Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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Striking a balance

Passion or profit
It’s a juggling  act
If you put one before the other
You are bound to feel displaced
Between loving what you do and earning to your potential
Between self expression &  economics.
Both have the due place in our lives.
To sense harmony is to find your own  balance 
Between the two!



Build bridges not walls

From the architect of time, the source creator came a space of nothingness (akash)from space came matter (energy) from matter came movement (wind, air) from movement came fluidity (flow, water) from fluidity came existence from existence emanated the spirit of life (the breath of life, fire passion).

The elements existence are a guide in an acknowledgement of interdependence. An awareness of the interconnections is an acceptance that everything exists in the subtlety of balance. The spirit of life and living is the bridge to our calling and purpose of being and the journey to the being. The path is and will be ours and yet not just ours.

 Every move in time is interlinked in the bridge of time that we were, are and will be on. The bridge of time is in eternal cycle of motion. All matter constitutes one or more of the elements in different proportions . While the mind of the matter perceives it in thoughts, the heart of the matter senses … The mindful thoughts and heartfelt feeling are both real and unreal all at the same time.

 Consciousness is the bridge of awareness between the extrinsic and the intrinsic between the learning and the knowing. And in this understanding is the realization… whole and complete, of all as it is .





Wisdom of Silence

Sharing the.. ‘Vacho Vegam’

Ancient Indian words of wisdom

WHEN TO BE SILENT – few practical tips:

1. Be silent – in the heat of
2. Be silent – when you don’t
have all the facts.
3. Be silent – when you
haven’t verified the story.
4. Be silent – if your words
will offend a weaker
5. Be silent – when it is time
to listen.
6. Be silent – when you are
tempted to make light of
holy things.
7. Be silent – when you are
tempted to joke about
8. Be silent – if you would be
ashamed of your word
9. Be silent – if your words
would convey the wrong
10. Be silent – if the issue is
none of your business.
11. Be silent – when you are
tempted to tell an
outright lie.
12. Be silent – if your words
will damage someone
else’s reputation.
13. Be silent – if your words
will damage a friendship.
14. Be silent – when you are
feeling critical.
15. Be silent – if you can’t
say it without screaming.
16. Be silent – if your words
will be a poor reflection
of your friends and
17. Be silent – if you may
have to eat your words
18. Be silent – if you have
already said it more
than one time.
19. Be silent – when you are
tempted to flatter a
wicked person.
20. Be silent – when you are
supposed to be working
21. Be silent – when your
words do not do any
good to anyone
including yourself.


Silence is full of wisdom

When we listen in silence

We hear and understand more

Silence speaks more than words can say.
Listen to the intuitive
The meditative, contemplative
The reflective & the restorative voices
There is a connective wisdom
In the sounds of silence
Emanating from you.
It is your precious inner self
Expressing itself.
Be mindful and attentive
Listen if you can,
Every once in a while.”
Embody the peace within.



Nature’s Wisdom

Wisdom is in the Wind

In the breeze so cool

Wisdom gently rests

Buzzing like the bee

And blows off again…

Singing the song of freedom

Hear it whistling through the rustling leaves…

Showing the vulnerability

Of the moment, now and then.

Wisdom of water is legendary

In its flow is the secret of letting go

Of peace and forgiveness

Of ease and acceptance.

Water is flexible and agile

To adapt itself along the way

Yet strong enough to persevere

And smoothen the stones

Into pebbles in the flow.

To be able to imbibe the profound

Wisdom of the wind & water

Is to know the wisdom of the flow

In knowing that you are not in the flow

But you are the flow!


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Harmony of Synchrony

Evolving with time

Evolving with time

In the warp and weft of time.

As the clock ticks on its own tune,

The harmony moves in tandem

To the beats of the marching song.

Time and tide waits for none, they say,

But to accept the changes,

Exactly where you are, is to adapt

To the nature of seasonal shifts.

To begin to understand the dots

Is to connect to the bigger picture,

Is to know there is more to every frame.

Time to unravel the ununderstood —

Take the path of the envisioning,

The construction, than destruction;

Choose to decipher the genius plan

And trust the evolving patterns of life and living.

Growth creates changes along with opportunities galore

That can go out of hand, easily.

For in the space of unprecedented growth,

One needs checks and balances

To grow and evolve

Without losing control.

