Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Sail On With A Hope Filled Heart

Full Credits to this unknown artist!Disclaimer The image above belongs to

Disclaimer The image above belongs to

A new journey you are ready to start
You have danced a countless steps to the tunes of life,
You have chosen to see beyond the strife.

Dare a new morning dear one …
Move on, as the past is over and done.
Watch the sky as a sign from above
How relentlessly and hopefully it brings forth the now.

How it regales us with a myriad hues,
What a divine brush painting those magical views.
Take cues from it as it carries on …
Constantly changing in every moment.
Across the horizon rests a whole new world.
Awaiting your arrival with joy to behold.

It seeks nothing from you, neither your past glories
Nor bothers about your many untold stories.
It asks you to simply move on from any past torment
As you step into this new moment.

Sail on dear one, with a heart filled with wonder.
A new shore awaits, just across the yonder !


‘This is one more of my photo inspired poems, the picture above denotes the let go as you move on, for to cling to the past scenarios simply delays the visibility of the the new views in the offing …

Trust all that you are and sail on! ‘Savvy


The Spirit of Trees

I admire the spirit of trees
& want to live learning from it.

I want to be one with the tree
But I do not want to be a tree…
For if every man becomes a tree
Who would be there to nurture & witness their beauty?

Trees need us and we need them. There is synergy dancing between us.
As we care to nourish the nature around us.
We are nourished back by nature.

We are born to live along with trees
They are lifes longings for itself
Like our sons and daughters
They are fragile and strong
And share untold wisdom within
And live sharing themselves.

They protect us with their shade
as much as they nourish us with their bearings.
In the strength of their interconnects we realise
The value in the interdependence.
They are because we are
We are because they are!

I deeply revere the spirit of these trees.

A bow down in gratitude to thee!🙏


Little things



Life is…

A little ray of light.
A little smile, a little laughter.
A little company, a little love.
A little gift of kindness.
A little gleam of sunshine.
A little sparkle to our day
A little glimmer of hope.
A little hand that cares to help.
A little wish that comes true.
A little touch in loving care.
A little wave of joy.
A little walk across the bend

A little rain on a hot summers day.
A little warmth on a cold winters day.
A little sunshine on a cloudy day.
A little shade in a hot deserted road.
A little water in moments of thirst.
A little moonbeam on a dark night.
A little twinkle of the starlit sky

A little dance to fill our senses.
A little song to renew the spirit.
A little fun to freshen us up
A little chocolate to make your day.
A little comfort in moments of despair.
A little ride on country roads.
A little prayer in the bliss of grace.
A little book to unwind at night!


It is in these little things that life renews and restores faith in life once again. Life goes on ….

Take a little moment to live lovingly and notice the little things in this now as it is.

As someday these little things matter a great deal!
Savvy Raj


The Great Indian Thali

Indian food at Maharaja Bhog

For a complete Indian thali experience.

Culturally India has seen many influences from the past to the present times. One of the fascinating things about Indian food is the variety of tastes distinctive in form and appeal from a melting pot of influences and different cultures.

A recent visit to one of the famous traditional Indian Thali eateries with my daughter in tow turned out to be quite a delightful experience…

The Plating: An experience in itself.

The Thali is a distinct offering of varied dishes served on a platter.

The thali or the round plate of food depicts the unique way food is consumed. A visual treat of an assortment of delicacies laid out a plate served in many small little cups, bowls or katoris as they are called.

The richness of the food prepared makes it food fit for a king. For the Indian kings were known to have a history of cooks or Maharaja as they were fondly called had a special place in their lives. The Maharajas thali is a reflection of the opulence of those times.

A plethora of foods prepared in copious amounts and served in unlimited ways back then formed the foundation of the thali experience in today’s times.

The taste: What can be said but the words… A privy to the pleasures of the palate. its all taken care’ of as truly every taste is blended in beautifully in the thali from sweet salty sour spicy, bitter pungent astringent and more …

Found this proudly displayed for those interested in selfies! Replete with a grand turban… A (Maharaja ) king’s chair for a king’s (Maharaja’s) meal.

Cushy and comfy seating in a neat and well-maintained arrangement.

The Service :

Very unique and almost in a meticulous and methodical precision. They have unique sign language to communicate nonverbally between themselves as to how and where what needs to be served. It is such a refined and discreet practice when you actually begin to take note of it.

The result is a smooth rollout of flavours in a flow and you are left flabbergasted at the number of items on the menu.

The typical meal ensures a heady sensory experience on your palate. The usual all-time favourites have been the Gujarati Kadi and Dal and Khichidi as well as the Bhakri and Dal Bhatti. The sweet tooth cravings get deeply satiated with the often repeated Moong Dal Halwa and Basundi which transports you a few steps to heaven and back makes eating a thali like this all a totally unforgettable experience.

To top it all up and wind up a perfectly fine traditional Indian meal, is the refreshing pan they offer as soon as you are done with the meal which works well as a digestive and as a mouth freshener.

A sumptuous feast indeed! Do visit if you want to experience the abundance and flavours of the’ Great Indian Vegetarian Thali.’
