Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Power of love

Love is an all encompassing

Connects of the heart to the soul.

For when the heart speaks.

All of life understands.

Words become insignificant.

As hearts connect in the knowing.

For in the power of love.

All is one & one is all!

Harmony flows

In the very being

United in understanding.

Of love as a gift of grace!



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Shifting perspectives

The truth, in the facades that may appear.
In understanding the real and unreal
The truths and the untruths
And everything in between.

Humanity stands perplexed
At times in the paradoxes of life
Confounded by challenges.
In the throes of confusion.
Sifting through to make sense of it all

Beyond the mirrored existence
Shifting perspectives in the making.
Yet knowing simply all as parts of the same source.

Chk this interesting video on the two sides of life and living .


Live life lovingly! 2

If you truly seek

You will find yourself

A heart full of love

Kindness and compassion

A kindred spirit full of passion

Is awaiting your discovery.

If you choose to neglect

To disown and be indifferent

To let go without a care or concern

What is left is lost in time

Nothing remains of it anymore.

Value the gifts of life in living

Like true love and honour it.

You have all but one life

To sense know and care

And intend to make time to live

The blessing called love.



Related link

To live life lovingly!


Sense of being!

Where is your sense of being?
Your space to make sense of life!

Are you acquainted well and in tune with your habitat?
How well do you know of who you are?
Can you fathom the potential possibilities
Of your ubiquitous and unique life?

Between the known and unknown
Of the simple to the complex
Emerge new patterns in the making
From the reigning confusion in the chaos.

Creating in the exploring
Illusory dimensions in reflections
What is logical and yet elusive
The ambiguity of certainty!
And yet …

Our sense of being, while creating new patterns of thoughts is deeply rooted in nature, and in nurture, which gives it a sense of direction in spite of the chaos and confusion.

It will find its own way!




Touch a button and everything is downloaded or uploaded. Isn’t that the trend everywhere now whatever the field, this push button convenience seems to be taking over, whether it’s publishing, the kitchen, home front luxuries or travel or communications entertainment etc? This is convenience at its best where there is
minimal or no effort and the result is plain to see. Whatever happened to no pain no gain? Anyway I am not complaining here, hi techno gizmos you are most welcome.

The thing that is a cause for concern is that with all this easy way of living that technology brings forth there is a paradigm shift in the thinking of this new generation of hi tech users who are so hooked up to these gadgets of convenience that they expect it to be so in all others areas of life too… The emotional ,physical ,personal aspects of life cannot somehow become machine like and that’s how it is seeming to be.

Many are aware of their growing sense of inadequacies in mutual relationships. The lack of care and concern due to time, and work pressure is somehow seen to be adjusted and neutralized by hi tech gadgets in our households. So much that the person lets the products of convenience make up for his personal presence or absence in family situations and experiences.

Similarly if one notices most students are averse to listening to another and taking in information from another as their attention span for personal communication is overridden by convenience of Internet, chats and social networks and group calls so why bother.

What happened to good old teaching? Actually the educationists to prefer going tech savvy as they feel that they would be lagging behind otherwise.
The issue for concern is larger than all these little details, slowly machines have replaced humans in most spheres of life. The advent of machines is real and right there in front of us.

Every house in the city and even villages are connected with Internets, so there is a network of telecommunications system without any hazard control measure in place.

In most of the developing countries the health standards and safety for mobile towers, radiations hazards in private personal and public spaces are totally disregarded. People seem to be more interested in getting the job done quickly… with lack of time stress levels are on a all time high and no one seems to be bothered if there are reports published once in a while by some concerned individuals about the dangers of radiations from all these devices of modern technology. The page is turned over with not even a response as no one seems to have the time. ‘ Let someone else to do the job or let’s wait and see if it’s really that bad or so far I haven’t experienced anything. So why bother,’is the care a damn attitude prevalent across most sections of the thinking population.

