Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

Sail on with a hope filled heart…


Image credits Social Media

Sail on with a hope filled  heart…

A new journey you are ready to start.

You have danced a countless steps to the tunes of life,

You have chosen to see beyond the strife.

Dare a new morning dear one …

Move on, as the past is over and done.

Watch the sky as a sign from above

How relentlessly and hopefully it brings forth the now.

How it regales us with a myriad hues,

What a divine brush  painting those magical views.

Take cues from it as it carries on …

Constantly changing in every moment.

Across the horizon rests a whole new world.

Awaiting your arrival with joy to behold.


It seeks nothing from you, neither your past glories

Nor bothers about your many untold stories.

It asks you to simply move on from any past torment

As you step into this new moment.

Sail on dear one, with a heart filled with wonder

A new shore awaits, just across the yonder !

 This is one of my photo inspired poem, the picture above denotes the let go as you move on, for to cling to the past scenarios simply delays the visibility of the the new views in the offing … Trust all that you are and sail on! ‘


Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

2 thoughts on “Sail on with a hope filled heart…

  1. Hope BRinginG Faith
    FLoWinG LoVinG ALL
    Believing Faith BREaTHiNG


    Savvy Free..:)


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