Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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The Parodox of Beauty 2

Beauty is what beauty feels

Continuing in a series on Life and Living … The subject of Beauty brings to mind its paradox As mentioned in my last article I would like to reflect on this with my readers and fellow writers and work in collaboration towards a certain consensus if attainable .

Here is a beautiful reflection of the thoughts of this reader who starts by visualizing in the vebalisation of the beauty in the elemental awareness of nature and culminates her standpoint in the beauty of nurture…

Of a mother and child and the beauty in a loving heart.

Thank you to my dear mother Anjana for your exemplary examples. Rest assured I certainly will be reading these lines often.

“Anything that pleases the eye is beautiful..How much exquisite or breath-taking the physical beauty may be… it’s just skin deep. Beyond that all is same.

A wise soul has this awareness. Though the elements may be the same, their arrangement makes the difference. But there is beauty in the wilderness too.

The dancing flames of fire, the eruptive flowing and glowing lava of the volcono, the blowing sand making patterns on the sands of deserts, the mystery that lies in the underground caves, in the depths of the oceans, in the vast space that surround us , there is beauty in everything. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.

Above all beauty has a connection with love in the heart. Even the so assumed ugliest child looks beautiful to it’s mother. After all beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Can anything be more beautiful than a compassionate and kind heart that sees goodness in all.”

The lines above have an sensitive emotive and reflective quality which is engagingly beautiful to me.



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On Thoughts Beliefs & Awareness

Thoughts and beliefs

On power of belief :

When you deeply believe
You are bound to manifest
In the deepest intentions
Such is the way of creation
And the power of belief

On memories & thoughts:

Your memories are your thoughts that arise
They are a vision a feelings of things that were…

But in the power of belief they begin to have power over you. Your emotions come into play.

On Awareness of thoughts

But in your depth of awareness you realise thoughts come and go, then you also realise that you are above your thoughts and therein you begin to sense your limitless self.




A relevant reminder

Did you know ?

▪️Both the legs together have 50% of the nerves of the human body, 50% of the blood vessels and 50% of the blood is flowing through them.

▪️ It is the largest circulatory network that connects the body.
So Walk daily

▪️Only when the feet are healthy then the convention current of blood flows , smoothly, so people who have strong leg muscles will definitely have a strong heart. Walk

▪️Aging starts from the feet upwards.

▪️As a person gets older, the accuracy & speed of transmission of instructions between the brain and the legs decreases, unlike when a person is young.
Please Walk

▪️In addition, the so-called Bone Fertilizer Calcium will sooner or later be lost with the passage of time, making the elderly more prone to bone fractures.

▪️Bone fractures in the elderly can easily trigger a series of complications, especially fatal diseases such as brain thrombosis.

▪️Do you know that 15% of elderly patients generally, will die max. within a year of a thigh-bone fracture !!
Walk daily without fail

▪️ Exercising the legs, is never too late, even after the age of 60 years.

▪️Although our feet/legs will gradually age with time, exercising our feet/ legs is a life-long task.
Walk 10,000 steps

▪️Only by regular strengthening the legs, one can prevent or reduce further aging.
Walk 365 days

▪️ Please walk for at least 30-40 minutes daily to ensure that your legs receive sufficient exercise and to ensure that your leg muscles remain healthy.

You should share this important information with all your friends and family members, as everyone is aging on a daily basis. 🚶🏻 🚶🏻‍♂️ 🚶🏻‍♀️

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Being alive

Being alive and having life
Are two different things
All have a life
Many acknowledge it
Few live it with will
But far few live it with love
Life is life after all
It’s in you
How you choose to live.
Life is for you to acknowledge
Know you have this one life
Care to live life lovingly?


Embrace your U- ness

In your uniqueness lies the strength

Of Authenticity

Of Identity

Of Potential

Being you and being true to yourself is the simplest path towards your purpose.

And yet often being you at times can be challenging.

For life can demand much from you and you need to go beyond and bend backwards and forwards to surf through life’s unexpected turns.

But by being true to yourself you are at least sure to have your heart and head in check and balance, where your inner conscience meets your consciousness.

Embrace and embody your U-ness



The breath of life

The breath of life
From the  moment of birth
Life begets the breath of air
An ignition to life and living
in this world
No matter what form or species
And its the breath that is left,
behind that signifies the exit.

How important is this breath,
that we all take for granted
Gratitude and thankfulness
to this driving force of life.
To nature for the air we breathe.
How important is this breath,
for in the way of the breath
lies the way of our health.
For in the depth of breathing
we can  integrate our body mind and spirit
We can sense the synergy of being
We can awaken our true potential.
We can become aware of the infinite potential.
For all the truth of life,
is in the inhale and exhale.



Little things

To see positive changes
Focus on what is going right
Than all that is not.
For then you are refusing
The joys of this now.
Recognise the little things
That make you happy
As a daily practice
Acknowledge people
Who surround you.
Appreciate the little things.
For happiness resides
In the little things.

Today the softness of the light of dawn, gently warming my face as I woke up made me happy this morning.

Care to share the little things that make you happy?



You are…

Here are my 12 truths of life

1. You are enough for you.

2.You are born complete.

