Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Carry light!

Good read:

Once, a Junior School teacher asked her students to bring some potatoes in a plastic bag to school. Each potato will be given a name of the person whom that child hates. Like this, the number of potatoes will be equal to the number of persons they hate.

On a decided day, the children brought their potatoes well addressed. Some had two, some had three and some had even five potatoes.

The teacher said they have to carry these potatoes with them everywhere they go for a week.

As the days passed the children started to complain about the spoiled smell that started coming from these potatoes. Also some students who had many potatoes complained that it was very heavy to carry them all around. The children got rid of this assignment after a week, when it got over.

The teacher asked, “How did you feel in this one week?”

The children discussed their problems about the smell and weight.

Then the teacher said, “This situation is very similar to what you carry in your heart when you don’t like some people. This hatred makes your heart unhealthy and you carry that hatred in your heart everywhere you go. If you can’t bear the smell of spoiled potatoes for a week, imagine the impact on your heart of this hatred that you carry throughout your life.”

Our heart is a beautiful garden that needs a regular cleaning of unwanted weeds. Forgive those who have not behaved with you as expected and forget the bad things.
This also makes room available for storing good things…

What an impactful way to mentor...

Stories that touch the inner recesses of our hearts can truly leave us positively inspired in the reflections.

This story means so much and is truly relevant to one and all. The world today needs compassion and love more than ever. It needs to get rid of unwanted accumulation of past years both material or our mental manifestations.

In the letting go is the healing

In the healing is the learning.



The whirling wisdom

In the gaze
Between nowhere and somewhere
Half opened eyes
Focussing within
Finding the sense of balance
In the inner recesses
Of the spirit and soul

Juxtaposed between
The art of the moves
Is the rhythm divine
That manifests the flow.
Subliming the Souls calling

Knowing the wisdom
Of the whirling moves
That centers
The mind spirit and body
All rolling into one
In the state of flow
A divinity in motion.

The truth by far
Is within us to find
Every truth unravelled
Conveys the wholeness
Of the harmonious flow
Each truth is sufficient
For the being to know.



Seven Pieces of Advice

Lessons from Nature…
I think these Seven Pieces of Advice from Rumi. always applies as a gentle reminder and as a way of being.

  • In generosity and helping others be like the river.

Lesson: Flow from the heart.

  • In compassion and grace be like the sun.

Lesson: Emit the light of kindness

  • In concealing others’ faults be like the night.

Lesson: Wisdom of Silence

  • In anger and fury be like the dead.

Lesson: Fortitude of stillness

  • In modesty and humility be like the soil.

Lesson :Balance in grounding

  • In tolerance be like the ocean.

Lesson: Building resilience.

  • Either you appear as you are or be as you appear.

Lesson: Value Integrity & be authentic


Birthing Creativity

On chaos and order in birthing creativity!

Chaos is a precursor to order
It is the law of nature
Disorder and order are cyclical
All a matter of generation and regeneration.

Yet in all these complexities
There is a spark of simple brilliance
As in the flux of nature there is always
a stillness of consistency
Of interdependence in the interconnectedness

To accept change as a given
Creates an acceptance of a flow
Bringing forth new frontiers
In perspectives and ideas
Allowing ease of the flow.

The truth of creativity
Is that it is infinite and expansive
It is free flowing without fixation
It is boundless and unique.

Acknowledging the chaos as much as the order
As they are and meant to be….
Creates a conducive environment
For the birth of new creativity.



Why Practice Matters?

Why Practice Matters?

Learning any skill requires disciplined and repeated practice. Skill Development is an art itself .

Without the effort of practice , skills cannot improve or sustain.

While practice may not make every person perfect it will certainly better them gradually.

Practice makes you learn until you start to work instinctively.

To reach the level of an expert, practical training is a progressive module which creates challenges as you go along. Every stage a bit tougher than the earlier one.

What is important to remember is that practice is not only necessary but it is necessary to practice efficiently and effectively.

Does practise makes it perfect?

Practice is to engage and rehearse repeatedly in order to perfect a skill to mastery , but not all who practice acheive the level of an expert even with structured and deliberate practice standards in place . So we can safely say practice makes one better gradually.

