Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Finding the good…

These are certainly abilities worth cultivating :))

Ability to see the good is a great habit to cultivate

Ability to respect the people for who they are.

Ability to work with diversity of thoughts

Ability to coexist in peace and harmony.

Ability to generate goodwill whenever we can.

Ability to make light of things

Ability to dance in the rain

As much as in the lightness of being.



What do you see? 

When I shared this  beautiful picture of the Jacaranda Trees on  the social media yesterday this post got a lot of responses… and continues to pour in still. Perhaps it touches the chord of connectedness somewhere amidst the roots.

Am highlighting a few learnings along the way for me through this post.

 My friend  John Rylance mentioned about how much the beautiful work  ‘ Endymion’ the poem with the opening line ….

‘A thing of beauty is a joy for ever’   by John Keats applies to this picture .  In his words ..

So much of this poem reflects your Jacaranda tree picture, it could so easily be an illustration to accompany the work.@John Rylance

Sharing a  few curated verses  from the poem Endymion-

A thing-beauty-joy-ever…
Paths there were many, 

Winding through palmy fern, and rushes fenny,

 And ivy banks; all leading pleasantly To a wide lawn,

 whence one could only see Stems thronging all around between 

the swell Of turf and slanting branches: who could tell

 The freshness of the space of heaven above, 

Edg’d round with dark tree tops? through which a dove

 Would often beat its wings, and often too 

A little cloud would move across the blue. 


Endymion is a poem by John Keats first published in 1818. It begins with the line “A thing of beauty is a joy for ever”. Endymion is written in rhyming couplets in iambic pentameter. Wikipedia Originally published: 1818

I also came across the video clip about these trees there..

In response my friends Claire Cardwell and Gert Scholtz mentioned about Pretoria and Johanesburg in South Africa having huge number of these trees still.. inspite of the opposition to these  so called alien invasions …

  @Savvy Raj there was a very vocal minority a few years back that wanted to chop down all the Jacaranda trees as they are not indigenous to South Africa. Fortunately the majority over-ruled them! You can’t however now buy a Jacaranda sapling at the nursery to plant in your garden. I do love them, I think the best places to see them in Joburg are in Linden, Northcliff Hill and in an office block in Rosebank – looking down all you can see is purple. Thanks for the post!  Claire Cardwell 

  @Savvy Raj Jacaranda’s are truly beautiful. They bloom this time of year and our street plus many surrounding areas are covered with bright blue-purple flowers. Pretoria is known as the Jacaranda city, but Johannesburg where I live, actually has more of these trees lining the streets. Very nice post Savvy – thanks for the video too.

 A thing of beauty is a joy forever indeed! 

Thank you all for your amazing contributions.

And then as  I happened to share this photograph  with my family and here is what my mother comes up with…

“The twisted branches signify the conflicts in our wavering minds and the clarity of the sky  of the blue in the background with the bewitching pink flowers assures us of the positive solutions at the end .” Anjana 

Indeed so much learnings in the sharings …

What did you see in the picture ?


A love like that!

What is life if not sensed with the tenderness of the heart?

What is life if not sacrificed at the altar of love?

What is life if not moved from the depth of the soul?

What is life if not loved beyond the shackles of time?

What is life if not consumed sublime by the arrow of the heart?

What is love if not coached into nature of life by the nurture of love?

What is life if not cleansed through tears of yearning?

What is love if not set aglow through the embers of passion?

What is life if not basked in the warmth of love?

What is life if not pining in the patience?

As love conquers you, it blesses you in the knowing.

Make not a mockery of love.

Serenade love and allow it to speak truth.

Love surfaces from the depth of emotions

To mend you and this world a better place.

True love is eternal,

Free as bird in flights of oblivion,

Travelling in the abandon

Of the wilderness of the spirit

Yet bonded in the boundless infinity.

Endless love is a gift of grace.

Acknowledge this treasure,

Blending two souls in one

As a life loved is well-lived. It is such a rare sight!

What a blessing it truly is… A love like that!

Realizing the many miracles of life is also in knowing a love that can move your soul. We can consider ourselves lucky to have been touched by a love like that!


Image Credits: Artwork by Savvy Raj

Title: Heart Connects.