Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

Patience in Perseverance


Sometimes after we have done our very best
We need þatience as much as perseverance
Time heals it all they say
In throes of torment
We need to trust time to pass to a better moment.
We need patience in waiting.

©Savvy Raj

Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

3 thoughts on “Patience in Perseverance

  1. Indeed Dear Savvy It Takes Both Perseverance

    And Patience To Bring All the Pieces of the Puzzle

    of Life Back Together Again

    For me at Least

    A Nap Will Do

    Wonders Waking

    So Many Pieces of the
    Puzzle Easily Coming Together Again…

    On the Other Hand Perhaps if i Slept Longer

    i’d Find
    Even More
    of the Pieces in Peace…

    Of Course There is the Place
    of TWiLiGHT Where Sleep Meets Wake

    Generally Where Creativity
    Takes Wings

    As Night
    Becomes Day
    Sunsets Become
    Sunrises at Night Again to Come…

    Invariably Losing Time Distance And Space

    In A Brand
    New Place
    Gaining Wings
    Far Beyond only
    “A Matter With Things”..:)

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The journey of creativity
    Flourishes in the flow
    Out of passionate awareness
    Of the spaces between
    Light to dark & dark to light.
    For in betwixt these hours
    Ideas birth & creativity grows.
    In passionate perseverance
    Puzzles fit in patience.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely Resonance
    Dear Savvy Thank



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