A consistent practice of any talent or skill will begin to show results for sure. It could be tangible jump or it could be a little step according to the amount to time, focus and energy given to practice. In time the results could be exponential in its rewards as well.

Practice can be truly rewarding and a great source of confidence.But practice needs not only consistency but also determination in perseverance.

A few tips to improve and implement a practice routine..

Be ready to self reflect so as understand why you are motivated to continue practicing.

Be willing to develop the learners mindset and maintain it.

Be mindful of your behavioral changes as you improve and work on it positively to sustain you.

Be engaged proactively to adjust your practice levels as per requirement.

Be focused to set short and long term goals and work on achieving them.

Most of all…

Continuity of practice is important after achieving a set goal…

Keep your practice going!



The Wisdom of Silence

The Silent Retreat

Four monks decided to meditate silently without speaking for two weeks.

They began with enthusiasm and no one said a word the whole day.

By nightfall of the first day, the candle began to flicker and then went out.

The first monk blurted out, “Oh, no! The candle is out.”

The second monk said, “Hey! We are not supposed to speak!”

The third monk said in an irritated voice, “What is this? Why did you two break the silence?”

The fourth monk smiled and said, “Wow! I’m the only one who hasn’t spoken.”


Each monk broke the silence for a different reason, each of which is a common stumbling block in our inner journey: distraction, judgement, anger and pride.

The first monk got distracted by one aspect of his experience (the candle) and forgot what was more important – the practice of witnessing without reacting.

The second monk was more worried about others following the rules than in actually practising himself. He was quick to judge without noticing that he himself was guilty of what he was criticizing.

The third monk let his anger towards the first two monks affect him.
The singular burst of anger ruined the effort of the day.

The fourth monk lost his way because of pride. He was convinced he was superior to the others, proving his ignorance.

Why did the fourth monk speak at all? He could have simply maintained his silence and he would have been successful in his endeavour.
But if he had, chances are, the other three might have continued to argue and not even noticed his silence. Some people are like this.

Their motto is “If I am doing something good, but no one notices, I might as well not be doing it at all.” They believe that the reward is not in the effort, but in the recognition.

There is a beautiful quote, “It is the province of knowledge to speak; it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.”

As we learn to truly listen, witness and observe without impulsively reacting with distraction, judgement, anger and pride, then we understand the true meaning of silence.

The Wisdom of Silence

Silence has the strength of spaces in sublime consciousness…

Silence shows the way of patience

Silence activates our guiding spirit

Silence powers the strength of intuition

Silence moves towards deep contemplation

Silence evolves the spirit of understanding

Silence graces atmosphere with quietude

Silence defends without a word

Silence strengthens the soul.

Silence can be a knowing of the peace within .

Silence is painful in its struggles and valuable in itself. Silence is in utter desperation, deep contemplation with phases of meditative connectedness. Silence is never thoughtless or mindless.

Silence dwells in the spaces between the steps to access whenever. Silence leads and the path appears.

Trust the lessons learned in silence.

Savvy Raj



We are so caught up in the external knowledge, that we at times fail to connect with our inner awareness.

Conscious awareness is immense power in one’s hands.

Our thoughts are intentions, inseparable from everything that exists. But very often it is blocked with unnecessary anxiety, discontent or other negative emotions. Intentions as energy fields can be powerful, but the collective consciousness of intentions towards a larger good can be even more so.

We have the choice to choose wisely and create the beauty of synchronized creative patterns. Look around us and we can observe nature which blesses us when in the harmony of synchrony.

Each of us is uniquely blessed with the power to choose thoughts that can transform the life within us and around us for the better. This is the first step to touching lives beyond dimensions with the synchronicity of good intentions.

A prayer towards general goodwill is a good example of synchronicity of intentions.

After all, intention too is a form of prayer. And more the attunement to an intention more the chance of manifesting the energy of synchrony.

In every moment the choice of any thought and creative enterprise is, was and will always be with us …

Let’s care to choose well!



Project 101

Today marks a personal milestone in blogging as I publish my 101st post. I have completed my continuous 100 days of writing on WordPress.