Lack of empathetic responses makes us more and more mechanical in our approach and we seem to be losing the humane side of us. This is exactly what is happening on a large scale. People are growing indifferent and unapproachable, shrewd and over efficient for a purpose. There is no genuineness left in most relationships as well, everything is for what can I make from this.

So whether its education or otherwise the trend is to conveniently download information and present your work as done instead of contemplative thought and deep understanding. There are very few individuals who are not caught in this web of technology and their numbers is dwindling…

It’s time we wake up to core values or they would be lost forever. An e-card will wish you on your birthday and a cake and roses will be sent to you by post but there will be no one to eat it with. Just you and your gadgets how about it?
Savvy Raj


Embody Love

A personal mantra…

Live the life you love and love the life you live!

What happens to you when you embody love…

You realise your self worth in awareness

You start to give and receive in gratitude

You gradually become a kinder human being…

Your actions gradually turn compassionate.

Your respect for life increases leaps and bound.

You value the power of love in life at large.

You begin to see the larger picture

You know you are born for a purpose.

Your movements become life affirming

Your positivity spreads beyond yourself

You begin to generate joy and thrive in goodwill and gratitude.

You begin to see the meaning in celebrating life and living in the now.



Your baby’s dress.

A dear child’s dress speaks to a loving mother…

Weathered and worn
I lie here today
In this moment
That you look at me
I know so many thoughts
May pass your way
Memories that only can fathom
Of a time passed long by

You and I
Have lived through
Those days protecting
Your dear child
Through rough weather
Your mother’s affection
I can sense till today
As you would lovingly
Clothe your precious baby
With me

I know we are privy
To those special times
When you child lived in me
Played and fed with me on
How many times
You would carefully wash dry
And iron me out
And keep me clean and warm
All ready for your baby to wear

Your baby may never know me
But you and I
We have a special bond
A recall of those memorable times
That we shared
Until one fine day
She outgrew me.

Today you found me
As you left me
Deep in the closet
Among the old and discarded
But am I glad to be caressed with love
And photographed with joy
And reminisced about…

For in this moment
Your little gesture
Touches my being
For I feel I have served my purpose well
Thank you as well
For choosing me
And caring to keep me with you
All these years and maybe more!!!

With love
❤An old baby dress ❤

Found my daughter’s old baby dress and I was suddenly transported back in time…

Today my daughter is indeed all grown up. I took a picture of this little dress and shared it with my daughter who studies in a land far away…

The nurturing years of her childhood flashed by and I sat down to pen my reflections…


On tranquillity

In sensing the tranquillity within
In knowing the sounds of silence
In flowing freely in the moment

Is the dance of wonder and awe
Of the beauty in the being …
In the bliss of the bless.



Windows of the Soul

Waltz of the Eyes

If eyes could speak
They would say a thousand words
May be more
Yes eyes speak more than words can tell
Have you seen eyes up close
They say much more

There is defiance denial
Hurt and humility
Fear and pain
Sadness and confusion
Longing for approval
And anguish of anxiety
There is judgement and approval
Brazeness and courage
Hope and trust
Mystic and magic
Enigma so magnetic
And yet there is also
Surprise and innocence
Charm and grace
Kindness and Generosity
A Light of Love
For life and living.

Waltz of the Eyes indeed! Speaking much without words that portrays the undeniable truths of life .

How much life experiences can speak through these windows of our soul! Check it for yourself … so much to read in there. May be you can see much more ….do share!


Thank you dear Efi for mentioning Stavros and this beautiful lilting music…’Waltz of the Eyes’ in my earlier post.This waltz is truly bewitching! 💙💙💙


Breaking point of saturation : A new dawn.

From the point of saturation
Emerges a point of co relation
To ponder afresh on a point of connection.
The saturation plays a role
In the game of life and living

In breaking dawn and dusk
The twilight fills the day and night
With a hope and bliss of something new
Just as day breaks from
Evening dusks into a blissful night
The breaking point signifies a new start

The twilight confuses and confounds
The wisest of beings, as it is meant to do
For in that point of no return
There is the chaos of completion.
Only to begin afresh and anew.

