Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


On Faith

Faith has no questions

For faith senses

Faith is a matter of trust

Faith brings ease

Ease brings peace.

All is a matter of faith

And faith knows



The Young Ones

A Motivational message

To the Young Ones

In your 20s

Life is about to bloom for you
Youth is on your side today
If your goal is to make a difference
Know your road is a long one.

Just a word of caution in care
With thoughts from down the road
Every moment has potential
With possibilities unlimited.

Life is both beautiful and uncertain
It can summon the very best in you
It can challenge your deepest reserve
To stay on course, needs your sensibility.

Be brave for the strongest can tremble
Be stable for the steadiest can tumble
Be humble for pride never wins
Be mindful of the now and tread with care.

Many a person will sing your praises
There will many paths open to explore
There will be many discoveries awaiting
Succumb not to temptation of aiming small.

Choose to think expansive and yet focus
Every thing is on a fine thread of balance.
As you make your choices
You shift and alter your paths ahead.

Sharing a beautiful song by Cliff Richard The Young Ones

So many…

Mountains to climb and achieve
Oceans to cross and discover
Pathways to create your imprints
All this and so much more….

Intentions to manifest and more
Journey to make and understand
Life is just starting for you
Miles to go before you Settle!

Life is what you make of it
Success is in how you see it
Love is how you feel within
Laugh a lot! Live Life Lovingly!

Yes dreams do come alive
Stars will twinkle & sparkle on
Trust your path is in the making
All it needs is you!

God bless you.



We are meant to survive

From the age of innocence
To the age of advancement
From unraveling of the mysteries
Of the mind the body and the being
Emerging from the depths of darkness
To exploration in light & space.
Diving into the ocean of life
Living in the extreme conditions
With just the will to dare
And discover the unknown.

We humans have traveled through time
Leaving imprints of consciousness
Both successful and otherwise
Every century has it’s own stories.
Yes we are living through troubled times
Calling in for tough measures.
A subject of huge debate
With confusion and chaos.
But survive we have and we will
Through calamities and war.
Inspite of impending darkness
We will keep moving towards light

Upholding hope beyond despair
Let’s help keep love alive in our hearts.
We will overcome the passing storms
We will survive the unsurmountable
We will persevere and thrive
For we are meant to survive.



A Reciprocal Arrangement

A Reciprocal Arrangement

Sometimes when we question

The very nature of being

On acts of all kinds

In awareness and without

Of stumbles and fumbles

In tethering through

And managing life and living

We awaken to the truth of the matter

Of a reciprocal arrangement.

In the cycle of life

Of nature in its infinite abundance

Of intentions in its infinite expressions

Of unfolding of paths yet known

Of unveiling of myriad patterns

All in the continuum of consciousness.

All is as it is meant to flow.

Trust life to lead your way.

All is well as it is meant to be.

For such is the circle of life.

All goes hand in hand.

Each, of value for the other

In some unknown way.

Know there is an answer to every question.

A solution for every problem.

A clarity for every confusion.

A resolution for every conflict.

And freedom of choice in spite of restraint.



An Affirmation For One & All!

I come from light
Born with the infinite in me
Learning through it all
To move from deepest insecurities to dare
To rise like a phoenix beyond fear.

To see the world in a heartbeat
To turn the tide of pain to pleasure
To awaken the dormant awareness
To hope beyond despair
To give hope to the hopeless.

And when the mood strikes
To take flights of fancy in the light of imagination
Into the world of creativity and dream on
In surrealistic idealism.

To revel, celebrate and enthuse
In the creativity of thoughts words & deeds
To be conscious of my glorious truths
To feel free and yet deeply interwoven

To the fabric of conscious intentions
To denote the goodwill in the endowment
To mark the fleeting time with grace.

To leave footprints in benevolence.
In joyous acceptance of the potential within
Of endless beginning in possibilities
Of Infinity expressing itself through me.

