Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

Creativity: A matter of approach


What makes a job well done?
What makes excellence a standard?
What makes one stand out a cut above the rest?
What is aesthetics after all?
What differentiates the good better and the best?

All is a matter of approach in every field of life. A shift in the perspectives brings home, amazing solutions. An approach that is creatively expansive than confounding, opens a box of possibilities. We are all equipped to reach out into our own creative potential by just empowering ourselves with techniques of approaching a situation at hand.

Every one of us is endowed with the potential to develop our artistic abilities and approach with a creative eye. It’s a matter of putting the principles into practice and taking that giant leap of faith.

Artist and Creativity:

Creativity blooms in every acknowledgement of interconnectedness. To profess any creative reflection as just mine alone is too limiting in the larger picture. As any exercise to envision beyond, needs to step beyond time frames, to flow along in the subtlety of the eternal wisdom. In fact, our creative enrichments are a reminder of the beauty within that is as unique as every one of us in its similarities as much as the differences and yet deeply aligned to learnings in the consciousness of the interdependence.

Although as an artist we may give a shape to thoughts, its destiny is the result of the bubbles of thoughts in the connected flow. As soon as the clarity of the interdependence reigns in the hearts, all thoughts transform creatively as per the seeing beyond looking, in the gratefulness of both the subtlety and starkness of the interdependence.

Creativity is a tool and treasure for the taking in your hands. Do something with it that only u can.
As no one possess your uniqueness.
And do that which calls out from your being.
Trust creativity for its latent powers that can be unleashed in the acknowledgement.

Explorations in creativity at play or work by chance or in a structure boosts the chances of emerging into patterns of successful design.
Classic learning by trial and error, doing and undoing in a repetitive way also offers a lot of scope for creative breakthroughs

Whether it is the movement of our bodies and our thoughts that get stirred creating new correlations and understandings on a simple nod, a tug, a tap, a touch has immense potential to create waves of energy.
And thus in thinking with our movements, we can bring out nuances of many complex relationship patterns to notice.

Ingrained points of reference can be a hard thing to let go once you have them in you as trained dancers musicians or artists. To allow things to settle in without internal or external interference can be quite a disconcerting task for most of us. As we are often used to creating a connected flow of thought …thought tend to arrange themselves in the pattern by habit.

To find your own sense of flow and then create needs more than a receptive mind which is open to possibilities. Creativity flourishes in moving beyond the box stepping out of the emerging visages in the interpretation, time and time again.

Every creative endeavour is rooted in a dance of the energy within and around us … the dynamics of integration embodies the creative output. A movement that is influenced in the tidal wave of both gravitational and centrifugal force of thoughts.

Create, with all of you

For that’s what it takes

All of you!


#creative #artmatters #creativity#life #exploration #artworks #creation #artists #arteducation

Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

9 thoughts on “Creativity: A matter of approach

  1. Good morning Savvy!!! Great post!!!!!

    There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.

    Sophia Loren

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful and simply fabulous post, Savvy. I enjoyed the beauty of the Creation and his artistic splendour that He has given to all of Us who are his children. Lovely words so well written and a dance and song it sure is. Lovely post.

    Liked by 1 person

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