Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Sense of being!

Where is your sense of being?
Your space to make sense of life!

Are you acquainted well and in tune with your habitat?
How well do you know of who you are?
Can you fathom the potential possibilities
Of your ubiquitous and unique life?

Between the known and unknown
Of the simple to the complex
Emerge new patterns in the making
From the reigning confusion in the chaos.

Creating in the exploring
Illusory dimensions in reflections
What is logical and yet elusive
The ambiguity of certainty!
And yet …

Our sense of being, while creating new patterns of thoughts is deeply rooted in nature, and in nurture, which gives it a sense of direction in spite of the chaos and confusion.

It will find its own way!



Energy equilibrium

We are made of matter.
Matter is filled with energy
Our life is full of changes
Manifesting itself in so many ways.

Sometimes these very changes
In our lives bring out
Redistribution of our energy
Creating a lack or overflow of energy.

Our life patterns can cause a rift
Between thoughts and action
Between emotions and behavior
Emerging in imbalances

Yet we are each at our best
When we have our unique mix of energy
A concoction suitable to our nature
In proportions of sublime precision

As we give we receive
In receiving there is giving
To balance and counterbalance
The emerging inadequacies

All a matter of movements
That heal in the doing
That restore our spirit
And align with our soul.

This dance of chaos and order
Balance and imbalance
Are part of the same source
Maintaining our energy equilibrium


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On Spaces (Part 2)

So much for spaces
Gained and lost
Conquered and abdicated
Sensed and enjoyed
Or relinquished in the letting go!

In mindless efforts & attempts at attention one loses track of what truly matters!
Sanity of being and most importantly sensing of life’s moments!



Take note…

All that is visible
May be just an illusion
Or tricks and perhaps a facade
In the name of reality.

There is a maze running through
Of potential possibilities
Of fears and failures
Of success in endeavors.

Perceptions can create deceptions
Perhaps scripted and meant to distort.
And create a illusory reality
That can confound the smartest minds.

Humans are a work of art
Of mesmerizing magnitude
Each with a heart and mind of their own
Uniquely endowed beings…

Between the white and black
Are so many shades of grey
What appears right or wrong
May have so many layers to it.

Know such is the manner of life and living
Care to take note of emerging perspectives
And understand the shifts of behavior
Before you decide or draw a conclusion.



The Gruen Transfer

The Gruen Transfer
The Gruen transfer is a psychological phenomenon in which an idealized hyper-reality is realized by deliberate reconstruction, providing a sense of safety and calm through exceptional familiarity.

In shopping mall designing…the Gruen transfer (also known as the Gruen effect) is the moment when consumers enter a shopping mall or store and, surrounded by an intentionally confusing layout, lose track of their original intentions, making consumers more susceptible to make impulse buys. It is named for Austrian architect Victor Gruen, who disavowed such manipulative techniques.
The Gruen Transfer is the few minutes after you walk into a store where the stimulus confuses your brain and hypnotizes you into buying more.

There is always a dark side to marketing advertising and sales … with the intention of luring customers to buy!

Have you experienced this feeling when you buy or go shopping at a mall?

Do share your experiences if any!

Silence speaks


Learning Spaces


Sharing my reflections on learning spaces and how I can imagine it.

Being a dance educator spaces in and around me are of great significance and especially a learning space for dance education.

 A space that’s open yet bounded with a focus can be conducive to learning as when the process of exploration begins it is helped by a structured approach.But while boundaries may be reminding of a journey having a destination, it is the openness that reflects the never-ending source of creativity.

The spirit of this reflection will be when both the voice of an individual or the collectives of a group is heard. Where the voice of concerns is addressed in trust, honesty and empathy.There is solitude to absorb your understanding as well as companionship for conversations to test, reflect and enhance learning. 
A space for learning can be contemplative, restorative, uplifting, energising, stimulating, regenerating, calming, accepting reflection as after all the horizon of learning is always expanding.
Image Courtesy Google Search