Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

Strength of Interconnects

1 Comment

Whoever made the movie “Avatar” knew this. The mycelium or mychrysis is a fungus that spreads underground, creating a communication network between all types of plants, a kind of internet that allows them not only to communicate, but also to take care of themselves, protect themselves, eat, to stock up on the water.
And when a tree is cut down from the forest, the mycelium informs a huge number of trees in the forest that one of them is dying, and all the other trees, through the mycelium, start tending to the remaining trunk to try to save that life.
They feed it with water, they protect it, because this dying log is part of the forest family.
Everything has a language.
It is a universal language.
We learn to reconnect with this non-verbal language, realizing that we are all part of one.
We are neither above nor below.
We are like children who still have a lot to learn from our older brothers, from the trees and forests and most of all from our Mother Earth…
It’s just amazing!!!
Respect to our Nature
Respect to our Mother Earth

This above forward is Courtesy – Krasi/Art.

Strength of the Interconnects

Trees teach us much

Every life has many lessons to share

If we only we have time to spare…

There is much going on beneath the earth

Which we take for granted

Let’s take a moment to care

To understand the differences

Between one life to another

As well as to understand

That we are part of the same source

Life manifests its magic in each of us

We are meant to survive and thrive

We are meant reach out and live

In the strength of the interconnects.


Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

One thought on “Strength of Interconnects

  1. “We are me reach out and live”

    Such Wise Words Dear Savvy

    The me The We the ULTiMaTE

    JoY iN LoVE iN Peace of Living in

    The ‘Interbeing’ As Worded By Thich Nhat Hanh

    As Well All Integral Whole True Above is Below No

    Separation And i Particularly

    Love the Message
    Far Beyond Words

    The Movie ‘Avatar
    Way of Water’ Most Recently

    Provided Far Beyond Words Yes

    Faith is in the Flow Beyond Measure

    To Look Into a Whale’s EYes And See


    We Seed
    From the
    Origin of All That is

    Ocean Wave Water Way Whole…

    Indeed As You Wisely Relate me is We

    And When We Actually Feel and Sense Existence

    ThiS WaY Never Will We Feel and Sense Lonely Again

    At Least
    For Now

    me We

    With SMiLes..:)


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