Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

Sounds Good?


Words are powerful and the power comes not from the meaning alone, but from the tonality of how it sounds when read alone or  along with a group of other words. Said, read, or written or heard these words carry immense vibrations  which can alter thoughts and perceptions.

As a writer… I have often thought about if the words I write, sounds alright.

Have you sensed what sounds  your words carry?
Have you felt the impact it will have on the reader?
Have you got any feedback on the tone of your words?

Perhaps now, I need to ask my readers here…

What tone does my writing leave you with? 

©Savvy Raj

Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

6 thoughts on “Sounds Good?

  1. soothing somehow, Savvy…
    sounds good … nope, great actually 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Vowels of Words Make Songs of Emotions Dear

    Savvy As Vocal Chords Sing Within As We Read

    The Written Word All As Metaphor For Essence New

    A SMiLe Dances Across
    Faces Warmth BRinGs SonG

    Within RiSinG Perhaps LoVE iN Peace

    AsSigned Directly As Pro-Noun and Verb True

    SMiLes Never Felt Any Feeling and Sense

    In Synergy Energy of Emotions

    Less Than Good Vibrations

    High Frequencies

    Positive Energies

    Expanding Ever More
    iN Synergies
    WitH SMiLes..:)

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Your words are like a gentle talk, soft and empathetic. But I know what you mean, the voice in our minds does not carry into our words.

    Liked by 1 person

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