Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

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For love is meant to be…

The world needs universal love

Keep your stock of love unlimited

Let it flow freely without doubt

Let it be inclusive & expansive

Know it will find its path

Back to you in infinite measure

Know love  is meant to be

©Savvy Raj


Light of Hope

Whenever life feels a little too weary..

Lighten up your thoughts

Know tommorow is another day

And the sun is waiting to shine on.

©Savvy Raj


Heart speaks

Heart says lead the way

Go on and make a move

Speak your truths


In all authencity

Bare your soul

Without fear

For heart never hesitates

For it flows through

Like a springwell

Of Endless love

The heart trusts to care

With spirit & soul

©Savvy Raj


Change is a dare


Can be unsettling and startling for most

To accept, to digest & acclamatize in the new shifts.

And yet…

To create new spaces for light

To step up in the gamut of creativity

There comes a dare into the unknown

Exploring dimensions beyond.

©Savvy Raj