Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Dance your stress away

Movements are energy in action.And movements in a dance can heal and transform lives for the better.

How?The physicality of a series of rhythmic or structured movement like in a dance creates a chemistry of changes to integrate the body mind and soul in a flow gradually towards health and vitality.

©Savvy Raj


Choose well

Choose well
You are way better, way more,
Than what you think & understand of you.
There is much that only you can choose to do.
Choose to live your life lovingly!
Choose to be purposeful!
Choose empathy than criticism.
Choose self respect and freedom to be.

The faster you understand yourself And accept being who you truly are,
And choose to better yourself to be the best version of yourself…
The closer you are to being truly happy!

©Savvy Raj


Why I write…

I write when I am charged with an idea an inspiration. Or perhaps when there is nothing else to do.

I write to balance my emotions whenever it needs equilibrium.

I write to flow with the moment with a thought that aligns, as it calls on me and as I write, at times emerges into a pattern, in prose or verse.

I write to understand better when thoughts overpower…overstimulate the mind.

I write to let go and send out all that comes to my mind which I feel and hope can make a positive difference, somewhere to someone reading me.

I write at times in deliberation too to process and synthesise new understandings.

I write to unshackle from the many convictions I may unknowingly hold. As I write they break loose from restrictive spaces and help to align my thoughts in the sifting.

I write to express the bounties of life that I’m blessed to enjoy in gratitude.

I write to sense the bliss of being… with all of me in the moment.

I write to express myself my way.

What makes you write?

©Savvy Raj


Eloquence of words

When words propose in a flow
That is persuading and all pervading
No matter the rhyme or form
It becomes poetry
Creating a zen like feeling
That makes you want to be
In that state of awareness
Inspite of knowing
Everything moves on…

Have you ever been enticed by the eloquence of words?

Personally I have many favorites

But these profound words by Gibran deeply impacted me…
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.

Infact all the lines that follow are equally poignant as well as profound.

So much wisdom in those words for life and living.

Which is your favorite piece of poetry?
Do your remember those verses vividly ?

Do share. Would love to read!

©Savvy Raj


On life & living

Let go three things to have a life well lived

Let go pressure to prove it to yourself..
Know it wreaks havoc. Trust yourself to deliver your very best.

Let go expectations that others have on you
Know you can never satisfy everyone. And demands will never end

Let go guilt trips into the past. A river never flows back It is meant to course through. Take the learning and move on.

Reminiscing and brooding, of what was or  what could be or what any one did or said changes nothing.

Learn to treat yourself kindly
You have one life. Live it well
You owe it to no one but you.

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Thankful for Dance

To dance is to move with all of you.

To dance is to have hope in the living.

To dance is to feel the spirit of life in the movement.

To dance is to know the value of time.

To dance is to feel the rhythm in the beat.

To dance is to sense the subtlety of life.

To dance is to acknowledge the life in every moment.

I share a capture of one of the International Dance Research Congress, that I was honoured to have attended in Athens.

Today is celebrated as the International Day of Dance…

Yet everyday I am thankful… and deeply grateful to the art of dance in bringing positive difference to my life.

Thankful to dance in my life, & all the wonderful people I have been priveleged to meet, connect, learn & share my passion for dance… 🙏✨

©Savvy Raj


Eyes of Faith

All is never lost

Until you stop

Seeing the world

With eyes of faith

For faith is in you

To build and sustain

For a lifetime

So trust yourself

Witness the miracle

And keep the faith

All is well

©Savvy Raj


Balmy weather

It’s balmy weather
It’s early morning
The sun is moving
In and out of the trees
Traveling with me
As I am walking…
The chirping birds
Awakening the world
With hope fulness
The wind is resting
Perhaps still to awaken
The clouds are clearing
Heralding the light
In the mighty tree
A few yards from me
I see a beautiful vision… Cont’d

What is it that I see?

Would you like to continue from here…?

©Savvy Raj


Dreams & Intentions

Story : A social media forward.

Three trees in a forest were talking about their dreams.

First tree said, I want to become a beautiful chest & lots of precious treasures should be stored in me.

Second tree said, i want to become a magnificent ship to carry great kings & queens safely across the ocean, even in storms.

Third one told
I want to become the tallest tree in this forest. My height should reach the sky that I should think I am near God.

After some time people came to the forest to cut the trees.

They came near the first tree and said this seems like a strong tree. We will sell this to a carpenter who will make boxes. The tree became happy that its wish is getting fulfilled.

