Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

Be light

1 Comment

The day we learn
to be light
live in lightness
not take things so seriously
we truly start living.

After all the sun will rise
& set in its own course,
life will flow in the river of time, why not think of living it
cruising along knowing
nothing lasts forever.

©Savvy Raj

Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

One thought on “Be light

  1. “Nothing Lasts Forever”
    What A Beautiful Gift the

    LiGHT of Change ReaLiTY BRinGS

    Dear Savvy Neither Death Or Birth Takes

    A Holiday

    Every Breath

    A New Birth oF LiGHT

    Our Dead Dust Replaced

    By LiVinG SKiN Oh the Beauty of Change

    Opportunity For A New Birth Every Breath oF LiGHT


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