Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Learning from Children

Taking things easy…

The day we learn to be light and live in lightness and not take things so seriously, we start truly living.

After all the sun will rise and set in its own course, life will flow in the river of time, why not think of living it cruising along knowing nothing lasts forever.

Whenever life feels a little too weary..

Know tomorrow is another day

And there is always a sun awaiting to shine…


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Birthing ideas

A beautiful post on Germination of Ideas by my dear friend Ali Anani brought me to spring forth with some of my reflections.

Birthing ideas…

Ideas find their own way to germinate
At times they stay dormant almost invisible and untraceable.
And sometimes they emerge out of nowhere
As if they have a mind all their own.

So whether there are plenty of ideas or one is starved of ideas.
It matters not where they originated from…if it is the mind or heart spaces.
But it matters what path they take how they are applied?
What seeds they sprout in the emergence?

And yet, an idea that remains undeveloped, unappreciated today becomes a genius breakthrough someday.

On too much and too less

Too much of liberty and free will
At times may lead to aimless explorations and confusions.
Too less freedom leads to slavery and subjugation.
Too much thinking can create stress and be overwhelming
Too many ideas can be hard to contain.
Too little fodder for thoughts leads to bland existence.
It’s our choice actually…
Are we to live or simply exist?

Is there a paradox of enrichment?

Is overdoing a crime
To answer this, I ask
Is there bad in the good and good in the bad?
Too much of anything will lose its charm and character.
Appreciation declines and contentment reduces.

As it all turns to excess!

So I believe in equanimity that comes in finding equilibrium
Moderation is the key.
Too much sadness is unbearable
Too much happiness may lead to boredom.
For in too much of the good times
Values are lost and things are taken for granted.

Let there be a balance
In thoughts words and deeds
So there is neither depression of deprivations
Nor extravagance in enrichments.

Guess like ideas find their way to shoot in suitable time in time.

Like life itself, ideas also know how to balance and counterbalance themselves in life and living.

Life itself is a great idea after all!

What say, aren’t you one?🙂👍


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Grace up your life.

Live your life with the grace of faith in your heart

Touch a heart, reach beyond knowledge

Speak with certainty and be assuring.

Yet be gracious. Be gentle. Be loving.

There is much going on in the in-between.

In the silence of the unsaid and unspeakable.

Delve deeper and reach the truth of the being.

In these ponderings are great insights.

Bringing forth the wisdom in the subtlety of being.

Life is fragile yet fascinating if you choose to see it so.

There is strength in the vulnerabilities of life.

For every life carries in it the wisdom of living many lifetimes.

The purpose of your life is much more than you can make sense of.

Live your life lovingly!


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To Dance…

To dance is to move with the strength of earth below you, sensing and knowing the grounding beneath you of your convictions.

To dance is to freely be able to improvise your physical and emotional self with the quality of fluidity like the flowing water.

To dance is to ignite the power of passion and fire up your creative movements.

To dance is to be able to glide as if you are as light as the air and soar in grace, as you feel the wind enveloping yet beckoning you to scale new heights of harmonious effusion while dancing with a conscious awareness of your edges and spaces that you occupy in this beautiful amazing world”



Purple Daze


Surreal vision, silken dreams

Silver sky, hues of blues

Serene spaces beyond places

Known and unknown

Purple daze, violet lake.

Ethereal vision entwined passions!

Enchanting sight, purple light!

The colour purple symbolizes many things like mystery creativity, romance, royalty,  luxury, pride and peace.
It is the colour artists are often fond of.
Spiritually, colour purple and violet assist in the expansion  of awareness and in connection of deeper consciousness.

How many shades of purple have you heard of...
Here are some variations of Colour purple… many of which you can find in the beautiful picture above.

Lavender,  lilac
Periwinkle, purple
Heather, mauve
Orchid, amethyst
Iris, violet
Boysenberry, mulberry
Sangria, magenta
Plum jam, raisin
Grape wine
Eggplant purple.

