Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Travel on…

The journey of imagination
Takes me into the beyond
From nothing to something
From something to everything
And in this travel is limitlessness
In the abundance of possibilities
The unreachables & unattainables
Becoming sublime along the way
Traveling on, with the inate potential
Of infinite beginnings of imagination.




For this moment of peace

In this now I am present

To know it’s preciousness.

And grateful in soulful awareness

That the Universe in and around

Is taking care of everything else 🙏



Thinking well

Good thoughts

Good vibes

Good deeds

Makes way

For a good life.


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Patterns at play

All of life is a dance…

Every being has its own ballet

Every life it’s own patterns

Every pattern has its own path

Every path its own flow

Every flow its own beauty

All is uniquely orchestrated

To manifest and align in time.


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The roots are anchor of the soul

Bridging past to the present

Roots hold on to learnings from our ancestors

And absorb the wisdom of life

They are meant to keep the faith

In the truth of every life.


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Life lessons

Life lessons
( Translated by my mother from tamil forward)
The 9 laws of Karma

  1. Whatever we do in this Universe will come back to us.
  2. Nothing will come to us by itself. We have to work to get what we need.
    3 when we learn to accept certain things then only change will happen.
    4 when we change ourselves Life will also transform.
    5 We should realise that we only are responsible for whatever happens in our life.
  3. Past, Present and Future all are interconnected.
    7 We cannot think of two things at the same time.
  4. Our behaviour should reflect our thoughts and actions
  5. If we keep on thinking the past, the present will pass without living it.

Let there be peace and happiness everywhere. Let all prosper and live a fulfilling life.


Somewhere in time…

Somewhere in time…

Some paths feel closer home
A river that feels cruised before
The spectre of night that feels witnessed before
Some places feel lived &  breathed in before
Memorable moments linger on
Sustained as fond memories
In the sensing  of soulspaces.


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Vision in white

Beautiful is the word I sense

Ethereal vision in white.

Under a canopy of sky so blue

A treat to envision

This is the White-wisteria

The Japanese tree.

Full credit to this
Photographer unknown.


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Gifts of Nature

Fruits and vegetables support existence . So important to cultivate gratitude for every bit that comes one’s way.

A gift of nature that was awaiting me at dawn from my terrace garden.

Gratitude and thankfulness to the fresh fruits and vegetables in nature🙏



On Self care

Your body mind and spirit
When in harmony
Makes life and living easy…

How you see yourself
What you feed yourself
The way you treat yourself
The way you think
Life becomes it.

Be kind with yourself as much with others
Practice self care and compassion
Self care isn’t selfish

Exercise consistently
Think well
Stay strong
Eat healthy
Practice Hygiene
Make friends
Nurture connections.
Sleep well
Take care to relax
Enjoy the journey
Live life lovingly !



On Respect

Respect your self

And show respect to others

In thoughts words & deeds

No matter how deserving

In empathy & compassion

It is a reflection of your nature

It speaks much of who you are.

Others will respect you.

When you respect self effort

As well as another’s

You reinforce self discipline

And let it guide manners

When you dont allow yourself

To be disrespected

None can take you for granted

Or behave as if you don’t matter.

Care to own your space in the sun.


The world will be better by it.



As you dance…

As you dance

Tapping your toes

To your own heartbeats

Life senses your rhythm

And waltzes along with you,




In the stillness of the now

Is a divine orchestration.

Of the rapturous flow

Of the beauty of nature

And its wonder in awe!

All is peace All is well!



Feel the peace within

Take a deep breath

To truly be able…

To Breathe in ease

feel the peace deep within.

Take not this breath for granted

Know the gift of grace in every breath.

Inhale and exhale

Sensing Gratitude in every breath



Finding faces

This picture was shared on social media…

Can you see a face in the lake ?🙂

Here are some more faces

How many faces can you see now?

Feel free to trace some more…

Pareidolia (/ˌpæriˈdliə/,[1] US also /ˌpærˈ-/[2]) is the tendency for perception to impose a meaningful interpretation on a nebulous visual stimulus (so that one sees an object, pattern or meaning where in fact there is none).

Ref Wiki
Seeing familiar objects or patterns in otherwise random or unrelated objects or patterns is called pareidolia. It’s a form of apophenia, which is a more general term for the human tendency to seek patterns in random information.
Face pareidolia seems to be a universal phenomenon.

Finding faces in the most unexpected places, may have an evolutionary angle of a need to seek familiarity in the wake of the unknown, for a psychological safety.
Or finding faces in the bonnet of a car that makes it look more fun, friendly & smiling.

Maybe piecing the possibilities together to make sense is an illustration in the illusion…
Whatever the case creativity of the human mind is infinite in its potential to conjure up endless possibilities out of practically nothing concrete.

In the ability to create abstract associations to integrate and create and merge a more meaningful interpretation for ourselves,makes it an art of limitless possibilities.
