Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Dreams & Intentions

Story : A social media forward.

Three trees in a forest were talking about their dreams.

First tree said, I want to become a beautiful chest & lots of precious treasures should be stored in me.

Second tree said, i want to become a magnificent ship to carry great kings & queens safely across the ocean, even in storms.

Third one told
I want to become the tallest tree in this forest. My height should reach the sky that I should think I am near God.

After some time people came to the forest to cut the trees.

They came near the first tree and said this seems like a strong tree. We will sell this to a carpenter who will make boxes. The tree became happy that its wish is getting fulfilled.

Second tree they decided that it would be suitable to build a ship. The tree was happy that it would finally become a ship.

They saw the third tree and didn’t think of any great use . So it was made to logs n stored.

The carpenter made a box out of the first tree to store hay in a shed.
Second one was made into a small fishing boat.
The third tree was lying as log n stored.
Thus all their dreams were shattered.

Time went by. The trees had forgotten their dreams.

One day a man n woman came to the shed. The lady delivered a baby.They put the baby on the hay in the box made of the first tree.. Immediately the tree realised that it is carrying the greatest treasure on earth.

Few years wentby. Some people were voyaging on the small boat made from the second tree. A big storm started n the tree was worried that it could not save the people it was carrying. At that time one man in the boat said to the sea, be calm. The sea became calm. The tree realised that it is carrying the king of all kings.

After some days a man was carrying the logs from the third tree & walked the street. The people on the way were ridiculing him . They reached a small hill top & the man was nailed on the log & made it stand . After three days the tree realised it was very near God as the man was Jesus Christ.

The dreams of the trees were fulfilled, but not in the way they wanted .

Similarly all our dreams will be fulfilled. May be not in the way or time we planned. But it will happen.

Dream big. Dream good.

Hope is what takes life forward.

Translated from a tamil forward by  Anjana


On Adaptability

Any technological l advancement calls for updating of skills and most of all adaptability.

Adaptability of any new technology calls for embracing change and developments in both actions & attitude…

For adaptability calls for new
learnings with the curiousity of an optimist.
A willingness to uncover the new.
to acknowledge with enthusiasm
In exploration and discovery
Of the potential possibilities.
And the acceptance of errors & misses inspite of the best efforts
& most of all a relentless
development of resilience
to bounce back on the path.

Do share your thoughts and insights on Adaptability.

©Savvy Raj


Finding You

When you lose your sense of Self

You find yourself

©Savvy Raj


Sensing Serendipity

And just like that, come s along a moment with heartfelt words, that makes you grateful for the life lived. 

Every moment is full of possibilities
Every thing you choose to do
Leaves impressions in the sands of time.
Stay true to being you…
Life turns memorable.

Have taught many people to dance in my life.And yet…

I remember this student well, as well as all  the workshops I conducted. It was a decade or more ago when I taught  some Corporate Jive Workshops to a creative set of Designers. We stayed connected over the years on FB and LinkedIn.
We wished each other occasionally  on birthdays and celebrations. That’s all … Unril I happened to really notice the love this student had for bikes and I sent a simple message of best wishes and safe travels…
And voila I get this message today that for sure makes my day!
A lesson here…
Stay connected .
Be interested & reach out and express appreciation for things others do..
Celebrate life .. Trust life to deliver the very best!  It often does!
Let go expectations!
Great things happen quite unexpectedly!
And most of all, never underestimate the power of dance and music …. ✨✨

Savvy Raj

#danceforlife #livelife
#danceteachers #appreciation
#intentions #gratitude #thankfulthursdays


Music & moods

Play on…

When you are in the mood for music, play on

When you are feeling low, play on

When you are exhausted and tired and you want to revive your mood play on

Music is therapeutic and the healing
nature of sound energy can be tuned
into to change your mood & manage
emotions and lift your spirits.

Take some time to create an upbeat
playlist that perks you up and
engerizes you and get up from your
chair to move arounda bit.