And if you are the kind drawn to colour purple and violets…
What is your favourite shade?



Capturing nature

Nature is a dance of abundance

Colours and textures

Waltzing in vividity

With the arising concotion

Of unique patterns

Interspersed with changes

Of Seasons in a rapturous flow

Spellbinding yet endearing

Cataclysmic yet composed

Arresting hues juxtaposed

In delicate balance of form

Distinguishing the elements

Nature expresses in all shades!

The light of it’s own being.


Sharing a few of my captures…

Of precious moments in nature.


You truly can!

When you sense a saddened heart
Say I am going to share some care.
When you meet indifference & antipathy
Say I am going to spread goodwill in empathy.

When you encounter a dull day
Say I am going to make it joyous
When you are faced with despair
Say I am still hopeful of change.
When you are feeling lost in a maze
Say I am going to find out a way

For there is always a way out
Keep your cheer about you
Know you are enough for you
And you will begin to light the way
Just by the way you are.
And because you truly can!


Still waters run deep

When water is still

There is mystery

In its stillness

Of its depth.

In its state of flow

Water acquires power

As it allows itself to be shaped.

In it is the strength to adapt

To be gentle stream in the flow

Or rise up like the waves

And in its very depth of being

Is a plethora of life’s potential

Thriving in the contentment of balance.



Slipping sands of time

Interesting set of reflections , I just had to share…

Hardly the day started and … it is already six o’clock in the evening.
Barely arrived on Monday and it’s already Friday.
… and the month is already over.
… and the year is almost up.
… and already 40, 50 … years of our lives have passed.
… and we realize that we lost our parents, friends.
and we realize that it is too late to go back …

So … Let’s try, however, to take full advantage of the time we have left …
Let’s not stop looking for activities that we like …
Let’s put color in our greyness …
Let’s smile at the little things in life that put balm in our hearts.
And yet, we must continue to enjoy serenely the time that remains.

Let’s try to eliminate the “after” …
I do it after …
I will say after …
I will think about it after …
We leave everything for ‘later’ as if “after” was ours.
Because what we do not understand is that:
after, the coffee cools …
after, priorities change …
after, the charm is broken …
after, health passes …
after, the children grow up …
after, the parents get older …
after, the promises are forgotten …
after, the day becomes the night …
after, life ends …
And after that it’s often too late ….
So … leave nothing for ‘later’ …
Because always waiting for later, we can lose the best moments,
the best experiences,
the best friends,
the best family …
The day is today … The moment is now …

The above post is replete with the wisdom of Now. It resonates so much, especially with two of my earlier share of verses… one penned by my mother…This moment!

And the second my own verses called The Potent Now.



Karmic connects

Someone asked me about karma and destiny today

Does karma affect destiny?
And whether we can change our destiny?

What are your thoughts I would love to hear… also as the meaning, the interconnects and interpretation of karma and destiny can be manifold. To each their own.

Our paths are preordained
But we create our karma in every moment.

I simply believe that there is always more than we know and can even begin to fathom
And yet things occur for our own evolution.

While the laws of nature
Take its course
The karmic cycles and destiny
Are juxtaposed in their own way.

The question a life may ask
In deepest turmoils
Is how are we to overcome karma
Or can destiny be changed at all.

Then intelligent life may ascertain
In search and knowing
Of the power of will and choice
To overcome the thorns of agony

It may project positivity
It may sense equanimity
It may become non judgemental
It may learn to value moments.

Yet can it change what is to be endured?
Can it prevent pain altogether?
Karma is linked into past present and future…
Through cause and effects, action and reaction.

And well, destiny is the way it was meant to be
You may transform your karmic status in every response.
And Destiny is not necessarily changed
Yet it can be transcended.

Simple ways to transform karma
To bring about a space between the steps
To respond than react.
Simple ways to transcend destiny
To choose goodwill in and around you.
To ask but less for the self and more for the good of others around you.
To practice thinking beyond ones limited self.
To remember to let go, to give more than you receive.

