Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Dance your stress away

Movements are energy in action.And movements in a dance can heal and transform lives for the better.

How?The physicality of a series of rhythmic or structured movement like in a dance creates a chemistry of changes to integrate the body mind and soul in a flow gradually towards health and vitality.

©Savvy Raj


Choose well

Choose well
You are way better, way more,
Than what you think & understand of you.
There is much that only you can choose to do.
Choose to live your life lovingly!
Choose to be purposeful!
Choose empathy than criticism.
Choose self respect and freedom to be.

The faster you understand yourself And accept being who you truly are,
And choose to better yourself to be the best version of yourself…
The closer you are to being truly happy!

©Savvy Raj


On life & living

Let go three things to have a life well lived

Let go pressure to prove it to yourself..
Know it wreaks havoc. Trust yourself to deliver your very best.

Let go expectations that others have on you
Know you can never satisfy everyone. And demands will never end

Let go guilt trips into the past. A river never flows back It is meant to course through. Take the learning and move on.

Reminiscing and brooding, of what was or  what could be or what any one did or said changes nothing.

Learn to treat yourself kindly
You have one life. Live it well
You owe it to no one but you.

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Thankful for Dance

To dance is to move with all of you.

To dance is to have hope in the living.

To dance is to feel the spirit of life in the movement.

To dance is to know the value of time.

To dance is to feel the rhythm in the beat.

To dance is to sense the subtlety of life.

To dance is to acknowledge the life in every moment.

I share a capture of one of the International Dance Research Congress, that I was honoured to have attended in Athens.

Today is celebrated as the International Day of Dance…

Yet everyday I am thankful… and deeply grateful to the art of dance in bringing positive difference to my life.

Thankful to dance in my life, & all the wonderful people I have been priveleged to meet, connect, learn & share my passion for dance… 🙏✨

©Savvy Raj


Eyes of Faith

All is never lost

Until you stop

Seeing the world

With eyes of faith

For faith is in you

To build and sustain

For a lifetime

So trust yourself

Witness the miracle

And keep the faith

All is well

©Savvy Raj


Every bit matters

According to an old Native American legend, one day there was a big fire in the forest. All the animals fled in terror in all directions, because it was a very violent fire. Suddenly, the jaguar saw a hummingbird pass over his head, but in the opposite direction. The hummingbird flew towards the fire!
Whatever happened, he wouldn’t stop. Moments later, the jaguar saw him pass again, this time in the same direction as the jaguar was walking. He could observe this coming and going, until he decided to ask the bird about it, because it seemed very bizarre behavior.
“What are you doing, hummingbird?” he asked.
“I am going to the lake,” he answered, “I drink water with my beak and throw it on the fire to extinguish it.” The jaguar laughed. ‘Are you crazy? Do you really think that you can put out that big fire on your own with your very small beak?’
‘No,’ said the hummingbird, ‘I know I can’t. But the forest is my home. It feeds me, it shelters me and my family. I am very grateful for that. And I help the forest grow by pollinating its flowers. I am part of her and the forest is part of me. I know I can’t put out the fire, but I must do my part.’
At that moment, the forest spirits, who listened to the hummingbird, were moved by the bird and its devotion to the forest, miraculously they sent a torrential downpour, which put an end to the great fire.
The Native American grandmothers would occasionally tell this story to their grandchildren, then conclude with, “Do you want to attract miracles into your life? Do your part.”
“You have no responsibility to save the world or find the solutions to all problems—but to attend to your particular personal corner of the universe. As each person does that, the world saves itself.’”

If someone asks your help remember this story.

A lovely read I simply had to share. I am doing my bit…

Every bit matters!


Wisdom of the flow 2

On channeling the flow


In between the pressure of momentum

In between the dance of forces

Occurs the buoyancy of being

A self adjusted neutrality

A Flow in harmony.

Steer away from impulsive resistance

Whatever you resist persists

Yes while resistance is natural in life

Resistance may create tension

Yet it can be a signal of change

In channelling this very resistance.

In allowing to let go completely

Soon tension eases in the flow

In perseverance & patience.

In response than reaction

Creating positive transmutation.

In thoughts words and deeds

Sifting & sailing through your perspectives

Till harmony becomes you.


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Wisdom of the Flow

Flowing along is a sign of strength

Misconstrued to be a weakness

It is an pathway in awareness

Of awakening to the potential.

In respecting the harmony in nature

There is so much to understand

In the path of non resistance.

In letting go doubts & fear of the worst.

To thrive in the flow of possibilities.

To be cont’d….



How to find true freedom?

