Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!



Sharing a few words from my mother’s musings…

On Mindfulness

Do not use such words that can hurt anothers heart.

On Love

Do not love anyone that you become their slave.

On wisdom of moderation

Do not continue arguments till it becomes a fight.

On checking desires

Do not desire so much that it spoils your peace of mind.

On Anger management

Do not get so angry that your face turns red.

On letting go

Do not keep enemity till someone dies.

On mindful action

Do not do actions that brings hatred in other’s minds.

On letting go worry

Do not worry so much that you have to shed tears for that.

On Give and take

Whatever you get are other’s gift to you.
Whatever you lost are the opportunities given to others.

On Scarcity

Hunger is the reason for disease in a poor man’s house.

On Excess
Excess food is the reason for disease in a rich man’s house.

On Time

TIME is just and honest. That’s why it never waits for anyone.


On Gentleness

Words of wisdom from a gentle soul.

Nothing of this nature is our own

We cannot claim it as ours

As the world has existed beyond any of us

We come to this world for a while

We owe it more than we own it

Our deeds speak for themselves

And time tells the truth of living.

Our responsibility lies with ourselves

The way we choose to live every day

A little compassion in consciousness

A loving acknowledgement in awareness

For the burdens on mother nature

Goes a long long way

In sustaining the world we have.


#empathy #compassion


On Happiness

You have it in you

To choose happiness

As the path is open

For you to sense it.

The key to happiness

Stays with you always

To use it as you wish

All is in the choice you take.



Subtlety Of Consciousness

All matter is energy 
And we are unique speckles of vibrations.
All resonating in the universality of life and living.
Trust you matter, more than you know 
Believe you can and are making a difference 
As you connect deeply in the universal flow 
Tune in to reflect the truth of your being.
Every word every deed 
Every step every move 
Impacts the larger whole 
Just as much as the world around you.
So start with who and what is around you 
Sense your intuitive self talking to you 
Telling much in all its subtlety.
Trust it, for it is abound
With the strength of the subtle energies.
Resonate joy, abundance, balance
Resonate love ,harmony and peace
For you have the power to transform your world



Profound Life lessons


What is poison?


When we have something more than our needs it becomes poison. It can be power, wealth, love, hatred or even hunger.


When we do not accept impermanence it becomes fear.When we accept impermanence it becomes adventure.


When we are not ready to accept the goodness of others it becomes jealousy. When we start accepting it becomes a motivational force.


When we cannot bear things happening beyond our control it becomes anger. When we start accepting it becomes tolerance.


Not accepting others as they are, turns into hatred. Unconditional acceptance becomes love.

A profound post share in Tamil translated by my dear mother Anjana.


A love like that!

Sharing thoughts close to my heart…

On Love

Realizing the many miracles of life is also in knowing love that can move the soul of our being. We can consider ourselves lucky to even have been touched by a love like that!”



Grace of Gratitude

In deepest turmoil
Choose  the power of Gratitude
For in its positive  intentions
And glory of goodwill
Life turns harmonious
Every things aligns perfectly
And music resounds its magical melodies
All is well once again

Gratitude is gratefulness
In acceptance & acknowledgement
Of the grace in goodness
Bestowed  upon us
No storm is too strong  in its wake
Glory to the Gladiator of Hearts
The chaperone of connectedness
That seeks to invoke the strength
In these interconnects in life & living
For no man is too strong
As much as all of us together
I bow to the grace of Gratitude!



Artist & life

Life is a canvas

For the true artist!



Choice rests with you

There are certain good things

Which manifests themselves

In this journey of life

But to do so you need to allow

The pathway to unfold the potential

Just care to be open to possibilities

Allow space for new 

Allow hope to find you

Make way for the good energies

Make an intention to believe in yourself

Your life is as good as you allow it to be.

The choice rests with you



Life & Living

Agatha Christie

My friend Laura Bailey from Linked In shared this post in dedication to the memory of Agatha Christie on her birthday. 15 th September.

During my schooling years I had been introduced to her novels and have been an avid reader of her works.

But I never had a face to the name until I saw this post. When I saw her in this post share here are my musings…

They say eyes are a window to the soul

I see a depth of wisdom

In her eyes, of many lives lived

Of experiences in the sharings

There is myriad mysteries

Yet untold and withheld.

The face contours speaks to me

Of a life of reservation

And perhaps some restraints

Yet the eyes conjure up the creativity

Of an insightful nature

That envisions the beyond.

The places & people

Of a knowing beyond this lifetime

So much a face can mirror!




Life is what you make of it!

It can be the way you choose it to be!

It is a reflection of your state of being.

Life is heaven or hell in this now

Truly beautiful or unbearable

All in the how you want to see it.

It’s not about perfection

For nobody’s perfect

Life & living can be perfectly Imperfect

Seek excellence if you must

Seek to be the best version of you!

And find the wonderful in today!



A Profound Share

Truly profound distinctions between #Intelligence and #Wisdom

Sharing this beautiful read I came across

  1. Intelligence
    leads to arguments.
    leads to settlements.
  2. Intelligence
    is power of will.
    is power OVER will.
  3. Intelligence
    is heat, it burns.
    is warmth,
    it comforts.
  4. Intelligence
    is pursuit of
    knowledge, it tires
    the seeker.
    is pursuit of truth,
    it inspires the seeker.
  5. Intelligence
    is holding on.
    is letting go.
  6. Intelligence
    leads you.
    guides you.
  7. An intelligent man
    thinks he knows
    A wise man
    knows that there is
    still something to
  8. An intelligent man
    always tries to prove
    his point.
    A wise man
    knows there really is
    no point.
  9. An intelligent man
    freely gives
    unsolicited advice.
    A wise man
    keeps his counsel
    until all options are
  10. An intelligent man
    understands what is
    being said.
    A wise man
    understands what is
    left unsaid.
  11. An intelligent man
    speaks when he has
    to say something.
    A wise man
    speaks when he has
    something to say.
  12. An intelligent man
    sees everything as
    A wise man
    sees everything as
  13. An intelligent man
    tries to control the
    mass flow.
    A wise man
    navigates the mass
  14. An intelligent man
    A wise man



Have you found your soulspace?

Seek and you will find in you…

A space of calmness

Enveloping you with peace

Of knowing, all is well.

Where you are aligned to your being

Without worrying unnecessarily

You will realize for yourself

A space to rejuvenate your senses

A space in equilibrium & equanimity

That makes you free to be!



Flip the script

Every day you have countless thoughts

Our thoughts carry energy

Some positive ones making you hopeful

Some negative leaving you stressed

Upset and drained.

But to truly make each day beautiful

Whenever there are too many negative

Thoughts  that arise…

Become mindful

In awareness, train yourself

To think it over

Focus the many good

Let go of the bad.

Flipping it over makes all the difference

The question is

Will u try and flip the script?



Wisdom of Being

So much wisdom in these two lines.

Speaking and listening is an elegant dance of words

As you hear more you are learning

And as you speak you are expressing

The power of what mere words can do

At the right time said in the right tone

To the right audience in all its simplicity of delivery

As much as in the profoundness of understanding

Taking time to understand

What matters before you speak

Taking time to know whom to say what

All is a dance, in the wisdom in the being
