Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!



Sharing one from my series of Circular Artworks painting today and a very powerful poem by Rumi.

I feel somehow it connects with this poem…

Flow : Textured Artwork by Savvy Raj

“There is a community of the spirit.
Join it, and feel the delight
of walking in the noisy street
and being the noise.

Drink all your passion and be a disgrace.
Close both eyes to see with the other eye.
Open your hands if you want to be held.

Consider what you have been doing.
Why do you stay
with such a mean-spirited and dangerous partner?

For the security of having food. Admit it.
Here is a better arrangement.
Give up this life, and get a hundred new lives.

Sit down in this circle.

Quit acting like a wolf,
and feel the shepherd’s love filling you.

At night, your beloved wanders.
Do not take painkillers.

Tonight, no consolations.
And do not eat.

Close your mouth against food.
Taste the lover’s mouth in yours.

You moan, But she left me. He left me.
Twenty more will come.

Be empty of worrying.
Think of who created thought.

Why do you stay in prison
when the door is so wide open?

Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking.
Live in silence.

Flow down and down
in always widening rings of being.”
– Rumi

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Illusions in the Reflections

Reflections in the stillness

On a patch of water

Reflections of sunlight

On a passing cloud

Reflecting colours

We humans have named…

The truth of clarity

Is the freedom in the uncertain

What seems to be, may not be

What is, may be not

What is apparent, may be invisible

What is assumption, may become a contradiction

Or simply delusions of our own imagination.

Or simply a clarity of illusions in the reflections.


Was watching the reflections of sunlight dancing on this patch of water on the window sill of my terrace one evening. I was mesmerized by the fleeting cloud it had captured and its amazing colours that held my fancy for a long while…

Savvy Raj


Adorable Tree

“A tree nowhere offers a straight line or a regular curve, but who doubts that root, trunk, boughs, and leaves embody geometry?”
~George Iles

The above collage of artworks is based out of one of my photographs of this adorable tree I pass by every time, during my walks in Rennes France. I then enhanced my photo digitally and I am sharing the artworks out of my photography of this tree. I am always amazed how this tree would look different during different times of the day. And the changing weather would make it a treat to capture. While I clicked the pictures I couldn’t help notice the play of light on the tree and how its autumn leaves would shine through.

Sometimes there is no logic,

It is just the nature of being.

It may seem like just any other tree but for me this beautiful tree lives in my heart forever.



Synergy of energy

Have share this beautiful song earlier in another context.

But here the song emotes to me…

In these curated clips of tangos shown to time with this beautiful song I share my reflections…on the dance form Tango.

Born in the dark alleys of Argentina

The stark truth emerges of murky beginnings in the 18th century

Frequented mostly by slaves,immigrants in the ports of Buneos Aires and even Uruguay.

There were even bans on many of these tango musical gatherings.

The dance form began with countless influences of European and native culture.

Argentine Tango is both energetic and enigmatic

It has the strength and soul to show.

Equally exotic and evocative

Intriguing and beguiling

The lead and follow is beyond genders

For connection is beyond the physicality

For beside the passion play plain to see,

There is something quite alluring & attractive in the movements.

Two people apparently moving as one

The footwork entices and enthralls

The feet move with a mind all their own

But articulating a drama through the feet.

Slow, steady or sharp and staccato movements

Each pair of feet, teasing the other

Challenging into a seemingly deadly duel of the feet.

Hitting all the right notes

Never missing a beat

Never stepping unto another

Except for a flip a dip or a show stopping lift thrown in.

If you want to see the drama of life and living,

Watch the synergy of energy playing

In a soulful yet spirited tango of two dancers.

There is rivetting romance,

Yet strikingly serious and sombre in notion.

Depths of emotion & unbridled passion

Emanating in an artistry of motion.

Today there are so many versions of the Tango

Off shoots and diverse cultural interpretations.

That created new interpretations of the way the dance is danced.

In hold, in form, in stance and in steps. That it’s almost untraceable.

Tango today is alluring as ever with dark days remaining just a history.

Yet retaining the mystery and appeal, Captivating with its intensity.

The connects so rooted in the embrace and hold, that makes the fancy footwork so effortless.

Tango truly speaks eloquently more than ever before…


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Dance baby dance…

Dance Baby Dance…

As simple as that!

Delight the soul

Lighten the heart.

When you move freely

Beyond fear and apprehensions

Beyond self doubts & restrictions

Beyond assumptions & judgements

You are in tune with the spirit within.

Stay tuned in & keep dancing!


Splash of Colours



Today I am sharing  a small part of an abstract painting I created earlier.
It gives me a splash of colours whenever I want a bright pop of colors to jumpstart my day.

Art speaks volumes without words.
Art is healing  & therapeutic  at the same time.
Correct choice of colours  make all the difference  They can enhance moods
In moments  of melancholy
In times of  restlessness..
In times of stress they can soothe the frayed nerves.

Yet what works for one may not work for another….
As every  person  has a unique  sense of colour.

Creating is the art of making art, work towards  a purpose.
Creating is also the art of allowing the flow as much as channeling the flow.