Take a short walk every once in a while. with some great music for company..It will
bring a spring in your step and smile
in your heart.

In fact for every part of
the day, you can have a playlist of
your own choice. Take time to create
yours… if you haven’t already and do
listen… The right music makes a
powerful difference.

Play on…



Acknowledging the good.

Often in the daily grind of life

We begin to take things for granted

Everyone we have with us

Every gift we are given in time

Every solution that solved issues

Every answer that came our way

The light of this day

The bliss of a restful sleep

A smile from a stranger

That made your day

A helping hand when in need

Nurturing home made food

Unconditional love from a furchild

And so much more..

Life gives you much

It’s in us to acknowledge

And recognise the good in our way

And appreciate this now

For all that which you already have!



Ladders that lead

I wrote this piece with respect for so many entrepreneurial spirits and their enterprise. Who catapult to fame and recognition but then often find themselves unable to sustain themselves. And the heart-wrenching truth is that not all have the resilience and the capability to bounce back.

But life is a circle and change is the order of nature.

In the toughest of rounds

Keep the faith and patience

And trust time to show the way…

Ladders that lead

The climb is a chase, but the fall is steep.
So persevere on beyond just the achievement.
Be tenacious in ascent & resilient in descent.

Ladders that lead you higher in the name of career success, fame and glory lead you to so much more than just that. As you climb each step gradually, you inch closer to your dreams.

You are chalking your life in every move. And then in the pinnacle of your success…
You realize you have reached your goal.

Here is the point of discernment
As you observe, check the signs around you
Are you ready to play the game of survival?
You will receive less warmth here than ever before.
Your colleagues will change their minds
Think twice before supporting you.
Fear not and keep on going
Stay mindful in the moment.

Ladders are meant to go up and down. If you have climbed up you must know to establish your survival modes else there is the ladder that brings you down.
But it’s twice much harder to bear, on the way down than the challenges you face on the way up.

What do you do when ladders do the disappearing act?

Sometimes the ladder vanishes
And there is no clear way to step down
Except for a blind leap of faith.
There may be darkness and uncertainty
Sadness and silence
Shame and blame
All devastating effects
Of loss and failure
Yet the trick is to go on
Correcting your ways
Learning from the experience
And letting go of past foibles.

Mistakes make you more aware
Hurt a little and you are cautious
In pain there is understanding
It’s what to watch out for!

Paths that may seem easy
May get you embroiled in complexities.
Watch yourself along the way
For the journey takes all of you!

You will encounter much support on the way up
But once you are catapulted into the halls of fame…

You will find many critics and judgments
From those watching with interest
How you are managing it from here.
With all those judgemental eyes on you
One slip is a sure fire miss and costs a lot!

Watch your every stepand move
For you are being followed
Here is where your resilience is tested!
Stay true to who are.
Look ahead as you trust yourself.
Paths can appear out of nowhere.✨🙏✨



Life & Living

Sharing this read of an impressive story of an Indian entrepreneur Dr Reddy and his dedicated pathways to success.

Any Success is a result of passion that makes you show up no matter what , patience in observing, listening, exploring and understanding. And perseverance to dedicatedly continue what you do as well think of how to sustain it forward.

Life lived well

In passion & purpose

Is a successful life!


On friends & friendships


Happens in the strangest of times
In an elevator, in a parking lot
In a bus, while walking or in flight
As a student  or as a teacher

Friends may come and go
To make you live life a little better
Think a little deeper with care
Value these gifts strewn in your life.

Friends make you see your worth
Because they want you as you.
Not an imagined version of you
So be you as you are in friendship.

Find time for a good friend
Whenever you both sense and feel it
Turn not your back on them
Know, friends are coming your way

Embody the light of friendships
Savour the joy and nurture friends Time and time again
They can be yours for lifetimes.



Awakening the self

When you arrive at being comfortable
At ease no matter the seeking and the knowing
At peace no matter the circumstances
In equanimity in the wisdom of the interconnects
You are awakening yourself…
To the profoundness of you.
In the subtlety of consciousness
Resides the truth of it all.