The evolving world is no longer linear

But more viscerally attuned

To a multi-dimensional phase,

To sync in harmony,

Tuning towards an evolutionary pathway.




On Vulnerability

To all those who seek perfection  in every  little  thing that they sometimes  drive themselves  and others crazy….
ease in and let go for a bit,  see others as they are , not as you want them to be.
We are all vulnerable beings.
We are humans after all, let us be supportive  and celebrate  the power of  humanity to overcome challenges  that appear along  the way.
We are powerful in  acknowledging our respective situation  from where we are and working amicably towards  finding resolutions.
After all  besides every thing else,the world needs humanity  to overcome  the challenges of being human.




Thirst is meant to be quenched

A thirst for knowledge .

Is a wonderful start of all learning

But is thirst simply enough to know?

Thirst for knowing must never be coerced…

To truly want to learn one needs

Focus and drive.

Passion and purpose

Patience and perseverance

Analysis and deduction

Attention and retention.

And most of all patience.

Knowledge is wonderful

But knowing is valuable…

For all knowledge does not mean knowing.

As there is always more to learn and unlearn.

Knowledge dances on the edges of true knowing.

And wisdom lies in every bit of knowing.



Positive Energy

Every move you make
Alters energy in space
Creating new patterns
Attracting vibrations
Shifting perspectives.

In conscious awareness
Our positive gestures
Begin to give and receive
Balancing subtle currents

Influencing  cosmic rhythms

Activating harmony fields

Increasing  love hope and joy
Spreading  peace and contentment.

Integrating elements

Imbuing divinity  in motion.



Like a river flows…

Like rivers are meant to flow
For it to meet the sea
Nourishing the earth along the way
Gushing forth with the water of life.

Let us flow through life
Exploring and experiencing
Meandering through many facets of living
Nurturing it with heartfelt love.

For life is like the river
We are meant to flow
And not stagnate and perish
In doubts and insecurities.

Like a river trusts itself in the flow

Merging into oneness eventually

Moving forth constantly in time and space.

Flow in faith like a river flows!



Dance Of Thoughts…

Can we ever quantify our thoughts
For thoughts have a speed of their own
Depending on so many variables
With our concept of time still subjective.

For thoughts travel through space
There are particles of matter there
Of which we know too little as yet
In the weft and warp of time immemorial.

Thoughts are invisible but palpable
Difficult to measure but relatable
For much can be thought
In half the time of a blink of the eye.

Every thought is a part of a cosmic pattern
A phenomenon beyond realms yet to be known
Surpassing the speeds unknown
With complexities of our own perceptions.

Out sense of intuition so profound in power.
And what to speak of deja vus & dreams
Or our imagination so infinite
Psychic revelations in time and space

Our jumbled thoughts in the heat of the moment
Our calm collected coherence
Our racing frenzy of feelings in chaos
All matter as they come along in time .

We may find it difficult to control our thoughts
But we can certainly choose what we do with them
For thoughts come and thoughts go
Depending in how you respond to them.

Align them to harmony with movements
Acknowledge their presence to let them go
Breathe in a little space around your thoughts
Sense the peace in between those pauses.

So breath a little deeper
As you think, sense & feel
Be one with your thoughts
Before you respond to them

Thoughts arise in life and living
As they are meant to do
And words come from a depth unknown
But Speech is a choice that you have!



A journey of awakenings

No two lives can be compared
For they are not the same
Not even at birth, although they are humans
The life experiences along lifetimes
Decide the nature of the being
And nurture then interpolates itself
And love makes way for itself
To flow into the being.

In the web of complexities of life
The being starts and courses its journey
In the dance of the elements
The being senses the truth of life in the living.

In searching and seeking
In awe and wonder
In beauty and grace
In the chaos and challenges
In the success and failures
It finds its bearings and builds resilience

Every life aligns towards its calling in time
Seeking decreases accepting increases
To refine the process of awareness
In the journey of conscious awakenings.



To live life lovingly!

Patience in waiting is a virtue
Timing holds the key
For life cannot be rushed
Nor lived in haste.

Flowing along in harmony
Makes all the difference
In knowing life is endless
Dimensions in the making

In understanding and amalgamating
The lessons that are in the living.
In the resting between regeneration.
In the crossing over beyond in fulfillment
All one needs is to live life lovingly!