Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Every day

There is difference between living life as in ‘everyday’ as if it is’ every day’!

Everyday is ordinary or typical

But seeing it as every day is ‘each day’

Embrace the gift of this day

Every day is a fresh new start

Make it matter.

Live life well




Dreams are where everything begins

Dreams are roots of creativity

Dreams are a dance of imagination

Dream it and you can make it happen

Dream a little every day!



Attitude of Appreciation

True Appreciation nurtures

The nature of the individual.

Care to nurture an attitude

Of true appreciation and share

Whenever and wherever you deem fit.

It doesn’t hurt to appreciate in authenticity

You might be surprised by melting walls.

And at work how teams bond along the way.



Choose well

On Beliefs

Our beliefs are self created patterns

A representation of our expectations

Of how things relate in ourselves

And how the world ought to conform.

It’s our anchor within to navigate

With or without proof of existence

In a sea of uncertainty called life

As much as the challenges of change.

At the meta level are our beliefs are about beliefs in the sensing

At the emotional level it’s based on feelings

At the interpretational level are the opinions, feedbacks that are based in communicating

At the contemplative level its based on predictions in thinking.

But beliefs are within you to choose.

Do know your beliefs can create an ‘Empowered You’.

And you have the power to choose well.



Flow through life

Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before childrenKahlil Gibran

A life well lived

Includes experiences

That makes us who we are.

We are not set in stone

Or cast in iron that cannot mould

Our emotional being cannot be suppressed

We are life living breathing and exploring possibilities.

Our infinite ways of expressions is unique to our being

We surf the tides of changes and flow

And we learn as we go.



A beautiful story

This is heartfelt share of a beautiful story forward .

Sometimes while performing some duties, does such a thought come to mind that why should I do this work, what’s in it for me?

Contact Lenses

A true story!

Brenda was about halfway to the top of the huge granite cliff. During her first mountaineering attempt, she was breathing while standing on a ledge. While she was resting there, the safety rope hit her eye and the contact lens fell out from her eye.

“What now?” She thought, “Here I am on the edge of a cliff, hundreds of feet above the ground, and now everything has gone blurry.”

She looked around again and again in the hope that somehow she might reach the top of the mountain. But she couldn’t see any way.

She felt panic growing inside herself, so she started praying. She prayed for inner peace and she prayed that she could find her contact lenses.

When she somehow reached the top, a friend thoroughly checked her eyes and clothes for the lens, but could not find it. Although she was calm now as she had reached the top, but she was sad too, because she could not see clearly across the mountains.

She prayed to God that, “Oh Lord, you can see all these mountains. You know every stone and leaf, and you know very well where my contact lenses are. Please help me.”

After a while, another group of climbers reached the top peak. A member of the crew shouted, “Hey, have any of you lost contact lenses?”

It was quite shocking, but do you know where the climber saw it? An ant was walking slowly on a twig on top of a rock, and that contact lens was on it!

The story does not end here. Brenda’s father was a cartoonist. When he heard the incredible story of the ant, prayer and contact lenses, he drew a cartoon picture of an ant with the title, “God I don’t know why you want me to carry this thing. I can’t eat it and it’s too heavy as well. But if that’s what you want from me, I will carry it for you.”

I think we should all happily say, “God, I don’t know why you want me to carry this load, I don’t see anything good in it and it’s too heavy as well… but if this is what you want of me, I will definitely carry it and that too with full enthusiasm.”

Nature doesn’t invoke the worthy, it makes whoever it invokes worthy. ♾️

“We remain conscious of God in everything we feel, think and do in constant connection with God. The easiest way to do this is through acceptance and surrender.”


On Education

The Degrees that we acquire

Are but an endorsement of our skillsets

But degrees do not define our nature.

No matter the set expectations.

Our behavior day in & out,

Is a testimony to our true education

No amount of degrees can guarantee our behaviour.

Our ways of being and our attitude towards others speaks a lot more…

Of how we apply our education in our lives.


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The wisest and noblest teacher is life itself.

Leonardo Da Vinci


On Gentleness

Words of wisdom from a gentle soul.

Nothing of this nature is our own

We cannot claim it as ours

As the world has existed beyond any of us

We come to this world for a while

We owe it more than we own it

Our deeds speak for themselves

And time tells the truth of living.

Our responsibility lies with ourselves

The way we choose to live every day

A little compassion in consciousness

A loving acknowledgement in awareness

For the burdens on mother nature

Goes a long long way

In sustaining the world we have.


#empathy #compassion


On Receptiveness

Allow the self some food for thought

Acknowlege that there is something more

To understand learn and explore

Allow space for growth

To evolve in the journey

There is much knowledge gained this way

And much to discover more along the way.



Way of work

An expansive quote on the way of work comes to mind in this now

It’s hard to do one thing 100% better than everyone, but you can do 100 things 1% better. It all adds up.– Jay Steinfeld

A few musings pertaining to the way of continous improvements at work…

Integrity speaks more than words.

Have confidence in your principles

Think of ways to support one another

Collaboration is a great team builder

Working to improve without antagonizing

Take your ego out of changing scenarios

It makes it easier to adapt to changes.

As you lead, help team, to own their work

Help teams to lose their self doubts

Help make their vulnerability a strength

Being understanding than seeming smart

Is important for one and all.

Choose to do good by people all the time

Make space to find authentic resolutions

Create culture to welcome feedback

To allow yourself to know where you are

Nurture, the genuine human connections

Build trustful relationships with one & all

Work will feel totally worthwhile!



Envisioning anew

Art often shakes up the statuesque
Of  possibilities in perceptions.

Chipping away the apparent notions Chisselling to reveal what is yet to be seen

It’s an acknowledgement
Of the myriad expressions in the illusions

Between  the you and I
As much as the imagined beyond

Art makes forays into the unfamiliar
Unfolding  new vistas from familiar

Opening  new doors  of understanding.
Envisioning the magic in & around us.



Dance of Connection

Universal Oneness is an awareness
In reflections of the truth of the being
Interweaved and interconnected in every life .
Strength shines through the vulnerabilities.
As a power in the very fragility
Touched by divine grace
Enmeshed in the senses
Fired in the cauldron of life and living
Comes a consciousness of the flow
In and around us
Beyond the illusion of separation.
Is the dance of connection.



When work becomes effortless…

When you experience  the sense of meaning  in the moments.
Whatever is the work you do
Whichever  is your walk of life
When you sense you are contributing to work.
When you sense a balance,
Between  the challenges and the skills you have to meet it.
When inspite of the challenges  you feel you have it in you perform at your best.
When you feel you have the focus and ability to connect with  the work you do
You feel one with the flow…

You begin to enjoy the life in the moments!


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Wisdom of Balance

A plant needs the right amount of nutrients to grow
Like just enough  water and sunshine
Not more not less
For both will weaken the life within
That is the wisdom of moderation.
Apply it to life and living
Life wilts in the extremes.
Choose to respect  life
And not tilt the stability.

When you supply everything beyond need
There is no drive towards the higher purpose.
The foundation is taken for granted
And might eventually get weaker
Suppy enough to keep it nourished.

Nurture life with a balanced approach
Just enough to fulfill its purpose.
Let the strength of resilience develop.
For when roots are deep and grounded
They withstand the onslaughts of nature.