Freeing the body
Is to move without fear
Freeing the mind
Is to move beyond doubts
Freeing the heart
Is to hope beyond despair
Freeing the spirit
Is to sense the light in every now
Freeing the soul
Is to align to the purpose of being.
To find the flow
To free up space within
Is to let go resentment
Of trials and errors
Of judgements and assumptions
Freeing your breath
Is to sense life dance
In this now.

©Savvy Raj


Be Aware

Every day is new.
A day to celebrate.

Unlike many,
We are alive to see the sun, hale n healthy.
What more reason is needed to celebrate.

Let the bitterness of the past
Dissolve in the darkness of the night.
Like a new dawn,
new beginnings,
new hopes, new effort to make it
a day with positivities and possibilities.

Step forward,
With grit and gratitude.

Each moment is special .
Miracles can happen in any moment.

Be aware when it happens.


Count your blessings!


Heart & Mind

So many feelings
So many thoughts
Creating confusion
Body mind & spirit
What to say and do
What to hold on to
And what to let go
Queries the mind.

Let go doubt
Let go assumptions
Let go prejudice
Let go judgements
All is meant to change
All is meant to flow
Answers the heart.

But the dance of the mind and heart continues😊
Every day… until

Dancing the doubts away
The body heals

Awakening the intuitive wisdom
The spirit regenerates…

©Savvy Raj

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Bridge of Faith

Dare to leap

The leap of faith

For faith builds the bridge

A bridge built on preparation

To bridge the journey of life

Prepare to strengthen the bridge

Towards Success

©Savvy Raj

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3 tips to adapt to unexpected Career changes.

Thoughts, make an impactful
difference. Choosing to think
positively makes dealing with
transitions, and adapting to the
changes easier
If you experience unexpected
challenging changes in your
It’s good to acknowledge three
One, that it is a new
opportunity for new learnings
Welcome the possibilities.
Two, you can begin to apply
your unique combination of
skills and knowledge from your
previous experiences and bring
a fresh perspective wherever
you are. Explore your potential.

Three, that if things seem
difficult at first, you are paving
the road to resilience. Keep the
faith and stay patient .Times
change. Persevere
When you think of life in
plusses, every turn becomes a
beautiful path..


On Conflicts Management

Tips to manage arising workplace conflicts.

Listen keen
Show interest
Show care
Have patience
For a new perspective
As another speaks.

Find space & time
To empathize
Understanding more
Beyond what is said
Therein lies answers
That helps resolve conflicts.

©Savvy Raj


On Courage

Every life in this world

Is born with courage to thrive

And the courage to survive

It is a matter of recognising

And awakening to your courage

Courage has many facets

In you exists so many kinds of courage…

And each of us have different degrees of it.

There is courage is a dare that speaks to your truth

A dare that makes you confront

With the truth of you.

When was the last time you sensed courage?

Or lack of it in a certain situation? .

Courage that dares through physical challenges.

Enduring discomfort hurt

Or pain and even possible danger.

Then comes the emotional courage

To be able to confront

Your deepest fears and doubts

Having the ability to seek help

Express your inner feelings

Takes a great deal of courage too.

Not everyone can share their truths easily.

Have you ever been tongue tied and socially awkward?

Perhaps you need to work on being socially courageous.

Speaking with self confidence means assertive communication.

Connecting with people from all walks of life with ease.

Work on your voice and poise which helps in speaking publicly.

Have you sensed the need to learn more?

To educate yourself every now and then?

It is about being courageous to develop your intellectual strengths.

An ability to say’ I don’t know’ or admit’ I was wrong. ‘

Breaking the ego build up and allowing space to understand more

This also require the development of humility in great measures.

Somewhere deeply inter linked with morality and conscience.

In the ability to admit to mistakes to stand up for values and fight for rights

Upholding the principles with conviction & braving opposition.

Not many people find it easy to fight the odds. They give in.

To understand beyond the self calls for another type of courage

The empathically courageous will go beyond biases to get into the others persons perspective.

Empathy is a courage to sense the trials and tribulations of others.

Along with this is another kind of profound courage

An exploration of your own Spiritual truths.

This calls for conscious connections, remembering to honour your life, in and around you in every form.

Courage is an inner reserve

That actions from all of you

Your nature and nurture

Is unique so is your courage

And the way you are…

Explore what facets of courage has naturally become your strength in time.

And what facets do you need to build and develop in yourself.

Now when you think back of the many situations that you exemplified your courageous self.

Every thing you need is already within you

Waiting for you to trust yourself enough to recognize it.

Remember your courage is one of your many gifts of strength.

Acknowledge and use it wisely.

©Savvy Raj