In the passage of painful times into pleasurable moments
In the eras of darkness to deliverance
In the moments of night to day!
Lights seeps in and saturation sublimes
The dark clouds shifting perspectives.
Birthing a new breaking point
Of a brand new dawn!


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10 Tips to Body Confidence

In an age of self obsession bordering on extremes of behaviour from starving to binging, from wearing those uncomfortable hip breaking harmful high heels to choosing crazy outfits that fool you in the name of fashion, to wearing outrageous clothes without it actually suiting your personality, just to fit in and feel accepted I find a lot of people youngsters especially finding themselves at odds with their natural body and having issues with who they truly are. It reflects in the clothes they wear as much as in their attitude to the fast convenience food they choose to eat.

Here in this article I address this very insecurity and deep need to measure up to the so called dictates of trends and fashion in the name of modernity and suggest ways to work with yourself to help yourself shine your best inside out. For, a comfortable and relaxed confident body is the best outfit you can wear.
Savvy Raj

A positive body image brings optimism into your life and makes it easier to manage stress.

It also helps you cope the pressures of social situations with confidence. Below, I’ve listed 10 tips to help you in owning a more positive body image and relationship with yourself.

  • Be kind to yourself

Liking who you are and feeling good about being yourself begins with being good to yourself and showing yourself loving kindness.

  • Respect thy Self

Move beyond a need for validation from others. Your life and happiness must never be dictated by assuming what others may be thinking of you. Avoid seeking approval from others.

  • Think well and exercise the power of positivity

Keep a check on your own thoughts and steer clear of negative self-talk. See the positives in yourself and others and speak positively. See life transform for the better.

  • The company you keep matters

Surround yourself with kind and positive people. Avoid those who are self-obsessed and definitely stay away from bullies.

  • Cultivate a good attitude towards life

As you continue to work on your self-esteem remember body confidence is a matter of attitude and the way you carry yourself.

  • Cultivate good posture and poise

Work on your sense of poise, avoid slouching and fidgeting. This can help you tremendously in boosting your self-esteem in any social situation.

  • Speak well

Your body is always listening. So, speak well of yourself and others. Make it a habit to start and end the day on a positive note.

  • Embrace Self-value

Try to understand your weaknesses and accept them as challenges to work on. Treat yourself well. Make sure to eat well, exercise, or take a walk. Be healthy and groomed. Make it a part of daily life.

  • Take it easy

Over perfection is an obsession and can ruin your self-esteem and self-confidence. Ease up on yourself. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

  • Own yourself

Embrace the uniqueness that you are endowed with. Remember you matter. You are so much more than a title, a rank, or a dress size. Don’t be desperate to fit in. Most importantly, be interested in your life and actively participate in it. Own yourself.

As you practise working on all these aspects and envision the positives, you create a positive shift in your perspectives.

Because you can!

– Savvy


On thankfulness

Wonderful word in every language  

Some expressions manifest abundance 

Remember to use them whenever necessary 

And it is often necessary as each cannot do without the other. We are all living an  interdependent life after all.

‘Thank you ”

 A thank you means a lot …

 A recognition of your action 

An appreciation of your effort

An acknowledgement of humanity 

An assurance of  a job well done

A gratitude of attitude in the being 

A sense of value of anothers deed 

A strength of goodwill  in our life.

An expression of politeness 

In the acceptance or refusal

Of the offer in question….
So today I take this opportunity to first of all thank my readers and friends who have supported me in my journey of writing  and continue to do so … I do believe our strength is rooted in these interconnects built and envisioned in wordshares. In fact many a times even though we may have never met we literally can trust ourselves in reading the person like a book… such is the power of a heartfelt share💙

  And secondly like I always say writing is a pleasure and reading is a joy I want to thank my fellow writers for their wonderful blogs, amazing contributions and inspiring shares. 

 So very thankful for this journey of ours as writers… A never ending road in creativity.

Savvy Raj