Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Truth of movements

True learning happens when we realize we are the teacher and we are the student. And life teaches the greatest lessons without anyone uttering a word or at times in just the sheer presence of a good soul .

Likewise as we dance from our heart without a spoken word and open ourselves to realization and acceptance of new possibilities… true dancing happens!



The Journey

As is above
So is below
Reflection speaks
As is within.
The journey of life
Mirrors our way of being

‘In every moment of time care to be rooted to the stillness in your movements…
Care to acknowledge gratefully this strength in the rootedness.’


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A reason to be

Every thing has a reason to be

Air and Space Water Form
All elements of being
This beautiful world of ours
Blesses us much
So much gratitude
For these elements of life.
We are born of it and we need it to survive

Every thing has a reason to be

The river of time
The water that flows
The shape of things
The spaces we occupy
The air that we breathe
All matters for life and living.

We breathe air to live in space
This air that we breathe
We often take for granted
This air is the gift of earth around us.
We need to value its presence
We need to keep it pure and clean
For what we breathe we are
For our actions depend upon it.

A ship floats in water
Not just because of buoyancy
But because there is air tight space
A space that contains air
A space that aids the displacement
A space that balances the weight
A space that lightens the load
The shape makes a difference
In the way the weight is carried
The shape of the ship makes it float.
Displacing water equal to its weight
Helping it to stay afloat.

Archimedes’ principle, physical law of buoyancy, discovered by the ancient Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes, stating that any body completely or partially submerged in a fluid (gas or liquid) at rest is acted upon by an upward, or buoyant, force, the magnitude of which is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body. The volume of displaced fluid is equivalent to the volume of an object fully immersed in a fluid or to that fraction of the volume below the surface for an object partially submerged in a liquid. The weight of the displaced portion of the fluid is equivalent to the magnitude of the buoyant force. The buoyant force on a body floating in a liquid or gas is also equivalent in magnitude to the weight of the floating object and is opposite in direction; the object neither rises nor sinks. For example, a ship that is launched sinks into the ocean until the weight of the water it displaces is just equal to its own weight. As the ship is loaded, it sinks deeper, displacing more water, and so the magnitude of the buoyant force continuously matches the weight of the ship and its cargo.



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Power of Silence

Power of Silence

Emanates in stillness
Between rest and movement
Between words and deeds
Between two spaces…

In the betwixt and between
Is the potency of potential
To emerge in creativity
Silence is full of movement…

There is movement
In the stillness
And stillness
In the movement.




Calm is a state of mind not easy for many, especially in these times of confusion and chaos.

To put things in perspective in spite of uncertainty calls for a whole lot of balance in the way we sense whatever we are witnessing.

To be calm as a way of being we need to envision beyond our limited self. When we put our problems in the larger canvas of life we begin to see our niggling problems differently. In fact, many of them disappear for we cannot justify their existence ourselves in the larger scheme of things. We let them go.

To soothe ourselves into a space of calm we will need to change our demands on ourselves for a start. This need for perfection that exceeds the normal has to be sorted as it can drain us and our resources in trying to match up so much that it puts us in a constant state of tension. Calm is about cultivating an attitude of forgiveness not only others but for oneself. So best is to excuse oneself from overt perfectionism.

Ease the self

To a state of calm

Allow thoughts to settle

Like the dust in the wind.

All fall in place in time.

Choose calm to beat chaos.



5 Tips on Anger Management

A story share on Anger Management

There was a saint, who was never affected or angry at anyone, how much ever anyone ill treated or insulted him.

His disciple was intrigued by this nature and wanted to know the secret of his calmth.

When he asked the saint, the saint patiently explains how he conquered his anger.

“I had this long time habit of meditating while sitting in an empty boat on a lake. While doing so, once when I was in deep meditation suddenly another boat hit my boat . I was so angry to know who was so careless to disturb my meditation. But when I opened my eyes in anger I saw an empty boat which was moved by the blowing wind and hit my boat. I realised my anger was unaimed as it was an empty boat .

So when ever I get angry I remembered it n think this is an empty boat too and became quiet.

Our anger affects us in 3 ways.

1.It affects our wisdom
2.It affects our body
3.It affects our behavior.

Now you know the secret of my calm nature.”

The truly strong person is not the one who controls others by physical strength, but the one who can control himself from his anger.

This simple story elucidates  the necessity of  self reflection and awareness  of the negative effects of anger on oneself  as much as others.
Anger is often a result of frustration and feeling blocked . The reactions  can escalate out of control in time.

Uncontrolled Anger ruins life and living.

Anger is  damaging  and destructive.

It is important to  break free from its vicious cycle.

Here are 5 tips for breaking free of Anger cycle.

1. Taking some ‘ me time out ‘ everyday.

2.Thinking before Speaking 

3 Practicing Forgiveness & Letting go.

4 Using Humor to Diffuse Tension

5 Using Relaxation Methods for Calming

There is a need to acknowledge  anger patterns and work on the triggers that affect. So more than prevention by suppression it is better to understand  the loss of control  of words and actions and channelize it well.
Like a  little time out for self  could be about engaging  in physical exercise,  dancing , music  gardening, any hobby or reading a book,  regular meditation or simply witnessing nature .
All are very helpful in bringing back a sense of balance in our perspectives of thinking and creating  a space between  our steps.🙂

Always remember, it is important to know it is completely ok to seek professional help to manage anger when it is affecting our life and the lives around us.



Sense the peace within.

Soak in the serenity of silence

You can create your own calm

Stay free from strain and stress

Sense the peace within.

Inspite of the reigning chaos

Whatever happens around you

Hold on to your inner sense of calm

The solution is within you to know

Sense the peace within.