The Path to Resurrection

Mental /Emotional abuse in relationships:

Domestic abuse happens and it need not be only physical abuse.
In my career as a dance educator and teacher spanning two decades now, I have come across many situations of mental abuse that some of my female students experienced and shared with me in the course of time. Believe me, it is a lot more rampant than we choose to accept. Some time ago I had written an article extensively on the Dignity of the being

Back then I had brought forward a true story of my own poor house help and how she stood strong in spite of continued physical torture in the hands of an abusive alcoholic husband.

Consider this a continuation of the exercise to bring up another much undercover and consciously veiled topic… of the shades and degrees of mental and emotional harassment in the name of relationships.

Age, education, class or culture does not seem to matter. It could happen to just about anyone. In fact, some very educated women, students who were affected by such partners cut a very sorry and disheartening figure, privately after the class.

Hoping however best I could use abilities in my capacity would help, I used to hold some space and time free for them to share and express what is going on in their lives. And to make them realise the power of positive expression, in helping them know that they are not alone and helpless.

We as dance educators can be if need be and when required, a great source of support to our learners in our understanding of movement. For the body never lies, we can probably be tuned in to see which of our students needs our gentle guidance and support as well from time to time.

It hurts to see a seemingly brilliant and confident woman breakdown under the weight of abuse and harassment at home. Often they would break down to share their issues with me for want of support. In the course of listening and understanding of their frustration my abilities to counsel strengthened as I started offering supported listening for their unique predicament.

I ended up realising how no two situations are the same. And besides a dominating and subjugating nature of an individual, how alcohol or substance abuse ( even chewing tobacco)are often factors that cause aggressive behaviour other than work stress and financial worries.

Often the woman finds herself in a predicament when the aggressor’s behaviour differs like chalk and cheese between day and night. There may be mental torture inflicted under the influence of a few drinks. The reasons no matter but when words and tempers spew, unfiltered and uncontrolled especially at the fag end of the day, the victim often is clueless as to how to deal with the situation.

Often drained by sporadic and incessant attacks they end up weakened by sleeping less, tossing and turning through the night wondering what they did to hear so much insinuating words. Health issues crop up in time as the body cannot cope with the confusion. And probably without any physical evidence to show, mental torture is difficult to prove. There are not many readily accessible support groups she could go here in India as yet and for the fear of judgements she prefers to suppress her hurt.

For example…

A dominating husband has a bad day at work. He gathers up all the rage and is seething inside.
His vent becomes his wife and family and often he comes home late night in a foul mood and spews venomous hate over his loved ones. Often it may be a time when all at home are asleep at night.

The reasons or the trigger to get angry could be just about anything.
It could be about a deal that did not come through at office… which he may carry forth on the home front… it first converts to deep-rooted rage and lack of patience and tolerance in general. It could be about anything …like, not picking up the phone when he calls, it could be about the lunch sent from home, which he found had less salt, it could be about not opening the door on time, it could be about a credit card swipe at a supermarket which irks him.

After such attacks especially at night most often there is regret in the morning for the words said, but it cannot be taken back.. And pride and ego stops him from feeling or saying sorry and taking help for amending his ways. The patterns continue. Cold silence ensues on both ends for want of peace. Until things settle in the course of time only to rise again another day.

The victim is often clueless about how to help in such a situation as she is continually bombarded with her weaknesses and told that all problems arise because of her. She often takes recourse to silence as there may be extended family members staying with them or for the fear that the children would hear and get hurt further.

Dealing with anger and rage and temper tantrums.

If you are ever at the receiving end of unforeseen anger you need to brace yourself from getting hurt and affected due to sensitivity.
Especially when you are confronted with a situation where you are taken aback by someone spewing anger all over you, showering you with mean and unnecessary words and raining abuses over you for something you did not do, as well as creating a ruckus about silly things… remember your best weapon is non-retaliation.

Try as they might to get you to say something by provoking with crude words … do not engage.
There is nothing like nonengagement for handling mental and emotionally abusive relationships.
It does not mean that you accept the pain and hurt rather you are aware of what works and how it is a more sensible way to tackle such a circumstance.

Also, it helps to understand that the aggressor is perhaps suffering and doesn’t know to channel and deal with the issues at hand and perhaps takes the path of bullying, manipulating, attacking by verbally insinuating and insulting to counter the situation. Know and accept they need help too. If they have any sense left they ought to get it for their own self. Remember the saying, you can only take the horse to the water but it has to drink on its own. So accept that you are doing your best and let go of worries.

Yes, it amounts to a great degree of emotional maturity to be silent and not succumb to such provocation.

A few tips…

If you find yourself identifying with any such predicament, allow yourself to express yourself.
Take help, speak to an emotionally mature member of your immediate family

Do not suppress in the morning for you know deep inside that this can and will happen again. It is just a matter of time.
Let them know there is so much that you are going through and that you need help.
Sleep as much as you can for you might often be sleep deprived.

Take interest in what you are feeding your body, avoid junk for you might just be nutritionally deficient with all the mental tensions and conflicts.
The body needs a vent to release the contracted pain, exercise well as much as you can.