Second tree they decided that it would be suitable to build a ship. The tree was happy that it would finally become a ship.

They saw the third tree and didn’t think of any great use . So it was made to logs n stored.

The carpenter made a box out of the first tree to store hay in a shed.
Second one was made into a small fishing boat.
The third tree was lying as log n stored.
Thus all their dreams were shattered.

Time went by. The trees had forgotten their dreams.

One day a man n woman came to the shed. The lady delivered a baby.They put the baby on the hay in the box made of the first tree.. Immediately the tree realised that it is carrying the greatest treasure on earth.

Few years wentby. Some people were voyaging on the small boat made from the second tree. A big storm started n the tree was worried that it could not save the people it was carrying. At that time one man in the boat said to the sea, be calm. The sea became calm. The tree realised that it is carrying the king of all kings.

After some days a man was carrying the logs from the third tree & walked the street. The people on the way were ridiculing him . They reached a small hill top & the man was nailed on the log & made it stand . After three days the tree realised it was very near God as the man was Jesus Christ.

The dreams of the trees were fulfilled, but not in the way they wanted .

Similarly all our dreams will be fulfilled. May be not in the way or time we planned. But it will happen.

Dream big. Dream good.

Hope is what takes life forward.

Translated from a tamil forward by  Anjana


Every bit matters

According to an old Native American legend, one day there was a big fire in the forest. All the animals fled in terror in all directions, because it was a very violent fire. Suddenly, the jaguar saw a hummingbird pass over his head, but in the opposite direction. The hummingbird flew towards the fire!
Whatever happened, he wouldn’t stop. Moments later, the jaguar saw him pass again, this time in the same direction as the jaguar was walking. He could observe this coming and going, until he decided to ask the bird about it, because it seemed very bizarre behavior.
“What are you doing, hummingbird?” he asked.
“I am going to the lake,” he answered, “I drink water with my beak and throw it on the fire to extinguish it.” The jaguar laughed. ‘Are you crazy? Do you really think that you can put out that big fire on your own with your very small beak?’
‘No,’ said the hummingbird, ‘I know I can’t. But the forest is my home. It feeds me, it shelters me and my family. I am very grateful for that. And I help the forest grow by pollinating its flowers. I am part of her and the forest is part of me. I know I can’t put out the fire, but I must do my part.’
At that moment, the forest spirits, who listened to the hummingbird, were moved by the bird and its devotion to the forest, miraculously they sent a torrential downpour, which put an end to the great fire.
The Native American grandmothers would occasionally tell this story to their grandchildren, then conclude with, “Do you want to attract miracles into your life? Do your part.”
“You have no responsibility to save the world or find the solutions to all problems—but to attend to your particular personal corner of the universe. As each person does that, the world saves itself.’”

If someone asks your help remember this story.

A lovely read I simply had to share. I am doing my bit…

Every bit matters!

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Wisdom of the flow

In difficult moments
Think of life
As ocean waves
Waltzing with the tides
Highs and lows
Are both part of the flow
Think of yourself
Realize you are
Not just in the flow
You are the flow!.

©Savvy Raj


What is art called in your language?

Painting by Savvy Raj

This is one of my favorite pieces from my paintings

I like a few things specifically besides the colours…

The flow

The fluidity

And the feel

I feel movements in a flow in the fluidity

I sense harmony in the synchrony

I sense the synergy of colours in the flow

I enjoyed painting this piece in one go.

I connect with this art deeply

Art is something that speaks from your soul.

In my native language ‘Art ‘is called ‘Kalai”

Would love to know what art is called in your native language?

©Savvy Raj

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On Creative Fulfilment

Is there a purpose
To creativity?
For creativity fulfils itself.
In it’s own doing.

©Savvy Raj


Infinite Abundance

Prosperity & Abundance

Allow life to manifest its infinite abundance.
Live life lovingly!
©Savvy Raj


Wisdom of the flow 2

On channeling the flow


In between the pressure of momentum

In between the dance of forces

Occurs the buoyancy of being

A self adjusted neutrality

A Flow in harmony.

Steer away from impulsive resistance

Whatever you resist persists

Yes while resistance is natural in life

Resistance may create tension

Yet it can be a signal of change

In channelling this very resistance.

In allowing to let go completely

Soon tension eases in the flow

In perseverance & patience.

In response than reaction

Creating positive transmutation.

In thoughts words and deeds

Sifting & sailing through your perspectives

Till harmony becomes you.
