Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

What to let go


There is a heaviness in thoughts

That accumulates in time

Holding on to anything

Creates dependence.

Learn to let go!

What can you let go then?

For starters…

How about anger and vengence

Grudges and resentment

Remorse and bitterness.

Each time you let any of these go

You breathe a sigh of relief

For you make space for life.

To lighten your self again.

You can create your own ease of being

To dare and dream once more.

Without doubts and restraints

To pull you back.

Then let go of irrational fears

That keep you down.

As you detach and let go

Of things that weigh you down.

You begin to express with all your heart.

You will realize the dreams

That matter most to you.

Let go of the unneeded things.

Let go of the unwanted fear.

Let go of stressors that threaten your health.

Choose to be well and full of love

And choose to let go, be light.


Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

14 thoughts on “What to let go

  1. Fabulous and inspiring words of Letting Go, Savvy and the pictures said it all so lovingly and truly. Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Splendid flow throughout! ❣️


  3. Thanks for sharing, my dear friend Savvy 🙂
    The strange thing is that our mind tries to get happiness via wishes – we buy things and are happy for a while (a new car, new clothes, a house, etc.) – but within the wishes there is possession – something like attachment from which we cannot detach us (let go) so easily as our mind “buys” and copies happiness that is not eternal but only valid for some time. That is why wise men tell us: live without wishes…

    All the best my friend and have a great time
    Didi 🤗🤗🤗

    Liked by 2 people

  4. *hearts entwined* Yes! Love your words “make space for Life” how else can we without opening our hearts, letting go of all nonessentials….desires, materialism, negativity, jealousy, etc….thank you, my sweet Savvy for marking the way, and for your company on this journey *children dancing* Sweetness and blessings to you, and love galore *willows swaying in breeze*

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes I too liked how that line fell in place while writing this piece.Thank you dear Joan for mentioning it . If we can learn to allow to let go our insecurities and doubts and accept the nature’s wisdom, life has a way of making space for itself to thrive in faith.


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