Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


On Respect

Respect your self

And show respect to others

In thoughts words & deeds

No matter how deserving

In empathy & compassion

It is a reflection of your nature

It speaks much of who you are.

Others will respect you.

When you respect self effort

As well as another’s

You reinforce self discipline

And let it guide manners

When you dont allow yourself

To be disrespected

None can take you for granted

Or behave as if you don’t matter.

Care to own your space in the sun.


The world will be better by it.




Heart of the tree

A vision that made me happy today

Cheer fills the air

Sun kissed leaves shining bright

The ground feels delightfully cool

Under the giant canopy

Fresh breeze and heady fragrance wafting through

Life is truly fine and well

Under this giant tree….



Power of Hands

Love of art, can build bridges..

6 bridges in Venice – Wisdom, hope, love, help, faith & friendship 🇮🇹

By sculptor Lorenzo Quinn.

“The hand holds so much power – the power to love, to hate, to create, to destroy.” 👉

Support – Message About Climate Change


 A Matter of Fine Tuning.


Your cells are intuitive and have memory bank of information that is stored both inately and experientially .

How they synthesize and process that information may depend on many factors, especially on how healthy they are and what kind of nutrition they continue to have.

However they are continously in communication with you. Your sense of intuition is a part of their communicative process.So is your gut feeling and even a deja vu.

There is always much listening in to do if you wish to decode these flashes of thoughts and feelings. In fact they are your inbuilt guide and gifts of life. Acknowledge them for what they are.

That familiar feeling of knowing someone or something before even meeting them.

The rush of emotions amidst certain memories may be your intuitive sense of your cellular being getting a higher intensity of messages.

Here it is important to differentiate between fear and intuition… most often fear as a reaction is driven by attachment and led by insecurity, whereas intuition is a calm knowing from an inner voice of guidance and an almost unattached feeling although at times they may overlap in certain situations .

The tense feeling before a certain situation or place person or thing. Can be, you are getting a message across from your survival mechanism .

Your clenched fist or the butterflies in your stomach, the knotted feeling deep within at times, or even a voice screaming from within of lurking danger ahead are all perhaps are a forewarning to be more present in this now that you actually are.

Your intuition sense comes from both the heart and the gut brain. While the gut feeling comes forth to protect you, the heart is expansive in nature for it is known to radiate an aura around you. So no matter how the intuitions come from you can learn to make it work for you as you begin to develop your understanding of it.

The trick is in discernment of what comes from the place of fear and why or from the space of love and why.

A few tips on developing and harnessing your intuition.

1.Acknowledge your sense abilities for they are more powerful than we understand them to be

2.Try an pay attention to the first feeling you get in situations. There may be more to the vibes you get.

3.Work and develop your creative skills it helps to strengthen your intuitive sense of awareness starting with your own breathing patterns.

4 Try to work on being grateful of the gift of life and trust it to be your guide along the way. .

5. Most importantly avoid over thinking simply, be alert and yet receptive as it is always a work in progress.


How much do you value your intuition?

How much do you allow it to manifest itself?

Do you care to nurture it ?

Do you care to listen when your intuitive sense talks to you ?

Or do you choose to ignore it and move on .

Do you recall any instance of how you listened to your intuitive self.

Do share your thoughts…



On Forgiveness

If you are feeling upset

Let time pass

Hurts will heal again

If you are angry

Let there be pauses

Anger will recede in the silence

If you are defeated

Let yourself know

That the world is a circle

The night breaks into a new dawn

With promises of a blessed new day!

So stay patient in perseverance

And know every phase has a reason to be

Learn to forgive and let go

And as all is meant to be well once again.



Evolving with the changes

Change is inevitable, but you are the one in charge of how the change impacts you and how you respond to the changes.

Dare to dance with it! Dance with life!



Purpose of being

There is always a reason

Nothing  is accidental

There is always purpose of being.

Let the purpose become bigger

At every step of the way

Remember you are creating ripples

That are expanding your purpose

Of living , of being who you are.

As you are meant to be.

In the infinite abundance of being.



Finding faces

This picture was shared on social media…

Can you see a face in the lake ?🙂

Here are some more faces

How many faces can you see now?

Feel free to trace some more…

Pareidolia (/ˌpæriˈdliə/,[1] US also /ˌpærˈ-/[2]) is the tendency for perception to impose a meaningful interpretation on a nebulous visual stimulus (so that one sees an object, pattern or meaning where in fact there is none).