On a lark after a challenge to post a few of my favourite songs for three consecutive days came my way from a fellow blogger and friend Dr Sridhar. I decided to take it up and posted my favourite songs for three days. Then I started thinking if I could manage to post for a week and continued to write . The seven days went smooth and easy and then I upped my goal a little further to see if I could write a post everyday for a month.

I had a few ground rules established in my head . First that this was no competition to complete in pressure but simply an effort to see if I would find an inspiration to write on anything that caught my fancy each day . Second would I have the perseverance to continue and be able to dedicate time towards the effort .
Thirdly I wanted to see if I could keep my readers and audiences interested if I happen to post everyday.
And most of all I wanted to test whether my creative instincts are effected in anyway by habit…
A months regular posting on WordPress got me supercharged to aspire some more. Wp would egg me on with reminders of completing a 30th day streak of posting on WordPress.
It was no surprise that once I reached 30 I wanted to try and reach the 50th day.
Seemed then that I could do it if I was smart enough to manage my writing time around the early hours of the day. And that’s what I did.
No one in my family or friends knew much about this plan, but I was pretty clear how to go about it by then and dedicated a bit of time to writing every morning no matter what.

A few learnings.

Have a goal that seems workable, it is easier to focus.

Persevere… and believe you can work towards it.

Push your goal a step ahead as you reach a level.

Manage your time better, to make it happen

Value your goal and be dedicated.

Your creative sense will begin to work for you all the more…

Believe in your self and be passionate

Trust that you will find the way!

And most of all enjoy the journey as much as the destination.😊

Although I have written on WordPress for a few years now and I would have written and posted perhaps continously as well earlier without my own realisation. This was a task that had a goal and hence it is different to me.

The last few months have been personally challenging in terms of health where I was even admitted to the hospital and I am continuing to battle a condition that might require surgery soon. So basically being unwell literally I use the relatively painfree bits of time in the day, I have in my hands for creative enrichment …be it writing or painting and more.

Blogging through I reached my 50th day of posting. And I knew I couldn’t stop it in my heart . The magic figure of 100 floated in my mind and I was sold to the idea of making it happen.

Today it is the 101st day streak of publishing a post everyday and I truly wonder how I managed it all along with my present condition.

My biggest take back has been the loving support and generous comments from my readers which kept me going .
But other than that was a learning and affirmation that if we really make up our mind , we can beat the odds and find a way to acheive our goal .

Besides that I realised how my reading others blogs and writing every day would bring up some topic to contemplate creatively for the next day. The best part was I never had to try too hard … every post I wrote and shared I enjoyed with all my heart.

Writing gives me a sense of completion.
A feeling of contentment of a job well done. And if its well received it truly makes my day… and my fellow writers this I am pretty sure you would agree as well.

Thank you my dear readers and friends for staying with me right through. It has been an absolute pleasure to share and learn along the way… on what I can gratefully now call Project 101.
Wishing an awesome year 2019 for us all !
God bless all!


Beautiful flower

Beautiful flower
Tell me your secret
How unassuming of you
To show up with so much beauty
All for a single day in the sun?

Beautiful flower
You paint a lovely picture
Of hope and positivity
Of endearing tenderness
That speaks much without a word.

Beautiful flower
Your colour makes my day better
Having seen you blossom in full glory.
You awaken a sense of purpose
In one and all relentlessly every day.

Beautiful flower
Your sight brings joy
Your touch gentleness
Your being fragrance
You are a sight to behold!

Beautiful flower
My heartfelt gratitude to you.
For bestowing us all, your grace of being.
Today and every day!


A few pictures that I clicked this morning in my terrace garden. I don’t know the names of these beauties but I do know they made me reflect with a certain gladness, simply partaking in a vision of their tender presence.


On Success

You create the state of success

And you never rest on your success

Success is in the courage to continue

Your perseverance, your passion and purpose.

Success is consistently inconsiderate

Success demands much focus

as it supplies momentum

Beyond self limitations and doubts.

True success is the knowing

In your heart of contentment

Of a life well lived and loved

Success is who we are

Success is in each of us

Awaiting a discovery

An unearthing of potential

To sense life’s possibilities

If you believe ur abilities,

trust your instincts and

give it your best shot,

Success is sure to follow…



Spectrums of Life Management

Life, in general, is receptive and open to transformation

But every stage of being has its own
Perspective in possibilities…

In the spectrums of managing life and living

In the chaos of uncertainty & insecurities…

Is a knowing, of the altering of behaviour

In empathy, understanding & support
In collaboration and consideration.

