Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Kindness works

Kindness is a gift of the being.

Kindness alters the thoughts and deeds

Where kindness manifests life evolves for the better.

Kindness is another face of grace and gratitude.

Kindness powers the being positively.

Kindness serves life in all subtlety from the heart.

Be kind where ever you are and whenever you can…

And its totally possible.

Would you be a little kinder than necessary?

For kindness kindles the human spirit to be better.

Kindness works.



Joy Of Writing

Today I touched a milestone on WordPress.

Have completed more than 365 days of writing a post every single day.

WordPress reminds me I have written a post every day for 365 days in a row.
Here I reminisce about my experience of writing a post every day on WordPress.

What is it to write 365 days consecutively?
A lot of passion patience and perseverance.
But above all is the joy of writing…

Looking back I realise the amount of contentment in the personal fulfilment of a promise I made to myself to write every day for a year.

The 365 days have certainly had their share of relocation, health issues medical emergencies, and ensuing operations and recovery phase, marriages and demise in the family and a host of all those sudden changes of both the personal and professional kind that is prone to occur in the span of an entire year’s time.

But the whole idea for me was to see how committed I was to my writing and if writing every day would make me short of ideas ever.

What was the purpose? Simply to see if I can truly sustain in making time to do something I love and enjoy every bit of it for a long period of time.

The only clause I set for my self is to never write with a pressure to publish but to write with a passion for self-expression and send out positively charged messages through these words into space… hoping it will make a difference!

My heartfelt gratitude to my wonderful readers and followers for your support and insights that sparked much of the creativity.

Some would take time to share relevant quotes and resources, some beautiful thoughts that were truly inspiring and some would send emails sharing their personal stories and experiences and even express a desire to connect and collaborate on artistic endeavours.

So this year of committed and consistent writing on varied topics has had its rewards too inspite of the grind. Like an offer for conducting my dance workshops. an opportunity to speak on motivation and womens empowement, invitations to judge local school competitions, write and compile a book of these blogs and two enquiries to ghostwrite their books. More importantly to have come across some truly amazing people and their writings many of who have turned into great friends here in these interactions.

Good start I would say! There is, after all, no writer without a reader. Thank you all for your generous words and comments that kept pouring in motivation required to continue in those challenging times.

Looking back at the posts published, I found my life experiences of the day moving like imagery through these words and I am truly happy to have written and published my positive reflections in time.

Sharing my thoughts on what writing truly is to me in verses…

The Joy Of Writing

Never force the words out
For then there is no joy.
In fact, let your words flow from you
And remember you are just a channel.

The giving vessel will pour the words
Water this gift of creativity.
Your innate sense of understanding
Will summarize and summon the words for you.

Be proactive and prepared.
Provide time for reflections.
Reference from life and experiences.
Contemplate and convey.

The joy of writing is in the trust
Of allowing and accepting
The endless possibilities
Of creativity in the flow.

Know your thoughts are unique
In the way, they arrive and arrange
In the flow is the magic
That is playing out through you.

Enjoy witnessing the tumble through
Of words in their own arrangement.
Trust in yourself and your maker
For all is pre ordained in time.

Savvy Raj


Cosmic Dance

Across the star spangled space ….
Where eternal time seems to standstill
Is the dance of cosmic lights
In a celebration of universal consciousness.

Hear the sounds of music
Humming through the cosmic strings
Witness the patterns shaping
In the spacing of the stars at night.

Sense the rhythm of rhapsody
In the sounds between the silent spaces
In the sacred patterns of creation
See the evolving circles of life…