Ref Wiki
Seeing familiar objects or patterns in otherwise random or unrelated objects or patterns is called pareidolia. It’s a form of apophenia, which is a more general term for the human tendency to seek patterns in random information.
Face pareidolia seems to be a universal phenomenon.

Finding faces in the most unexpected places, may have an evolutionary angle of a need to seek familiarity in the wake of the unknown, for a psychological safety.
Or finding faces in the bonnet of a car that makes it look more fun, friendly & smiling.

Maybe piecing the possibilities together to make sense is an illustration in the illusion…
Whatever the case creativity of the human mind is infinite in its potential to conjure up endless possibilities out of practically nothing concrete.

In the ability to create abstract associations to integrate and create and merge a more meaningful interpretation for ourselves,makes it an art of limitless possibilities.



From wherever we are

Wherever we may be
In this world, we are busy
We are too busy watching this now
For what might happen or go wrong
In doubt and fear of uncertainty

We perhaps, need a moment
Thàt we can can acknowledge
In awareness of where we are now
We might then, take note of all things.

Things that we can be happy about
Things that are not too bad after all
Things we may actually  be joyful about
And then perhaps we can feel better

From wherever we are
However we are, as we are.
There is much, that we can be
Truly grateful for in this life.



Tommorow’s World

The world we see today

Is changing rapidly

New norms are setting in

We are in a state of flux

From fighting pandemic

To accepting lockdowns

As a way of being

People starved of socialization

Are appeased by bytes of reality

We are attuning ourselves

To being masked at all times

Practicing distancing and being indoors.

But life goes on no matter what

Sensitizing us to new ways of living

What matters most then is

Is that here we are, inspite of it all

We learn to align with ourselves

Moving with care and compassion

From here on empathy guides

Leading us to knowing ourselves.

This is the truth for us all

Of tommorow’s world.



Traveling along…

Sharing a story that came my way on Social Media.

I am Travelling with you !

Every year Parents took their son to his Grandmother’s House for the Summer Break, and they would return Home in train after Two Weeks.

One Day the Boy tells
his Parents:
′′ I’m Grown Up now,
What if I go to Grandma’s House alone this Year ???”

After a Brief Discussion
Parents agree.

They were standing on the Railway Station, seeing him off,
Giving him Last Instruction through the Window,

As Boy continues to repeat:
′′ I know, you’ve already told me so many times…!”
Train is about to leave and Father whispers:
′ My Son,
If you suddenly feel Bad or Scared, this is for you !…… ′
And he slips something into his Pocket.

Now the Boy was all alone, sitting on the Train, without his Parents,
for the First Time…

He looks at the Scenery through the Window.
Around him Strangers Hustle, make Noise, Enter and Exit
the Compartment,
He gets that Feeling that he was alone..
A person even gives him a
Scary look…
The Boy felt uncomfortable…
And now he was frightened also.
He lowered his head, snuggled in a corner of the Seat,
tears rose to his Eyes.

At that Point he remembered his Father putting something in his pocket.
With a trembling hand he groped this piece of paper, and he opened it,
Son, “Don’t Worry,”
I am in the Next Compartment…

*Truth* :

This is How it is in Life…
When God has sent us in this World, all by ourselves,
HE has also slipped a note in our pocket,

*God Says:*
I am Travelling with you,
I am within your reach !
Call on Me…❗



Already there…

Who is there when there is no one to turn to?

Who is there to bear it all?

Who is there to help you back on track?

Who is your trustworthy ally ?

Its you and only you.

Truly …

Everything you need is already inside you!

This one line is a wonderful boost to bring an awareness back of the strength within us all.

Wouldn’t you agree?



Hope blooms in my heart …

As I awaken to the bright blue sky
There is a sight for me behold across the window
Of swaying daffodils in the gentle morning breeze…

Glistening in the new morning
Are the dew crystals on its hopeful golden petals…
Drinking in the energies of dawn.

I partake the joy of this dancing flower
And my feelings take a turn
When I truly begin to believe
Hope blooms in my heart...


This above poem came from my little attempt at Magnetic poetry based on a pre set list of words from Rahuls post that served to inspire.

Here are a few words that I realized I have left from this above list… for someone else to  include in a couplet or two…

Never, Keep, belong

Feel free to add a verse or two!

Thank you Rahul.🙏


Just be

Be anchored be balanced.

Life has a way of arranging itself.

Trust your path is meant to be

Just be…



Are you too busy?

The art of giving time and attention…

Is worth mastering to have any

successful relationship.

Nothing worth having can ever be rushed.

What do you think?
