Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Joy Of Writing

Today I touched a milestone on WordPress.

Have completed more than 365 days of writing a post every single day.

WordPress reminds me I have written a post every day for 365 days in a row.
Here I reminisce about my experience of writing a post every day on WordPress.

What is it to write 365 days consecutively?
A lot of passion patience and perseverance.
But above all is the joy of writing…

Looking back I realise the amount of contentment in the personal fulfilment of a promise I made to myself to write every day for a year.

The 365 days have certainly had their share of relocation, health issues medical emergencies, and ensuing operations and recovery phase, marriages and demise in the family and a host of all those sudden changes of both the personal and professional kind that is prone to occur in the span of an entire year’s time.

But the whole idea for me was to see how committed I was to my writing and if writing every day would make me short of ideas ever.

What was the purpose? Simply to see if I can truly sustain in making time to do something I love and enjoy every bit of it for a long period of time.

The only clause I set for my self is to never write with a pressure to publish but to write with a passion for self-expression and send out positively charged messages through these words into space… hoping it will make a difference!

My heartfelt gratitude to my wonderful readers and followers for your support and insights that sparked much of the creativity.

Some would take time to share relevant quotes and resources, some beautiful thoughts that were truly inspiring and some would send emails sharing their personal stories and experiences and even express a desire to connect and collaborate on artistic endeavours.

So this year of committed and consistent writing on varied topics has had its rewards too inspite of the grind. Like an offer for conducting my dance workshops. an opportunity to speak on motivation and womens empowement, invitations to judge local school competitions, write and compile a book of these blogs and two enquiries to ghostwrite their books. More importantly to have come across some truly amazing people and their writings many of who have turned into great friends here in these interactions.

Good start I would say! There is, after all, no writer without a reader. Thank you all for your generous words and comments that kept pouring in motivation required to continue in those challenging times.

Looking back at the posts published, I found my life experiences of the day moving like imagery through these words and I am truly happy to have written and published my positive reflections in time.

Sharing my thoughts on what writing truly is to me in verses…

The Joy Of Writing

Never force the words out
For then there is no joy.
In fact, let your words flow from you
And remember you are just a channel.

The giving vessel will pour the words
Water this gift of creativity.
Your innate sense of understanding
Will summarize and summon the words for you.

Be proactive and prepared.
Provide time for reflections.
Reference from life and experiences.
Contemplate and convey.

The joy of writing is in the trust
Of allowing and accepting
The endless possibilities
Of creativity in the flow.

Know your thoughts are unique
In the way, they arrive and arrange
In the flow is the magic
That is playing out through you.

Enjoy witnessing the tumble through
Of words in their own arrangement.
Trust in yourself and your maker
For all is pre ordained in time.

Savvy Raj


An invitation to dance…

A good dancer invites you on a journey

You choose to flow along if you wish

Never in compulsion but in emulsion

Of the spirit of the moves

In unison from the heart of the art

In emulation of the joy of the dance

That frees you into acknowledging

The rhythm within so divine.

Listening to the melody in reverance

Tuning to the beat of the distant drums

Movements in momentous vibrance

Then all is harmony in the symphony.



Handle stress wisely!

Many times in our lives, many of us are at times challenged and confounded by these moments, that I would prefer to call ‘ What if ‘moments. Like for instance ‘if only I had done this , if only I had said that, if only I had the sense to think this way and so on and so forth!!!
The main reason I feel these feelings occur is that when we are faced with a trying situation for e.g. sometimes some of us buckle under the pressure, maybe to conform with the norm or worry about what is the ideal way to behave that we don’t focus on what is necessary for the moment and fail to capitalize on our strengths.

A few of us feel threatened enough to attack the offender or be brutal enough verbally or physically and regret later about our lack of discretion and control.
Still others who are so numbed by what is happening end up being dumbfounded that they don’t know what struck them… And there are those who are quite indifferent to the situation so much that you wonder if they are human at all only to realise later that there is an emotionally charged outburst long after the stressful event.
Basically when one is feeling pressured or during extreme stress of a new situation with a feeling of being pushed to a wall , we need to be aware of it , but the force of what is coming must be cleverly deflected from our path and neutralised.

