Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

ART OF MANAGEMENT : Managing Conflicts




Art of Conflict Management

To bring back a sense of compatibility between the factions is to resolve to find mutual ground.
Tip 4: Resolve to Reconcile

The idea of any kind of truce to see eye to eye is not easy, but then war is never the answer. In management, Conflict Resolution is an important skill in the arena towards issue settlements by finding the middle ground.

From the suggestion of mutual benefits to warring parties in a dispute by a shared positive interest of a goal and clarification of needs in the situation at hand and if need be coercing an influence goes a long way in securing a reconciliation and resolution of conflicts.

Savvy Raj


Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

8 thoughts on “ART OF MANAGEMENT : Managing Conflicts

  1. Nice tip. Reconciliation is the best remedy to resolve an issue.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Finding common ground is difficult but it works wonders in resolving an issue. Thanks for sharing! Do check out my latest post if you find the time to.

    Expressing Life

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  3. Pingback: Art of Management : Commitment | Savvy Raj

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