Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!


Patience in Perseverance

Sometimes after we have done our very best
We need þatience as much as perseverance
Time heals it all they say
In throes of torment
We need to trust time to pass to a better moment.
We need patience in waiting.

©Savvy Raj

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Verses in Faith

For me the art of poetry is…
A faith in the verses that flow.

And faith in the flow that finds its purpose,
For faith is all there is,
Without it nothing is.

©Savvy Raj


On Peace

Wherever you are,
Wherever you go
Be a messenger of peace
Sense the hope that peace brings
In its wake, life regenerates.

©Savvy Raj


What is your state of mind today?

What is your state of mind today ?

Are you feeling expansive and inclusive

Then it’s a positive phase of growth mindset

And if you are feeling empty and mindless

Then perhaps you need space and & time to rebalance yourself.

If you feeling extremely creative and going out of the box in your thoughts and associations…

Then perhaps there is an exploration of the mind in expansiveness.

Ifr you are feeling small and narrow in thoughts

Perhaps there is introspection going on for a while

You need to simply rethink to understand your place in the big picture.

If you are feeling indifferent and dull

Then perhaps you need to sense some energy and enthusiasm in your life as you are exhausted or being absent minded.

If you are being very allowing and receptive to the idea of change, and new ways of transformation then you are in an open minded stage.

It is truly interesting  to see & sense the interconnects of the body, mind and spirit of being.

Savvy Raj