3. You have every answer you need.

4.  You can find your meaning in life.

5. You have the choice within you.

6.  You are meant to be all that you can be.

7. You are connected to everything in life.

8. Yet you are an unique manifestation of expression.

9.  You are filled with infinite abundance.

10. You are made of stardust and therein you will return.

11. You can embrace your uniqueness and sparkle as you

12.You can manifest your dreams through your deepest intentions.

Savvy Raj

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Joy of Happiness

True Joy of Happiness
Manifests in the sharing
For sharing is the springwell
Of joy.

True Joy in the happiness is beyond selfishness
In fact it invokes a share with one another.



Pathways to light

Sabhar The way of patience in waiting

Shukar The way of thankfulness in gratitude

There is great wisdom in these two ways to live life lovingly.
Both are pathways in the ebb and flow of life.

To see from nothingness
Is to see possibilities ahead.
To keep hope alive in your heart. Cultivate faith in patience and trust.

To sense gratitude even when you have everything, Is to know that there is much more than what is visible. You are a tiny speck of the magnificent whole. And no life is less or more important. And that every life plays a significant part.

In awareness there is heartfelt thankfulness in contentment for everything you already have.

As you cultivate these habits every day becomes incrementally  better.
Or perhaps you begin to understand gradually, the power of managing change rests within you.
Stay patient
Trust yourself.
In thankfulness
See the light
You actually are.



Tapping into Creativity

An artist may give a shape to thoughts, its destiny is the result of the bubbles of thoughts in the connected flow.

Creativity is in each of us. We are blessed with much we are yet to understand.

Often we neglect the creative side in each of us and don’t find ourselves expressing it away, but tapping into it can open portals of yet unknown possibilities in each of us. And most of all gives us the courage to explore and embrace the unknown.



A dot called now

Sharing Words of wisdom … from my mother Anjana Radha… A beautiful thought for the day 🙂

‘The “Now” is a dot. in the line – of life. Without touching the dot we cannot connect the past to the future. Just Be in the Now to witness a beautiful connection.The NOW is always present . Like so many dots form a line so many’ Now’s shape life to a beautiful past and a hopeful future. Our conscious awareness gives it meaning and purpose.’
Enjoy the moment:)


Compassionate connections

The path of compassion knows not separateness

Flowing in love of life in lightness

In the sparks of surging intuition

To be tender & move with compassion

Beyond mankind to all living being.

In the depths of compassion is an understanding

Of another soul in recognition

And sensing the joy and sorrows in reflections.

So join in to experience in embrace of compassion

Beyond intellect and reason and other egoistic delusions

Join the circle of conscious compassion.

Unite with single minded purpose of communion.

Share without fear or favour

All that you divinely revere

As every journey is a reunion

Of the spirit to another in Godliness .

The energy from such an authentic action

Creates oneness and peace

In and around us.

And a sense of belonging

To this vast wide world

Comes in the knowing

Of our owing to this

world and the beings around us.

We are not alone ever …

Works like a prayer…

For life to have meaning.


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Handling Difficult People

Every one faces difficult people in their lives. And for some like service sectors, coaches, consultants and medics, their job has many moments of handling difficult people and tricky situations as well.

There are many types of difficult people

Like the pessimistic ones who always find what won’t work first for anything new. They have nothing positive to say or share. But always play the devils advocate.

Handling them can be extremely difficult in front of a team full of people but it is wise to acknowledge them and then reframe their perspectives with a positive positioning and interpretation to turn it around carefully.

Interestingly there are a lot many in the know it all category, with an attitude & arrogance of knowledge & experience to boot.

An effective way to tackle would be to appreciate them but ask them to share the data and facts associated with what they proclaim to ensure authenticity. It is also challenging but necessary to request for humility in these peer to peer conversations.

There are then those who are two sided who say nothing to your face but are habitual complainers. There is a need to understand the origin of of their doubts and worries and where they are coming from in order to work it out thereby creating a safe and secure atmosphere.

“Think of difficult people as
They may rub you and scratch
you painfully but eventually
you end up smooth and the
sandpaper worn out… stay
happy and enjoy life…”
raymund salumbides

Difficult  people are difficult to handle. But it’s not impossible or something to shy away from. Simply the handling needs discernment and care. And not everyone can handle difficult people. Tact, diplomacy, confidence, clarity of purpose and vision  go a long way in handing difficult people and problems.



On Communication

On Miscommunication

Nobody shares to confuse,
but at times the way of understanding and sharing can be confusing.
People are unique in the way they communicate with one another.

Some have oratory skills and make a profound impact in the way they speak, some are deeply introverted and reserved and say less.

Some have keen listening skills and hear to understand and others understand from visual senses. For them it’s about what they see for themselves than what they hear. So they pay lesser attention to sound but more to what they see.

Yet others are deeply intuitive that they sense the signs. They will be sensing beyond the words and vision.

Our unique senses are our biggest gifts but they can be the very reason for many misunderstandings between people.

In professional environment there is no room for errors and it can prove to be a costly mistake when internal and external communications gets misunderstood.

Hence its important to use the right communication channels. This helps align teams around a shared vision. Avoid departmental silos by helping different teams and departments to connect and work together. And ensure that there are developments towards cross-functional teams.

For the truth is, the way we communicate with one another can leave a lasting impression.