©Savvy Raj


And when the spinach leaves curl…

Every movement is a sign
That denotes something.
There is always a reason why
Nothing is just accidental.

My terrace garden plan
Started with growing a pot of spinach
While the first few weeks
There was a bountiful green…

As they grew some more
The foliage got a little dense.
It perhaps was overcrowded
It harboured a certain dampness…

Perhaps the spinach leaves curl
In lack of space to accommodate
In so doing they become vulnerable
To infestation in distress.

Any sign of curling
Is a contraction
For self protection
From the ravages in living life!

There is always remedy to heal
In going back to basics
In caring to correct the ways
In allowing space for growth.

Let there be space around
For the leaves to breathe in
Regulate the water intake
Harvest them at the right time.

Growing plants teaches many lessons
Worth applying in life and living.
The choice is ours to take
And choose to optimize in the changes.


In continuation of the series

Lessons learned from the Three Pots


Stairway beckons

A picture that is open to so many interesting interpretations…

Is this a stairway to heaven
The path that sets you free
Steps that lead the way
To the light of eternal truth

Your life is given to you
A knowing is bestowed upon you
In hope that you will seek
And find the truth of your being.
All answers are within you
To sense and understand
Life is both hell and heaven if you wish.
All it needs is a stairway to the within.

In the rigours of life and living
Find those moments that move you beyond simply existing!
Search not the whole world over
In confusion and chaos over the emerging illusions.
For in all the facade of perceptions
The truth is simple and visible
If you choose to actually notice.

Seek if you must
The truth of your own life.
The purpose of your own being.
Choose to be responsible.
To acknowledge the wonder you are
Make friends with your inner self.
Treat it with care and consideration
Align your thoughts and action.
You will soon find within yourself
The stairway to the heaven in you!



Strength of a Woman

In the lives of many women

Being strong is not an option

It is a necessity!

In a world riddled with inequalities

In a world full of double standards

Standing up for yourself

Becomes a tool for survival.

In those tricky moments

In a blink of an eye

Push comes to shove

Pleasure turns to pain

Hurt and betrayal

Seems to fill the air

There she is, left standing alone

To fend for herself on her own.

It is then that she meets fear in the eye

Faces the dark side of humanity

Sensing power in her vulnerability.

Who says a woman is weak?

Watch her rise like a phoenix!

Tremendous is her tenacity!

Resourceful is her resiliency!

The strength of a woman

Braves through the rising storm

Daring beyond the hurt and pain

Fighting through the wrong doings

She moves on to heal and build

In hope and faith in a new morrow

For she knows in her heart

Tommorow is another day!


My dedication to Women all around the world!

Every Day is Women’s Day !

Happy Women’s Day!


One life

Just one heartfelt move… makes all the difference!

One who knows the worth of life cannot afford to waste even a single moment of life… Take a step towards a more meaningful life for you ….



Work & life

Work is not all of life
And life is not all work

All is in a days work ?
I wonder if the world could see
The simplest truth of life and work.

Work has its place in life
But it must not takeover life
Treat work well meet and greet
On its terms but dont get bound by it.

The canvas of life is expansive
And yet inclusive
And work is not all.
Many facets of life bring on the shine
Each facet carrying its purpose of being.

An experience of each begets the wisdom
Make time for it all.

Work is work only if work is treated like work.
Dont abuse it. dont disregard .
Treat it with dignity own up to it
Value it as an opportunity .

Give it your best shot
Take nothing for granted
For every bit matters.
Respect work as it t comes as it is tough to live without work
Life is life only if you care to live it well
What use is life if you are not even able to
Live it
All you have is one life.

Heartbeats in every now
Every moment matters for its your life
To do all that you truly can
Every day is fresh with all the possibilities
Make life work for yourself
As you gear up to step up to life
Life will open up the path for you.



Life comes a full circle

Who has not felt ripples

At some point or another?

Life comes a full circle,

With its curves of ups and downs.

