Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

10 Simple tips to creating a healthy lifestyle


10 Simple tips to creating a healthy lifestyle.

1. Wake up up earlier than usual and create a daily habit for some time for yourself.

2.Energize by some simple movements be it walking outdoors taking in fresh air, exercising, dancing, meditation or even mindful breathing. Movement routines create balance for your well being.

3. Stay healthy and hydrated through the day. Eat natural wholesome & nourishing breakfast, to kick start the day. Your body will thank you, if you can eat less processed food and avoid junk food.

4. Spending some quality time with loved ones, family & friends helps bond together, it also significantly boosts mental health and emotional well being.

5. Visualization helps set a plan for your day no matter how erratic. And if you have any challenges upcoming in your day, go ahead and work on toughest first, avoid procrastinating.

6. Enjoy a good night’s sleep to wake up fresh. Avoid staying awake and sleep deprivation, it creates health issues. Work well in the day & sleep well at night. It will make you feel better and active throughout the day.

7 Play and hear some good music everyday. Exercise your vocal chords. Learn to sing if you haven’t already. It can profoundly alter your emotions and feelings for the better.

8. Choose a positive attitude in life, it is a game changer for life . Choose to mirror your positive self and actions. Think of life in plusses.

9. Create your own ‘Bucket of Joy’ list and enjoy ticking it off when done with a heartfelt smile and a happy song on your lips.

10. And remember to action on what you promise to do. For ‘Actions speaks louder than words.’

As a Dance Coach I have often had the privilege of being a ‘Life coach’ to my students over the years. For health & wellness is about body mind and spirit integration. To dance well and play well you need health and wellness.

These are all simple steps for one and all to take all through life.

So go ahead and make time for things you love…

Take a step and create your healthy & happy life, your way✨

©Savvy Raj

Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

6 thoughts on “10 Simple tips to creating a healthy lifestyle

  1. SMiLes Dear Savvy All Great And Really Mostly Easy
    Basic Rules For Healthy Habits to Live And For me at

    Least the Most Challenging
    One Now Versus Working

    Decades Not Catching
    Up on All i Didn’t Wanna

    Have to Do to Get Some
    Sleep Tossing and Turning
    Over All the Daily Stress is Now

    THere is So Much i Love to Do there
    Are Days Getting Enough Sleep takes

    Last Place
    Even Though
    It is Integral to All
    i Wanna Do the Next Day

    In the Flow Time Disappears
    Then It’s 3 AM 4 AM 5 AM

    Where 6 AM Becomes

    The LiGHT Of Day

    And Night May

    Just Go Away

    6 Minutes to 3 AM Now

    i’ll Try to Make 4 AM to

    Pillow Sing

    With SMiLes
    Snoozing Dreams
    Another Day NoW iN
    Life Coming to LiGHT..:)

    Liked by 2 people

  2. It’s the early awake… that’s hard

    Liked by 3 people

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