Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Breathing Space

After every exhilarating day

Comes moments of confusion

Of thoughts rushing for attention

In not knowing which to focus

In the business of thoughts

In trying to make sense of it all

Even the most sorted of minds

Can find it all challenging

In such moments of a tango

Of multiple thoughts in the making

Take a moment to breath deeper

Attend to the breath for a while

As you sail on towards the breath

Trust thoughts to find a way

In the space between themselves

And it all begins to makes sense…

Written for a beautiful blessed soul who was sensing chaos after an extraordinarily happy but hectic day…

I hope she finds her mojo back✨⭐✨


Pune India


Be full on

Bloom from my garden
Photo by Savvy Raj

Life is meant to flow

In every now

As life happens

Let your heart seek joy

Let your spirit soar

You are a spark of heaven

You are light of the stars

Shine your unique brillance

Beam from where you are

Live fully as best as you can

Bloom some more

Be full on!



On Surrender

Surrender to the divine

Surrender yourself

You will find bliss

For you will sense

The magic of the life

Sense the life in the flow.

With abandon & faith.

You will sense the truth of being…


Sounds of silence



Acknowledging the good.

Often in the daily grind of life

We begin to take things for granted

Everyone we have with us

Every gift we are given in time

Every solution that solved issues

Every answer that came our way

The light of this day

The bliss of a restful sleep

A smile from a stranger

That made your day

A helping hand when in need

Nurturing home made food

Unconditional love from a furchild

And so much more..

Life gives you much

It’s in us to acknowledge

And recognise the good in our way

And appreciate this now

For all that which you already have!



On Spirituality

Whenever spirituality is discussed… there is always a question as to what is spirituality? And what is its significance in our lives?

Spirituality is a sensing of connection. The first step towards spirituality is about understanding the self as we are and then it’s an understanding of something greater than the self.

Simply put the spiritual significance of our lives is in the way we choose to live our lives.

To me spirituality is a sense of being & becoming a better person than yesterday, in selfawareness,in empathic connection, in being compassionate and kinder human being.

There are many pathways to explore spirituality and it’s unique to each of us.

It’s a pathway to finding the truth of your being and living life lovingly!

From yoga and movement arts to prayer and divination, the way we approach spiritual practices is varied and as unique as us.

What is spirituality to you?

Do you consider yourself a spiritual person?

What are your kind of spiritual practices?




Truths of Being

Living life truths

As the threads of time ties us
In a tapestry of weaves
We make our choices
We chance upon our paths
Lighting it up, in our own unique ways…

Painting our dawns with hope
And the dusks with dreams
Brushing light of the rays & beams…
Cherishing our moments in this now
Colouring our dreams with intentions that matter
Living loving
Giving receiving
We shape our lives…
Acknowledging our thoughts
Accepting our errors of judgements
We all evolve in the tapestry of time

Embracing ourselves in self respect
Embodying our faith in trust
Unfurling our passions in time
Unveiling our purpose on earth
Until we find our truths of being.



Guiding Star

Art by Savvy Raj

Towards Clarity

Converging from all directions.

With unformed shapes, unlinked thoughts.

Merging at the centre as a Guiding Star

The sign of hope, light and promise for a positive tomorrow.



Celebrate You

The day you realize
Your potential
You begin to explore possibilities
And you even make
The impossible possible

Care to ask yourself…
Are you safeguarding your boundaries
Or being too accepting
That you tolerate more than you truly should.
What are you hoping for?
Is it approval and validation
Are you waiting for another
To love you?
Perhaps you need to celebrate
Who you are!

Remember you are truly enough for you!



I am better than yesterday

Thinking well

I am better than yesterday…
Because the Universe
Trusts me to make a choice
In free will I take my decisions
I am responsible for my life
I am choosing to be all I want to be
To trust and flow
In this now

I am making time for me
To be self aware and familiar with my truths
I am letting go of the unnecessary thoughts
I am thinking better in this now

My self belief is that my day is going well
And I am having magical day and am deeply grateful.
And I continue to love life & am making the moments matter.
I am better than yesterday!



The flow

Art by Savvy Raj

Sometimes when you just flow along

At times when you reflect to return

And then follow along with the flow

You know there is something there

That is bound to make sense to you

This artwork is just a result of doing just that…

Flowing along with the lines

Playing with the shape

Converging in the shading

Sensing the dance of light!


A sense of it all



On Poetry

Poetry is often an emotional journey
of feeling sensing and sharing
through the words
There is a lot of inextricable emotions
embedded along these lines
on the way of life and living.



Creators Masterplan

Some times life comes to a still.
That may be be Him testing will.

When we are low,
When we feel let down,
When we feel desperate,
when we feel alone, when we feel all doors are closed,
When life seems to have no meaning,
Never loose hope.

The master plan of Nature,
Is beyond our cognition.
The way will open up,
In any form, any time.
All we need is hope n faith.
Patience n perceverance.
The effort will pay off.
For He knows the right time and the right way.
Cos that’s
His Master plan.

Sharing this message of hope penned by my mother Anjana as a testement of faith and trust in the divinity providence.


On Meditation

Meditation is simply

A dedication of time

For your own self care.

It’s a way to tune inwards

In witness mode.

In the stillness as the mind quietens

Begins the path of your own

In self – expansion beyond self- limitations

Meditation is a choice you make

Unfolding the limitless potential you hold within.
