial
Hurt and humility
Fear and pain
Sadness and confusion
Longing for approval
And anguish of anxiety
There is judgement and approval
Brazeness and courage
Hope and trust
Mystic and magic
Enigma so magnetic
And yet there is also
Surprise and innocence
Charm and grace
Kindness and Generosity
A Light of Love
For life and living.

Waltz of the Eyes indeed! Speaking much without words that portrays the undeniable truths of life .

How much life experiences can speak through these windows of our soul! Check it for yourself … so much to read in there. May be you can see much more ….do share!


Thank you dear Efi for mentioning Stavros and this beautiful lilting music…’Waltz of the Eyes’ in my earlier post.This waltz is truly bewitching! 💙💙💙


Sunflower trait.

It is Monday morning and a start to a new week! Here is a beautiful story share.

Sunflowers 🌻 turn according to the position of the sun, in other words, they “chase the light.” You might already know this, but there is another fact that you probably do not know!

Have you ever wondered what happens on cloudy, rainy days when the sun is completely covered by clouds?🤔

This is an interesting question, isn’t it?

Perhaps you think the sunflower withers or turns its head towards the ground. Is this what crossed your mind?

Well, that’s incorrect!

This is what happens?

They turn towards each other to share their energy.🌻🌻

Nature’s perfection is amazing; now let’s apply this reflection to our lives. We all want this light and seek it in different ways: in our family, friends, religion, work and so on. But there are always going to be cloudy days, gloomy days, because there is no escaping them!

When this happens, most people become overwhelmed, low-spirited, and the most vulnerable ones, some-times, become depressed.How about following the example of the beautiful sunflowers 🌻 supporting and em-powering each other. Nature has so much to teach us.

Wishing everyone a “Sun flower”🌻 trait of turning towards each other on their cloudy and gloomy days.

Reading this story drew me to another fascinating aspect so visible in the sunflowers. The mathematical order of their spirals, that continue to mystify us in all their glory.

Here is an interesting explanation for such a phenomenon.

Truly are many aspects to the ordinary… and yet simplicities of harmony in the very complexities and chaos of life and living.