For only if what we are ready to give can transcend limitations, can we see abundance within and around us.
Such is the way of life and living.



The path of the heart…

Allow the heart to speak.

Don’t disown it

As it speaks from an intuitive connect

Of knowing and sensing.

Walk the path of the heart,

Where action emanates from empathy,

Where sight envisions noble deeds,

Where one senses the calm of compassion,

Where ears listen to sounds of silence.

And every heart knows the path.

Such is the path of the heart!

Put your heart in whatever you do

For the path of the heart lights the way.




Came across this very meaningful message today …

We may pass the violets

Looking for roses

We may pass contentment

Looking for victory.

Truly our gift of life is so special.

And it is our misfortune if we fail to realise the bounties on our path.

Sometimes we are blinded by our arrogance

At times by sheer ignorance

Or at other times in indifference

To what is actually with us.

We perhaps pass happiness many times by

With our own neverending desires

To need more than we have

That we fail to cherish all that we truly are blessed with already.

For we are only human

And given to human failings

But our every bit of effort

To bring about a sense of awareness

And witness the graces in the now

However small it may seem

Is a step towards our own evolution.



On Togetherness

On togetherness

The question is are we strengthened or divided in time spent in togetherness. Nations that are close in proximity hardly are together like people who may live together seemingly close knitted but hardly feel united in spirit.

The picture above intrigues me…

Entwined hands in a show of unity

Three different shades of skin

Starkly different in tones and hues

Blood beneath it all is the colour red

Alive in this now and together

They seem bonded by life

Yet this show of togetherness is a far cry

And belies the truth and reeks of racial struggles of times bygone.

Light medium and dark

These three sheaths of skin

Speak volumes of the unspoken rift

They tell tales of discrimination

Of slavery and class differentiation

Of power struggles and domination

Of the oppressed and the oppressors

Of distances in between

Of privileged and underprivileged

Is this show of strength in unity … Is it

An illusion of togetherness

A kiss and tell in feigned innocence

Or a facade put forth

In the very bliss of ignorance

One doesn’t know

Like we know not how souls choose the body to live to enjoy or endure it through a lifetime.

In the blissful togetherness!

Our world today may have woken up in bits and pieces.

In awareness of equality of the sexes

With respect for beings alike

With value for human dignity by far

Yet there is ongoing war and terror everywhere

Women are not safe anywhere

As predators lurk,

Children have to be watched over carefully

None feel safe any place anywhere

And peace is the need of this planet …in this now

If there is anything that may help bridge the gap

It is the awareness of the humanity in each other

And the strength of the interconnects in the interbeing

True togetherness is a trustful knowing in interdependence

In acceptance of one another in spite of their unique differences.


These reflections in verse format are my hearts cry that poured through the verses addressing many ills and evils of society.

Namely lack of tolerance, inequality, indignity, racial discrimination, body shaming, gender bias, atrocities on women ,child safety issues as much the forest fires and global warming and not to forget the threats of terror,war and more.

We are simply making it more difficult to live in this planet with each other by our egoplays, taking one another and our world for granted and need for domination without a consideration of the consequences of our actions.

Why can’t we coexist in peace and in strength of unity in this beautiful ball of blue?

After all it is the only one world we have.



Rhythm Divine

The beauty in every breath of life is in its impressions in the expressions through the tones, shades, in its patterns & rhythms.

This sets it apart…such is the uniqueness to every breath in the being.



Here and there…

Mirage of the moment

For here we exist and live
Carrying on thinking this is life

Feeling and sensing what is felt
Unaware of the mirage of this moment.

Here and there.

Everything is as much as it is not
All in this vortex of time caught
Sharing spaces
In these so called places …

We stand breathing
In the betwixt and between
The blurring line
Of the so called real and unreal.
Each steadfast in thought and opinion
Of deed and action
Hoping to leave impression
On these shifting sands of time.

Here and there and everywhere…
