Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

There is always a meaning…


The search for meaning
Is never in vain
There is always a meaning
To life and living.

One or a million reflections
Maybe more
At times can lead
To a miracle in the making
One or a million drafts
May lead us to a perfect design

One or a million words
Maybe more…
Can bring on the inner genius
One or a million works of art
Maybe more…
Delivers a masterstroke.

Each step is of value
And somehow significant
To someone somewhere
As much as…
To the ultimate whole!.

If something seems to be of waste to one person, there is always a possibility of so many who may find it useful.


#selfbelief #trust #faith #hope #meaning

Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

12 thoughts on “There is always a meaning…

  1. Beautiful thoughts. Surely nothing goes waste all it needs is the right vision, right time, right place, right medium, right environment, (many other “right” that one can think of) to reach the right target that has to comprehend the right idea which was originally intended!


  2. I simply feel that your message takes us along a path strewn with all sorts of artistic ventures laid out before us. Thus nothing is impossible in this world and on the way through this life. We just need to open our eyes to see what lays in front of us.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A smooth sailing of words in the river of positivity.Like always a treat to read and enjoy.God bless you my dear saavy.


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