Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


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Simplify Life

Simple can be profoundly impactful

For in the very complexity of the matter

Resides clarity of the simplicity.

Simplifying the truth of purpose

In easily understandable ways.

Simplify thoughts, simplify life.:))



Take A Step

Take a Step..

To start is is most difficult
The first step is often a challenge
And then some more
Follows through
And suddenly it appears
A pathway
A breakthrough
A perspective to aspire
And a renewed focus develops
Towards a goal.

So take the step
The first step
Start even if its a single step
Keep it simple
And in no time
You will have started on a journey
Towards your purpose of being.

After all
Success too is a series of steps
That starts with taking a step.



Simplicity of Complexity

Is at its best
In making sense
Of the complexity.

Think simple
To create clarity.
A countless ideas
May arrive at once.
Bounce them off.

Let your thoughts
Streamline itself
In the flow
Allow it to settle

Then make a choice
Pay attention
Pick the ones
That fits in

Work on them
To unclutter somemore
Until it makes perfect sense.
Simplicity is common sense.

Simplicity  resides
In the complexities

Let your creativity
Simplify life.



Evidence of simplicity

The evidence of simplicity
A moment of capture
Of ordinary things.
Without the facades.

Simple can be profoundly impactful
For in the very complexity of the matter
Resides clarity of the simplicity.
Simplifying the truth of purpose
In easily understandable ways.

So beyond the flourishes
And aggrandizement
Beyond the exuberance
And unnecessary buildups
Beyond the extravagance
And the ensuing distraction.

The path of simplicity
Needs no evidence
As simple gets across the message
Like no other.

What’s your path like?
What is your take on simple living?
Or do you dream of luxuriant living?
Has it changed or been affected by the years?
Have these times of uncertainty made a difference in the perspectives?



Work & life

Work is not all of life
And life is not all work

All is in a days work ?
I wonder if the world could see
The simplest truth of life and work.

Work has its place in life
But it must not takeover life
Treat work well meet and greet
On its terms but dont get bound by it.

The canvas of life is expansive
And yet inclusive
And work is not all.
Many facets of life bring on the shine
Each facet carrying its purpose of being.

An experience of each begets the wisdom
Make time for it all.

Work is work only if work is treated like work.
Dont abuse it. dont disregard .
Treat it with dignity own up to it
Value it as an opportunity .

Give it your best shot
Take nothing for granted
For every bit matters.
Respect work as it t comes as it is tough to live without work
Life is life only if you care to live it well
What use is life if you are not even able to
Live it
All you have is one life.

Heartbeats in every now
Every moment matters for its your life
To do all that you truly can
Every day is fresh with all the possibilities
Make life work for yourself
As you gear up to step up to life
Life will open up the path for you.



Creativity & Humility

Creativity is innate potential.

Deeply entwined in humility

In every realisation of potential infinite

Creation manifests itself time and again.

So much to know and understand

So much to learn and discover

So much to explore and fathom

Lifetimes are never enough

Such is the potential of the infinitum.

Creativity is embedded and enmeshed with emotions. To create is to connect with the core and the depth of the being.


In the flow of creation

Is the acknowledgement

Of the letting go

In the depth of creation

There is only pure potential

Where I, Me or Myself

Ego plays ceases to exist.

Expressions are conceived

In the potentials intention

They will find purpose

In the very strength of intention

That elevates consciousness

Beyond pride and prestige

Beyond fame and fortune.

As creativity tunes in to sense

The subtlest of emotion.

In the shaping and the blending

From thoughts to action

Creativity and humility

Go hand in hand in sublimity.

Have you any experience on the interconnects of creativity and humility? Do care to share.

A few of my posts related to Creativity

Art : Creating the Symphony of Life

10 tools to Manifest Creative Flow

On Creativity


Stay humble

On Humility

Stay humble and grounded
Remember your roots
For they are your strength
To know tough times move on
Leaving you solid in the rooting_
Yet flexible to flow and adapt
Knowing the wisdom of humility.



Spruce Up Your Work Space : Essential Tips

Art of Management: Managing WorkSpaces

A Few Essential Tips to Spruce Up Your Work Space.

If you are already a part of the growing population of the work from home employees, there is a high amount of organisational skills that you may already possess. Yet in the rut of routine the chances of feeling weary and disillusioned the dip in productivity increases alarmingly.

Are you feeling overwhelmed stressed and frustrated take a moment to stop and look at your space right now what you feel do you think it is cluttered and chaotic or needs a bit of sprucing up?

Do you think that your work life is a little out of control and maybe having a more manageable and productive space to work from can make all the difference to you right now?
Then maybe it is time to simplify your work area and enjoy life working from home.. here are a few tips to start you up!

Take a few pictures of the work area :
When you need perspective it often helps if you can use your camera to take a shot of your workspace to see the amount of clutter for yourself. There may be many unwanted items which are lying unused for a long time unnoticed.

De-clutter to essentials:

Check whether you are using the things laid out on your desk regularly and if not try to remove them away from your desk make sure only the essentials are placed on the desk.
If there is just too many things on your desk set a priority on what stays. Start from your desk space take a look at the clutter and if there are just too many things around to distract you try to use the principle of 1 in 1 out. So for every item that you have chosen to keep on the desk make sure to discard one out.

Get a fresh perspective :
Often it is very difficult to notice and see the clutter in our working spaces by ourselves in the pace of monotony that we are caught in.So how about inviting a few close friends over to your home… and try to take stock of their opinions and acknowledge their perspectives as you see it through their eyes.

Create an ambience that is suitable for your line of work when you start throwing away the unwanted items and minimize. You will feel lighter and your room opens up.

Setting time to de-clutter: You can try to clear your desk area as you finish your work every evening for it takes maybe about 5 to 10 minutes to straighten things up you will end up having a clean desk every morning.

Storage matters:
It is important to find a space for everything in your work area, if you have trouble in keeping things in place you will find a desk all the more cluttered and difficulty in locating things. Use the idea of small storage trays or store away the least used items in closed drawers. You can try to keep your work area clean by using magnets to mount supplies and using coloured labels as well

Extra storage options:
If you find you have too many things on your desk which don’t fit it is time to think of extra storage. In a small room, you can make space under your desk by raising the monitor a level up and making sure to use your space wisely by using by enlarging your workspace vertically and by using every inch of the space you have to your advantage.

Remember the sooner you start getting organised the better you feel at work.
Simplify work area live life well!.

Moderation is the key:

Every once in a while we all need a bit of serious organisation time but it is important to not try to overdo it for it can be a huge detriment to being productive. For sometimes there is the case of delight in disorder for some. So choose your own way to what stays and what goes!


On being human.

What does it take to be human? 

A sensing of emotions 

A feeling for life and living 

A caring from the heart 

A knowing of pain as much as the pleasure 

A being in love with life 

A sharing that touches the soul.

A connecting with the living you!




Simplify your steps

Simplify your steps …. so you can be aware enough to connect with the steps you take!
Savvy Raj