Savvy Raj

Live Life Lovingly!

Take nothing for granted


Take nothing for granted

There is always a reason

For things to be, where they are

As they are, however they are…

Let your heart be ever grateful

For things that you have in this now.

And for that which passed you by…

All is well …in this now.

Stay thankful

And take nothing for granted!


Author: Savvy Raj

Dance Educator, Writer, Artist, Designer, Wellness Mentor & Consultant

4 thoughts on “Take nothing for granted

  1. As I have received touch
    As there are many blessings
    As fullness reigns

    As lips have touched my forehead
    As arms have held me tight
    As love has passed between

    I am what I have become
    I trespass no man
    Leave beyond today in tomorrows hands

    Caress’s may be
    Mind locked with mind
    Lay in trust, love in hope

    I see
    I hear
    I do

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Every Petal
    A New Falling
    Flower To Cherish Now🍃


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