If only this learning is valued, taught and applied many of us will be much happier souls. This means we must learn to be present in the moment, for which we first need to develop a keen sense of balance and control in all areas of our life. In thoughts words and deeds. This in itself is a powerful tool to calm a person enough to handle any so called crisis. When we are in a state of balance we are clearer in what we want and our existing resources.

This opens up possibilities of channelling the strengths of our resources positively to the common good of all.

Daily we could simply strive to imbibe at least some of these in our lives…..

  • To reduce our impulsive reactions
  • To balance our needs and expectations
  • To conquer our ego but value ourselves.
  • To focus on the present moment
  • To cleanse the mind by thought awareness
  • To cleanse the body by healing movements
  • To learn to be patient and develop perseverance
  • To understand the importance of
    equanimity and composure
  • To control anger and other sensory indulgences
  • To be kind, generous, open minded and tolerant
  • To believe in equality
  • To conquer our unnecessary fears and inhibitions
  • To live our lives lovingly, completely being in every moment of it without passing it up for another time!
  • To develop a sense of respect for self and equally respect another.
Finally to be grateful for all that we have at this moment…

When we have the grace of gratefulness we will possibly be more balanced and composed to deal with situations wisely and life’s moments will turn to be positively enriching experiences.

Savvy Raj


On usefulness

The search for meaning

Is never in vain

There is always a meaning

To life and living.

One or a million reflections

May be more

At times can lead

To a miracle in the making.

One or a million drafts

May lead us to a perfect design

One or a million words

May be more…

Can bring on the inner genius

One or a million works of art

May be more…

Delivers a masterstroke.

Each step is of value

And somehow significant

To some one somewhere

As much as…

To the utimate whole!.

If something seems to be useless to one person, there is always a possibility of so many who may find it useful.


Often profound meaning arrives from the most mundane and the so called ordinary moments in life and living. For the truth is out in the open but our overworked brain often misses these simple truths for it chooses to search for meaning in the complexities. But what is wonderful to know is that all is never lost… for every step makes a difference matters to the whole some how somwhere.


To share is to learn

Unconference, the word piqued my curiosity for a while now.

I checked it up on the internet only to find that the idea has gained tremendous momentum across the globe.

The idea of un-structuring the ingrained structure seemed interesting to say the least, in creating spaces and possibilities to honour the learning.

Suffice to say recently, when I came across an Unconference event in the local newspaper I decided I must make a visit.

The venue of this Unconference was the well known Symbiosis School of Liberal Arts in Pune. I reached just in time for the proceedings to untold.

A customary registration ensued and I was greeted by a few volunteers with a relaxed warm and welcoming attitude. Clearly, the Unconference had started right there.

The word Conference kind of stiffens people up. There is a formal attitude, a thick air of competition to perform at their very best. There are fees and strict rules to adhere to. There are super busy organisers scurrying through and tension is writ large on their faces and their bodies as well are stressed out with expectations of the outcome of the event. Suited men and women whizz through looking super important. And yes there would be a Chief Guest of honour and a coterie of important people who need VIP handling… Adherence to their whims and fancies and most importantly their speeches which may or may not be of interest to any. But all must endure as to get up and leave is an offence to the speaker.

On the contrary here, there was a prevalent free-spirited feeling in the first place that all were in it together. The sense of community always takes time to build so I stood in that room with a small group of people waiting for the (informal introductory practice,) the opening circle.

The Opening Circle :

Someone from the group had taken an initiative to design a pretty pattern made of flowers in the centre of the space and light a lamp there.

A few introductory rounds later which turned out to be icebreakers with a few games to let loose and get into the flow.

There was a board set up with a mention of few rooms and a time slot to boot. The participants were encouraged to choose to attend or conduct workshops or just wander around and network.

A few people got up to mention their workshops and claim their slot. On a moment’s impulse although I was not exactly in the right attire for a dance workshop I simply decided to go with the flow and offered a Dance connection workshop by me.

