Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!



A beautiful reminder worth seeing every day…

The truth is in shifting perspective with movements

The emotion you feel within changes everything

So if you begin to work on positive shaping

Of your thoughts with a simple smile

Then the smile begins to emanate from the heart

The way you see your life changes for the better

Keep smiling from the heart ❤️


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On Happiness…

What if?

You are given an opportunity to travel to beautiful locales on work or pleasure ,in a country so far away from  your own
Everything  is wonderful and picturesque…

Yet, you are traveling along with people/ or paired with a person of completely different interests.

What if….

If you are a morning person and they are late risers

If you like walking and they like to rest more.

If you like to explore museums and art scenes and they have no interest in anything art

If you want to experience new culture by meeting new people and connecting with them than simply trying out food .

What if you want quick bites on the go and they like fancy dining experiences.

What if you want to start early and you are exasperated as they prefer late afternoon after a lazy lunch…

What if you are up and ready to go and they take a really long time to get ready 🤔

You like to capture experiences and rejoice in the memories and they have no particular interest in photography.

When you like to have a conversation freely and they are too busy or too silent, you often realise its better to remain silent unless spoken to even if there is  company.

What would you do …

You make things right for you!

Let’s see, it’s not all that bad
You are in a new location….

You realise its better to have some company than traveling alone in some places at least.
You begin to appreciate the environment and yourself in it.
You appreciate others who are around.
You pay extra interest in people and places, the quirkiest, even the strangest and most peculiar  things as much as the ordinary  seem to matter somehow.
You try to find happiness in  whatever you see.
You adapt to things as it comes.
You accept everything, as your life’s myriad moments.
You remember to focus on the positives  acknowledge the good in them and move on…

After all

Happiness is in you!

Tommorow is another new day!


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Gratitude for the interconnects

Here’s to the believers
The trusters and the hopeful ones
For those who keep the hope alive in their hearts

They work to change the world for the better
Practicing their arts & live their passion in purposeful ways.

It is through  them values are practiced passed on and sustained.
Power to the practitioners in knowing that there is always more…
To learn unlearn and relearn.

For everything interconnects
Keep the faith
For faith is all there is.
And without it nothing is.


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Travel Trails Antwerp

The Antwerpen Christmas Market is spread out over several streets and squares lighting up the entire historical centre of Antwerp beautifully into a huge and happening zone to stroll around in…

Glowing in the night!
Beating the winters chill
Sitting by warm fire pits…
Sipping hot glühwein!

And the mistletoe?
Well its no small branch
But a giant one indeed!
Fit for all the crowd that gather under
Just to share their love for each other….💞


#reminisces #travels #inspiration #life #journey


Waltz Of Lights


Dancing lights

Shimmering Christmas lights play on water ever so gently creating a moment worth a capture.
Waltz of lights on the water….



The Spirit of Christmas

The Spirit of Christmas is in the little things that matter and make a huge difference ….
In kind words , loving hugs, happiness will restore
In the simple joys of sharing smiles , spreading laughter galore.

The Spirit of Christmas is a sense of belonging, of connections and togetherness.
And in caring ways brightening up the world around us a little bit more…

Merry Christmas!



The Gifts

In giving is a grace of hopefulness

In receiving is a respect in Gratitude.

In giving is a trust in abundance

In receiving is an acknowledgement.

Every giving and every receiving is a gift of life.

Both are beautiful beyond compare in the grace of the action and response.

To be able to give without wanting
To be able receive without  greed
Makes these gifts meaningful.

Grateful for these gifts of life.



What is the Spirit of Christmas

Spirit of Christmas is the glow of warmth enveloping us all.
No matter how the year has been
No matter how life challenges us all
The spirit of Christmas has power
To change the perspective
Of what truly matters for one & all.

There is joy of seeing in hope
There is abundance in goodwill
There is cheer of smiles and laughter
There is most of all a thanksgiving.

With an attitude of gratitude
For all that is in this now.
Spirit of Christmas is alive & kicking
In the heart of the humankind
Kindling kindness & spreading smiles.


Merry Christmas

It’s Christmas time again – feel the magic, feel the joy, feel the glow and see the beauty around you!

Spread some smiles and bring cheer to hearts!

Let there be abundance of happiness and smiles for one and all!
Merry Christmas!