As the clock ticks…

Sharing some stark truths of life that came my way on social media

Four Stages of Elimination in Life:

At 60, the workplace eliminates you. No matter how successful or powerful you were during your career, you’ll return to being an ordinary person. So, don’t cling to the mindset and sense of superiority from your past job, let go of your ego, or you might lose your sense of ease!

At 70, society gradually eliminates you. The friends and colleagues you used to meet and socialize with become fewer, and hardly anyone recognizes you at your former workplace. Don’t say, “I used to be…” or “I was once…” because the younger generation won’t know you, and you mustn’t feel uncomfortable about it!

At 80, family slowly eliminates you. Even if you have many children and grandchildren, most of the time you’ll be living with your spouse or by yourself. When your children visit occasionally, it’s an expression of affection, so don’t blame them for coming less often, as they’re busy with their own lives!

At 90, the Earth wants to eliminate you. Some of the people you knew have already departed forever. At this point, don’t be sad or mournful, because this is the way of life, and everyone will eventually follow this path!

Therefore, while our bodies are still capable, live life to the fullest! Eat what you want, drink what you desire, play and do the things you love.

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The Parodox of Beauty 2

Beauty is what beauty feels

Continuing in a series on Life and Living … The subject of Beauty brings to mind its paradox As mentioned in my last article I would like to reflect on this with my readers and fellow writers and work in collaboration towards a certain consensus if attainable .

Here is a beautiful reflection of the thoughts of this reader who starts by visualizing in the vebalisation of the beauty in the elemental awareness of nature and culminates her standpoint in the beauty of nurture…

Of a mother and child and the beauty in a loving heart.

Thank you to my dear mother Anjana for your exemplary examples. Rest assured I certainly will be reading these lines often.

“Anything that pleases the eye is beautiful..How much exquisite or breath-taking the physical beauty may be… it’s just skin deep. Beyond that all is same.

A wise soul has this awareness. Though the elements may be the same, their arrangement makes the difference. But there is beauty in the wilderness too.

The dancing flames of fire, the eruptive flowing and glowing lava of the volcono, the blowing sand making patterns on the sands of deserts, the mystery that lies in the underground caves, in the depths of the oceans, in the vast space that surround us , there is beauty in everything. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.

Above all beauty has a connection with love in the heart. Even the so assumed ugliest child looks beautiful to it’s mother. After all beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Can anything be more beautiful than a compassionate and kind heart that sees goodness in all.”

The lines above have an sensitive emotive and reflective quality which is engagingly beautiful to me.




Compassionate connections

The path of compassion knows not separateness

Flowing in love of life in lightness

In the sparks of surging intuition

To be tender & move with compassion

Beyond mankind to all living being.

In the depths of compassion is an understanding

Of another soul in recognition

And sensing the joy and sorrows in reflections.

So join in to experience in embrace of compassion

Beyond intellect and reason and other egoistic delusions

Join the circle of conscious compassion.

Unite with single minded purpose of communion.

Share without fear or favour

All that you divinely revere

As every journey is a reunion

Of the spirit to another in Godliness .

The energy from such an authentic action

Creates oneness and peace

In and around us.

And a sense of belonging

To this vast wide world

Comes in the knowing

Of our owing to this

world and the beings around us.

We are not alone ever …

Works like a prayer…

For life to have meaning.



Unique pathways

We are uniquely ordained by nature yet so very interconnected that we can find versions of ourselves time and time again as reflections in the resonance.

For what we see in another is a reflection of our own lives, that is unique yet self similar in manifestations .

We all duel and pass through these reflections in our lives at different times in our own special ways.

Every life has its own reason to be. A purpose of being. Every life has its own story Every life unfolds in its own way.


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It will feel just right…

There is always hope

For things to get better

There is always tommorow

Another day full of promise

Keep the faith and trust

It will feel just right.
