Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

Universe Knows


Whenever confounded with life challenges after initial emotional reactions which are only human, it helps me to flow into this thought…

I wrote this for me, but I feel it needs to be shared as it has helped me.

Whenever you are feeling a need for a little self assurance in trust:

Feel free to read this…

Universe knows
When to give
When to get
What to do
When to do
How to make
Where to make
Who to share
Where to share
Trust the power
That created you.

©Savvy Raj

Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

5 thoughts on “Universe Knows

  1. So Many Years Aeons Eons Billions of Years of Experience

    UNiVerSe LiVEs Within Dear Savvy Inside Outside

    Above So Below

    All Around

    UniVerSe All
    KNoWinG ThiS WaY
    At Least as Far As We
    KNoW Sense And Feel For Real

    Manual/Womanual All Built In Now God Yes

    Born On Date Naked Enough Whole New Yes

    Complete Mysteries All Ours to Uncover Yes

    From Our Ancestors Molecules and Atoms of

    Other Star Systems Iron Flowing in Our Blood

    Originating From Gaseous Star Dust Exploding

    From Crucible Fire Star Death Super Nova Explosions

    Yes Iron at Core of Mother EartH Trees Bringing Oxygen

    Picked Up Now By Star Flower Seed Iron in Our Blood



    God Yes

    For Every
    Breath We Take
    At Best iNHaLinG Peace
    EXHaLinG LoVE Yet of Course

    Only One Multi-Uni-Verse View

    of All that is i Am THeRE iS You

    Too as of Course You Help me

    Uncover All the Mysteries

    of Existence Still


    Evolving God Yes

    For Real Now Full Of Awe
    And Wonder New Dear Savvy



    Liked by 2 people

  2. So well said.. it’s us who misjudged but the universe had always been the same kind and expressing the value of time.

    Liked by 3 people

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