In envisioning the necessity in the possibilities

Of simplifying the solutions.
Of motivating the unmotivated
Of caring to notice the ignored
Propels engagement up a notch.

As in the such dedicated engagement
in passion &perseverance…

A purpose is born.

To manage is to understand

the vagaries of life and living

And work around it to evolve for the better.


#Lifemanagement #evolve #purpose #skills #transformation #life&living #resourcemanagement. #personaldevelopment #improvement #peoplemanagement.#humanresources


Sunflower trait.

It is Monday morning and a start to a new week! Here is a beautiful story share.

Sunflowers 🌻 turn according to the position of the sun, in other words, they “chase the light.” You might already know this, but there is another fact that you probably do not know!

Have you ever wondered what happens on cloudy, rainy days when the sun is completely covered by clouds?🤔

This is an interesting question, isn’t it?

Perhaps you think the sunflower withers or turns its head towards the ground. Is this what crossed your mind?

Well, that’s incorrect!

This is what happens?

They turn towards each other to share their energy.🌻🌻

Nature’s perfection is amazing; now let’s apply this reflection to our lives. We all want this light and seek it in different ways: in our family, friends, religion, work and so on. But there are always going to be cloudy days, gloomy days, because there is no escaping them!

When this happens, most people become overwhelmed, low-spirited, and the most vulnerable ones, some-times, become depressed.How about following the example of the beautiful sunflowers 🌻 supporting and em-powering each other. Nature has so much to teach us.

Wishing everyone a “Sun flower”🌻 trait of turning towards each other on their cloudy and gloomy days.

Reading this story drew me to another fascinating aspect so visible in the sunflowers. The mathematical order of their spirals, that continue to mystify us in all their glory.

Here is an interesting explanation for such a phenomenon.

Truly are many aspects to the ordinary… and yet simplicities of harmony in the very complexities and chaos of life and living.


What’s your favourite style of dance, and why?

As a Ballroom & Latin dance educator, many students have asked me what my favourite dance style is…
It is said that each style is like a language. Personally, I also think of different dance styles as having a “mood” that goes with them. I guess it’s not surprising that I do like lots of “happy” or “joyous” styles of dance. But I really do like the variety of dances for the variety of moods and it’s amazing ability in bringing a sense of balance. If I was stuck to dancing in one style, I would probably get bored after a while (I know that sounds strange). But it’s one of the reasons I really like dancing a variety of dances.

The Tango (for its intensity and passion at play as much as its fancy footwork)

And dancing the Waltz (for the heady glide, the rise and fall and its romantic sway).

Love the Rumba for it certainly is the dance of love… the song Everyday I love you, immediately comes to mind. But this performance by Slavik and Karina is quite riveting.

Happen to like the Cha cha for its stylish moves as much as its teasing spirit …that kind of speaks, this is my move … now, what’s yours?

I love the Jive for its lively spirit. You can truly never be sad after a little Jive/ Swing and Rock and roll. What say? At least it has always been a happy dance for me.

Really fond of it as much as the Samba for its lively bounce, so full of joyfulness.

Then of course comes the Foxtrot that feels like a wonderful conversation a dialogue between the steps

I also like the Merengue with its simple marching steps and executing many inter-looping turns almost feeling like a pretzel.

And how can I leave the Bachata for its engaging sensuality as those dancing hips don’t lie, they say it all and much much more…

Dances are so many and styling makes it even more unique.

In fact, I enjoy all these dances and more for their unique expressions – just one style would get boring.

The trick is to flow with the music and your partner whatever the dance and partake in the pleasure of dancing together in the now.

To actually be able to enjoy dancing to the varied music styles that would be a real treat. All the more reasons to learn and train in more than just one dance style :))

Do share your thoughts on dance and if you love to dance, what your favourite style of dance is…

I would be glad to learn and read more.