In the course of living,

There will be many ups,

Where the ego is boosted

And the spirit seems to soar.

And in the same breath,

There will be many downs

Of grief, despair, and loss,

Sometimes beyond compare.

As life continues on its path

Between nowhere and somewhere,

Between pain and pleasure,

Know there is an art to living.

Call it the wisdom of moderation

To stay clear of tilting to the extremes

Of emotions that manifest

In life and living.

Sense it all, both pain and pleasure,

For what is life after all.

Laugh a little to fill your hearts,

And let your tears flow, if they must.

Just don’t dwell on it for too long.

Move on, learning to flow with life.

You are no mountain to stand unmoved,

Or a stagnant pond collecting debris.

You are filled with the wonders of life.

Just like trees, shed your pain.

Like dried autumn leaves,

Let go of your worries.

Allow yourself to flourish again.



You are meant to flow

Like a stream in the river of time.

You are meant to grow

And evolve along the way.

Choose to care and share

With your fellow travellers

For each life matters, somehow, somewhere,

To one and all, along the way!


This poem is dedicated to anyone who is going through a rough patch.

Hoping for the best and sending in loads of goodwill.


A Relevant Message

A great message that just had to be shared . Am sure we all can resonate with this.

All I did was add some imagery to the words!


Do share and pass the good words around.

Not Blood,

An ELECTRICIAN, to restore the current between people, who *do not speak* to each other anymore.

An OPTICIAN, to change the *outlook of people.*

An ARTIST, to draw *a smile* on everyone’s face.

A CONSTRUCTION WORKER, to build *a bridge* between neighbours.

A GARDENER, to cultivate *Good Thoughts.*

A PLUMBER to clear the *choked and blocked mindsets.*

A SCIENTIST to rediscover *compassion.*

A LANGUAGE TEACHER for *better communication* with each other.

Last but not the least A MATHS TEACHER, for all of us to relearn how *to count on each other.*


On Expressions

An Expression is full of intent
Full of focus and determination
Seems far removed from submission
Let alone the letting go.

And yet in the juxtaposition…
To flow with the eloquence of grace
Exists the enigma of the elusive
The surrealism of subtlety
Of approach & demeanour
Of action and intention.

For in the wisdom of every movement
Is the potential of the now…
To capture or to connect
To be bound or to blend
All is a choice within us.



Sunflower trait.

It is Monday morning and a start to a new week! Here is a beautiful story share.

Sunflowers 🌻 turn according to the position of the sun, in other words, they “chase the light.” You might already know this, but there is another fact that you probably do not know!

Have you ever wondered what happens on cloudy, rainy days when the sun is completely covered by clouds?🤔

This is an interesting question, isn’t it?

Perhaps you think the sunflower withers or turns its head towards the ground. Is this what crossed your mind?

Well, that’s incorrect!

This is what happens?

They turn towards each other to share their energy.🌻🌻

Nature’s perfection is amazing; now let’s apply this reflection to our lives. We all want this light and seek it in different ways: in our family, friends, religion, work and so on. But there are always going to be cloudy days, gloomy days, because there is no escaping them!

When this happens, most people become overwhelmed, low-spirited, and the most vulnerable ones, some-times, become depressed.How about following the example of the beautiful sunflowers 🌻 supporting and em-powering each other. Nature has so much to teach us.

Wishing everyone a “Sun flower”🌻 trait of turning towards each other on their cloudy and gloomy days.

Reading this story drew me to another fascinating aspect so visible in the sunflowers. The mathematical order of their spirals, that continue to mystify us in all their glory.

Here is an interesting explanation for such a phenomenon.

Truly are many aspects to the ordinary… and yet simplicities of harmony in the very complexities and chaos of life and living.


Think Positive Do Positive

Smile from the heart…

Help without expectations

Care without agenda

Paint with love

Sense the love!

Express yourself!

Share the love…

You do not live each day to discover what it holds for you, but to create it!
Lets start by creating some positive thoughts in and around us!