Breathing consciously deeper with awareness can calm the agitated mind.
If you can write, regularly try to maintain a journal of gratitude for all the good things that are happening with you.

Look around and notice your blessings. They will be in the form of children, friends, pets, your skills, your faith, your inner resilience or your never say die attitude.

Realise you are meant to live not just exist.

Remember there is always a way!

Remember you are full of inner strength that you can harness even in your vulnerability.
Trust that this faith in yourself will take you through!

Because you are enough for you!


Dynamics of Power

Read On Domination Part 1


On Thinking Thoughts

Thinking is open to possibilities
Thought is already channelled
To be fair and square
Thinking is about the now
Emerging in this moment.

Thought is the past
Over and done.

Yet every thought matters
As it may enable new ways of thinking…
And so it goes

Until these loops form a pattern
And hit a sweet spot of light
Illuminating a new path way!



Purple Daze


Surreal vision, silken dreams

Silver sky, hues of blues

Serene spaces beyond places

Known and unknown

Purple daze, violet lake.

Ethereal vision entwined passions!

Enchanting sight, purple light!

The colour purple symbolizes many things like mystery creativity, romance, royalty,  luxury, pride and peace.
It is the colour artists are often fond of.
Spiritually, colour purple and violet assist in the expansion  of awareness and in connection of deeper consciousness.

How many shades of purple have you heard of...
Here are some variations of Colour purple… many of which you can find in the beautiful picture above.

Lavender,  lilac
Periwinkle, purple
Heather, mauve
Orchid, amethyst
Iris, violet
Boysenberry, mulberry
Sangria, magenta
Plum jam, raisin
Grape wine
Eggplant purple.

And if you are the kind drawn to colour purple and violets…
What is your favourite shade?



Capturing  Movement…

In art there is a flow
Of feeling
Of movement
Of emotions
Of energy
Displaying the skill of the artist

There is…

A sense of completeness
Inspite of rawness
A sense of wholeness
Inspite of the roughness

Opening up sensations
In the heart of the viewer
Delivering the meaning
Of the spirit of the soul.

As then the message conveys
The very purpose of the art.
When art speaks to the heart
Art moves the soul.



You Can!

Painting & Artwork by Savvy Raj

You Can!

If you only could see the myriad patterns and colors of life you will live to create

If you could believe in the vividity of the moment

If you could only sense the magic that life is meant to be

You will…

Paint your life with joy in the flow!

Unwrap this gift of life lovingly!

Just believe you can.

You can!



When life imitates art

Art and the Artist

Can life express without art

Can art have meaning without life

When life meets art

There are endless expansions

One knows not where life begins

And art flows…

Or art begins and life flows…

Creativity enables itself

In a flow of the infinite abundance

And never ending expressions.


Yes, there are moments

When life imitates art,

And art emotes life!

This is one of them. Do watch.


Journey unto being!

A Digital Painting by Savvy Raj

In the farthest path without a trail

The soul might find its root of being

The heart and mind will set its sail

And stir the soul into its state of knowing

Beyond the path, that’s homeward bound

The journey is the test of the perseverance of will

To reach the home roots of many lifetimes that the soul has found.

Wise to persevere to reach the place unknown and known

The path is forgotten but will be forged on just fine.

When in faith the seeds have been sown

With a will to reach, crossing the trials beyond yours and mine … 🙂

Savvy Raj


Colour of emotions.

If emotions were tubes of colours
The way we paint every day
The way we live our lives
The way we think and express
Our own experiences in being.
Will be a riot on the canvas.

Envisioning in the seeing…
Flashes of brilliance in bright yellow
Of optimism and cheer
Sporadically surging joy and ecstasy.

Going green in connectedness
Contented lines flowing in trustful acceptance
Or moves markedly hesitant in fear and apprehension.
Arresting artistry of living life in loving kindness

Explosions of reds marking anger
Or in delusions of grandeur in aggression.
In ingenious masterstrokes in fits of rage
Of imagination running wild.

Colour of Purple in projecting pride.
Of passionate perseverance to detail
Or a certain aloofness in respectful reservation.
A sense of ascension and royalty.

Shades of blue in thoughtful flow and serenity
Or organic spaced out zenful zones
Of mindful movements in the making.

Yes there is an emotion in every colour
As colours are but tools of expression
Of the ever changing moods of man
How colorful is the spirit of our soul.

Every colour plays a significant role
Like in the wheel of colours
So are emotions that appear
In the wheel of life.
Each plays it’s part.
All matters to the whole.



On Change

You are not the same

You are changing

In every moment

The change is creating you

That changer is within you !

You are the change, the changer and the changing you seek.

The wisdom is in…

Seeing the structure in the chaos and relate to the rhythms in nature.

Following along the infinite beginnings all leading to the same place :’Your true self’.

And in a knowingness that allows you to exercise choice in free will to be who you truly are.

Savvy Raj

Artwork by Savvy Raj

#metaphysics #writing #poetry #selfawareness
#writers #