Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

On Data Mining


Every bit of your doing is visible
Your social media profile is in display
But so are your searches and history
Of sites visited and clicked
How about that?

We are living in a fast paced world
With too little concern for ethics
Every harmless search by you
For you or for another on the internet
Is a window of opportunity
For someone to make bucks.

Are you ready?
To let it go on
Dont you feel invaded?
Your privacy is your right!
What’s worse it’s up for sale!
Data mining is the culprit

I am no technology geek
But tech savvy enough
To realise the infringement
Of the online into my real world.

Tell me how you feel
Sharing your every action
Without your knowledge.
To know someone unknown
Has your likes and clicks down pat
And sells it to a third party for money
What are your thoughts on this?
Do you wonder about
The far reaching implications.
Are you comfortable?


Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

25 thoughts on “On Data Mining

  1. I don’t like it. People making money off our desire to be connected is ethically wrong.

    Liked by 4 people

    • I guess it’s most of us who feel this way , but often are clueless when and where and how it happens. There is so much out there we take for granted even though we may be exercising caution to the best of our knowledge. There are so many questions of safety that arise in the mind of a layman using the net.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. This will be the first step for the failures of individual. How ever careful you are you can be tracked. Externally if you delete your cookies still the traces are clear inside server. It’s hackers paradise. So be wise on your every move. Good 📯 post.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Privacy has become a big question mark nowadays. Data has become a major priority for businesses of all sizes. Even though they call it different names like “consumer behavior understanding” or “customer predictive analysis” , someone who steals, is still a thief. All big software providers talk about their security policies against data breaching. The sad truth is, though they project to us that they protect our data from intruders, they themselves sell our personal information to other companies for their own profit. How else they can offer all softwares free of cost to us?
    We should think twice before giving our personal information in any public forum. This may not completely solve our issue, but may protect us to an extent.🤷
    Good post Savvy ❤️ Thanks for bringing this up!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yes Roshna this privacy invasion extends in so many aspects of our daily life. The simple act of transactions through credit card at a store where you may leave without collecting your customers copy receipt is data mined. The intrusion in our activities is truly beyond imagination. And thus staying informed and exercising caution the best we can is a necessity.
      Thank you for your thoughtful response. 👍

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Privacy has become a big question mark nowadays. Data has become a major priority for businesses of all sizes. Even though they call it different names like “consumer behavior understanding” or “customer predictive analysis” , someone who steals, is still a thief. All big software providers talk about their security policies against data breaching. The sad truth is, though they project to us that they protect our data from intruders, they themselves sell our personal information to other companies for their own profit. How else they can offer all softwares free of cost to us?

    Liked by 2 people

  5. We should think twice before giving our personal information in any public forum. This may not completely solve our issue, but may protect us to an extent.🤷
    Good post Savvy ❤️ Thanks for bringing this up!

    Liked by 3 people

  6. I am going to reblog. You said it better than I could or have. I’ve been waiting for someone to do that! I liked Cindy’s comment. My thoughts, too!

    Liked by 3 people

    • While being interconnected can be a source of hope and inspiration, there lurks many dangers we have no clue about. Thank you for your supportive share.🙏

      Liked by 1 person

      • I absolutely agree and whenever possible if I feel someone is sharing something personal in their comments, I won’t publish.

        Ultimately it’s up to each one of us to be as responsible as possible but ultimately with cookies and stores data the depth of the record of our preferences is likely to scare us if we knew the extent of the data collected and without limit. Plus any existing data protections for “consumers” can expire in the future, while the data itself will exist potentially without impermanence.

        Liked by 1 person

        • That is truly thoughtful of you. And you are right, as data seems to have no expiry date and while it may be useful when used for the good, it is a matter of grave concern when used unethically.

          Liked by 1 person

  7. Reblogged this on Fiesta Estrellas and commented:
    I appreciate Savvy’s way of writing here. I have long wanted to put this into words, but couldn’t somehow, and I’m glad because she did a great job! Yes, this “data-mining” concerns me, and so I will always be limited on what I share online for pragmatic reasons.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for your kind and generous words of appreciation my friend.🙏
      Yes this topic is certainly an issue of concern for most of us. And lack of ethical practices and invasion of privacy needs to be addressed.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. thanks for sharing your concerns
    of this current phenomenon
    of citizens giving
    away their personal information & freedoms.
    carefully crafted legal notices
    often hidden on many site’s policy of service.
    i’m not aware of any way to stop
    the e-commerce monster & it’s data mining;
    socially or politically.
    perhaps better to not share too much.
    i admire those who are personally free
    of the internet and it’s pitfalls.
    remembering everything is impermanent
    we know that eventually
    the electricity will go out.
    then, it will be time to stop
    blogging 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    • Well said indeed!
      While the world seems to be getting virtually interconnected the real time connect is slipping away into oblivion.
      Everyone knows it and yet not everyone is doing much to change it.And while that is happening at an alarming rate our lives are being scrutinized without our own knowledge with so many breaches in datasecurity . And what is safe search is not so safe anymore with algorithms that catch our behavior patterns for predictive analysis. It is truly a devil and the sea situation.

      Liked by 2 people

  9. I agree with you Savvy, what an excellent poem to describe the intrusion that only keeps getting deeper and deeper.

    I feel the same as you do, and was utterly annoyed at finding out that my private telephone number had also been sold on by our local authority no less.. Something I learnt later that had been very common practice, by a former member of staff. 😦 ..
    It is getting very one sided too..Seems they, the establishment can share and gather what information ‘They’ want, while if we share or gather ‘certain’ information ‘They’ do not wish us sharing we get censored! or worse..
    A.I. along with its algorithms keeping its artificial eye on us all ..

    Great share and again a great poem, I came via Ka’s reposting of your blog post. 🙂
    Take care and sending well wishes

    Liked by 2 people

    • Can relate to what you mention here as well. There are many instances where so many of such unethical practices are happening both online and offline. Perhaps it is high time to teach some ethics and morality to AI so as to not cross the line.🙂
      Thank you Sue for reaching out with your kind words of appreciation and supportive comments on this post.. Intrusion of privacy is truly a matter of grave concern.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You are most welcome.. and agreed grave concern, sadly it will only get worse,
        We see censorship of free-speech and every one has to watch their P’s and Q’s
        piece by piece restrictions are being imposed and one day we will wake up and realise AI is in control..

        Liked by 1 person

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