Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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Purpose of Art

Art is meant to align us.

The true purpose of an artform is found in the aligning with the universal consciousness . 

Savvy Raj

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Enigma & Elegance

On Black and White Artistry

Black and white may be excluded

From the family of colours.

But the tints, tones & shades

Find a family of their own….

In the enigmatic monochrome

And the elegance they exude

Borders on sheer simplicity

And dares on the utter sophistication.

In a world of colours that we may see

Using tonal contrast creates drama

Using light to capture textures.

Form and shape makes a difference.

Devoid of distractions of colours

Evocative captures, quality of lighting

Shifts focus on the ethereal elements

And accentuates the light and shadows.

Black and white photography

Flatters in a timeless way

At times it elevates, the subjects beauty

Creating an enigmatic dimension.

Presenting my artwork above

Titled : Chakra (Wheel ) above that felt right to me

Only in monochromatic elegance

Of Black & White shades and tones.



Conscious Independence

As we celebrate our Independence day in India, may we care to value the underlying philosophy behind the word Independence … the ability to voice our uniqueness and express our individuality amidst a global platform.

Truly, Independence is a birthright that allows us to freely express ourselves, but along with it, is a sense of responsibility, a duty to empower the within as much as the world .

Channelizing the creative flow of freedom of expression to positive outcomes for the larger good is a responsibility for every individual. It is actually the simple way to create a life of well being with in and around each of us and for the world at large .

As we are after all an interdependent world even in our states of independence…. that to me is valuing and practicing Conscious Independence.

Happy Independence Day!!!

May we always Dance the dance of independence and freedom.

May we tune ourselves to connect with joys in tandem.

May we always remember and value great souls lost in martyrdom.

May we acknowledge that the strength in the interdependence is never random.

May we always respect our roots and learn to follow our inner wisdom.


Image credits :Artwork by Savvy Raj

Also Published on Linked in Pulse & Speaking Tree


Towards Clarity

My artwork today!

Sharing an interpretation…sent by my dear mother.

Towards Clarity
Converging from all directions.
With unformed shapes, unlinked thoughts. Merging at the centre as a Guiding Star
The sign of hope, light and promise for a positive tomorrow, filled with joy n cheer.

Have a wonderful day!

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On Writing & Writers

By Savvy Raj

Every writer has many or no reason about what and why they write …

It is the most natural thing to do or it is a task to even bring two words together. It is an integrative experience or a chore to get done with depending on our attitudes, to begin with!

Any artistic expression like writing is always very interconnected with the emotions an emotionally charged experience especially when you express anguish through words.

Writing can set free deep-seated emotions and in such freedom is the underlying responsibility…

Writing is a responsibility as once writ, the words have great power to stir emotions and touch hearts , to enthuse or infuse hope or hatred . So it is imperative to exercise awareness through every word written and published.

“It’s only words and

Words are all I have to take your heart away…”

Words by Boyzone

And so the beautiful song ‘Words’ goes on but the truth is undeniable.

Words wield power and the choice of what you say or write matters a great deal than one can imagine.

Write to express
Write to share
Write to heal
Write to enjoy!



Journey towards a better world!


Flow with life!

Change is inevitable , but you are the one in charge of how the change impacts you.

Breath and Movement:

We are the sum of our individual parts

There is no heart without our mind and no action without our sensing.

No two moments of our life are alike. Our body is made of cells that are renewed in time. Emotions and behaviour that we manifest are deeply integral to how we feel about ourselves and the situation at hand … so our movements are as unique as we are.

Cultivating an awareness of our own breath can give us much needed support and inner healing through the vagaries of life and living

Just make sure to sense your inner calm and be one with your breath no matter the situation you are in. That is the way you can gradually connect with yourself on a deeper level.

The more connected you are with your breath you gradually begin to relax in the moment.

Attuning your Breath and Movement

Let your breath guide and lead your movement. Value the subtle energies of your own self that encompasses your own breath.

Sense the integration of your breath and your movements.  Breath gives your movement a shape and direction. So not only can you link your breath and your movement but also practise initiating your movements with your breath.

Your awareness will gradually increase of how your own inbreath (inhale)and out breath (exhale) are being used in your movements.  What powers and energizes your actions and what calms and assists relaxation. And how it can flow enveloping  and encompassing, connecting and complementing each other like an elegant dance!

Soon in practice you will learn to

‘Dance with it ‘

That’s how you learn to flow and dance with life!

Savvy Raj

On Hope In The Being



Circle of Thoughts: 5

A vision a verse

To rise above thought is the idea

To lead them with care in conscious ways

Is knowing the power of thoughts

In completing a connected circle

Savvy Raj

This above artwork  Titled ‘Circles of thoughts:5’ is a creative interpretation of encircling thoughts, The verses that follow is the fifth part of my series of micro poems on interconnecting thoughts.    Savvy 

To be contd … 


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Also published on
#Micropoetry 1#tetrastich #visual verses

Circleoflife #wisdom of change#A sense of it all#subtlety of consciousness #inside outside

Artwork by Savvy Raj

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