Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

Triumph of transparency


In throwing off the apparition
Removing the mask of illusion.
Fighting off the facades in the making.
Baring open the simple truth of the soul

Lays bare the beauty of transparency,
In spite of the rawness of being.
There is the irrefutable truth of life and living.

Stark reality does not need to conspire
For everything is out in the open
No masking no faking, no facades
All is what it is.

In forging of a bond mutually
A relationship can thrive

In being truly accessible as much, as in accountability.

While barriers need to break through.

Honesty wins when transparency triumphs
Secrets out of the closet reveals a forthcoming forthrightness.
Trust regains its place in the sun.


There is disarming beauty when one speaks in truth and honesty.

Transparency in speech and actions make vulnerability its strength.

That is the triumph of transparency.


Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

11 thoughts on “Triumph of transparency

  1. Stunning and inspiring words of transparency and everything falls once we open our arms and take in the pleasures of life. Beautiful and apt pictures, loved them, Savvy.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely words of inspiration and beautifully penned Savvy

    Liked by 1 person