Learning : A dance of symbiosis

Every learning is a two-way process. There is the imparter of knowledge, skill & wisdom of truth who could be called a guru, teacher or a facilitator. Then there is the one who receives, assimilates, processes synthesizes & is then convinced about his or her interpretation of assimilation of truth enough to be called the student, shishya or disciple.

Now as learning is a never-ending process of growth and realization all the seekers of knowledge should have the channels of thoughts, words & deeds open for correction, improvement to be able to retain & sustain the available information to the best of their abilities.

The interpretation of knowledge may happen with respect to the personal state of mind and matter of the receiver, no matter whether he is the student or a teacher. Both are only human and are bound to the vagaries of human nature.

Poise & Composure

The sheer physical or mental magnetism a teacher or student exudes or otherwise must not undermine the purpose. So certain restraint in conduct, both in the physical emotional & mental sense must be in place for a mutually symbiotic relationship to take place. It’s very important for this realization to be clear and apparent enough between both of them before they can begin a journey of refinement that knowledge brings forth. In a situation of misplaced judgement, it is important for the other to coach and coax the unwilling and astray mule in the mind of the erring person, back on to the road, whoever they are, student or teacher. As learning is a two-way street. The learning will at times make the student a teacher and the teacher a student in the journey of realization.

Channelling the learning

Many times the temptation of thoughts will bring even the most dedicated of students or teachers to testing the real purpose of their efforts and practice. At this juncture, the control of mind and body actions must be exercised. This, if left unchecked could leave room for unnecessary situations which could harm the beautiful synthesis and symbiotic nature of the student-teacher relationship. The boundaries of mind are easily even more difficult to fathom and clarify.

It is simple and wise to let the mind be grounded, focused and steadfast in its purpose enough to be clear about the distinction and discernment while the learning relationship is taking place. As a single stray thought, or action could cause confusion enough to completely toss the relationship boundaries to levels which may be difficult to tilt back to states of equilibrium that needs to be maintained.

Steering the learning

The teacher must make it clear to himself or herself and to the students that he is there for the purpose of teaching and sharing the knowledge that he has been privy to, probably because of his own levels of ability, understanding, karma, dedication or steadfastness and discipline in acquiring the related skill. This act itself clears the ground for proper acceptance of a teacher’s education.

The thought and senses need to be checked before every movement such that there is respect enough for the student towards the teachers’ knowledge and in doing so the teacher manages to gain the required acceptance from the student and learning resumes.


But this is only one side of the coin the student too, has certain modes of conduct which needs to be observed and never crossed.

It is very important to understand first of all that neither a teachers time must not be taken for granted nor his teachings. They will be there for you as you need it and thus trust enough to understand that you cannot learn more or less of anything than what is required for you at that time.

Secondly, it is important that both accept and follow the principles of conduct in which learning is taking place which is ideally laid down by the form or subject to ensure that both do not stray beyond the boundaries and go off track.

The purpose of learning is absolutely free flowing & spills over to life and its situations and circumstances so this association of thought must not be confused with favoritism and partiality of any kind between both of them.

In some learning, the personal space both physical and mental greatly narrows down between the teacher and student putting them in a quandary especially if both are seeing a reflection of thoughts and actions in each other. This is definitely a situation to exercise caution enough to circumvent the spillover of knowledge beyond the cup of the mind.

Finally, there is the need to assimilate and interpret an information and only then act upon it, not get taken by impulse so much that you don’t give the other side the benefit of doubt.

The realization that experiences necessary for your learning and growth come to you will be clear but at the same time, you must keep in mind that no student or teacher can exercise and influence you to the degree that you do not want to be.

You learn what you can imbibe.. Not more not less!


I wrote this article years ago but I was reminded of it today as in India it is Guru Poornima a day dedicated to the Teacher or Guru in and around us.

It is a day of celebration in respect & reverence for the exchange of knowledge and wisdom.

I addressed here the interplay of that which needs a mutual definition in understanding between both the students and the teacher as learnings begin to happen. It is always a work in progress for I believe learning is never ending and a continuous path of life and living.

Yet it is beautiful to pause & be grateful for the understanding that comes our way. Thus through the trials & tribulations of being a student & a teacher, life abounds in deep gratitude.

Happy Guru Poornima!