Encouraged by a decent number of participants I let the moment take the lead. As I began teaching I witnessed the flow of the energy in the exchange.

I spoke about the dance, hold, frame and positioning and started introducing them to partner dancing and some basic steps. Bit by bit people shed inhibitions as they were getting tuned into the moves.

The moment strangers began to hold hands and face one another… for many, there was harmony to be found in the mirror imaging. For after all the lead and follow were simply an extension of each other dancing as one unit.

The energy in the room turned up a notch with the Achy Breaky Heart country cha sounds of Billy Ray Cyrus for company.

All started sensing the tuning in to the rhthymic expression of music & movement with their partners at that moment.

After the dance workshop I asked what they felt in that moment and here is what they shared immediately…

Deeply grateful!

The Give and Take

Truly to immerse yourself in that which you love all you have to do is to take a step … for your own good as much as for the others.

Essentially the whole experience was to me simply about honouring life energy in all its uniqueness of expression.

Great experience being a part of this interesting initiative!

Hope to see more of such initiatives across the country and our world.




A Sense of Wonder

Life is full of awe and wonder
For wonder reveals the soul of the being.
As awe springs forth from the heart of the living.
Amazing are the insights in the keenness of wonder …

To delve deeper than what’s visible in contemplation
To care to discover the mystery in anticipation
To appreciate with discernment than discrimination
To witness the unfolding in patience of observation.
The intention creates the perspectives in the dimensions
The adaptation untangles the transition
Between the illusions & manifestations in creation .

Only a heart and mind that is willing to acknowledge beyond the strife.
Unearths the undiscovered gifts of life..

As the heart widens its gamut of being
The horizon uncovers the abundance.



The Great Indian Thali

Indian food at Maharaja Bhog

For a complete Indian thali experience.

Culturally India has seen many influences from the past to the present times. One of the fascinating things about Indian food is the variety of tastes distinctive in form and appeal from a melting pot of influences and different cultures.

A recent visit to one of the famous traditional Indian Thali eateries with my daughter in tow turned out to be quite a delightful experience…

The Plating: An experience in itself.

The Thali is a distinct offering of varied dishes served on a platter.

The thali or the round plate of food depicts the unique way food is consumed. A visual treat of an assortment of delicacies laid out a plate served in many small little cups, bowls or katoris as they are called.

The richness of the food prepared makes it food fit for a king. For the Indian kings were known to have a history of cooks or Maharaja as they were fondly called had a special place in their lives. The Maharajas thali is a reflection of the opulence of those times.

A plethora of foods prepared in copious amounts and served in unlimited ways back then formed the foundation of the thali experience in today’s times.

The taste: What can be said but the words… A privy to the pleasures of the palate. its all taken care’ of as truly every taste is blended in beautifully in the thali from sweet salty sour spicy, bitter pungent astringent and more …

Found this proudly displayed for those interested in selfies! Replete with a grand turban… A (Maharaja ) king’s chair for a king’s (Maharaja’s) meal.

Cushy and comfy seating in a neat and well-maintained arrangement.

The Service :

Very unique and almost in a meticulous and methodical precision. They have unique sign language to communicate nonverbally between themselves as to how and where what needs to be served. It is such a refined and discreet practice when you actually begin to take note of it.

The result is a smooth rollout of flavours in a flow and you are left flabbergasted at the number of items on the menu.

The typical meal ensures a heady sensory experience on your palate. The usual all-time favourites have been the Gujarati Kadi and Dal and Khichidi as well as the Bhakri and Dal Bhatti. The sweet tooth cravings get deeply satiated with the often repeated Moong Dal Halwa and Basundi which transports you a few steps to heaven and back makes eating a thali like this all a totally unforgettable experience.

To top it all up and wind up a perfectly fine traditional Indian meal, is the refreshing pan they offer as soon as you are done with the meal which works well as a digestive and as a mouth freshener.

A sumptuous feast indeed! Do visit if you want to experience the abundance and flavours of the’ Great Indian Vegetarian Thali.’
